[求助] 死亡战斗模式的插件
我的服务器总有人不积极,所有想装个插件,把游戏设置成死亡模式,包炸了,CT都得死,包没炸则T全体阵亡,希望高手帮忙做一个,谢谢啦!!! 为什么在2000下,用了AMX后就刷不出服务器呢? 1.如何设置循环判断,用什么参数作为判断条件,是不是象war3那样直接装上就可以了2.如何活动每局的胜利信息从而判断任务的完成情况 team_objectives.amx ;杀死败者组存活者 谢谢啊!可以提供sma文件吗?想学习一下 再求此插件源码,交流、学习一下。 /* AMX Mod script.
* (c) Copyright 2002-2003, OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
* Slay losing team when:
* o CT defuse the bomb (de_ map)
* o CT save the target (de_ map)
* o T destroy the target (de_ map)
* o CT rescue hostage (cs_ map)
* o T prevent from hostage rescue (cs_ map)
#include <amxmod>
public plugin_init(){
register_plugin("Team Objectives","0.9","default")
public delayslay(){
new param
new len = read_data(2,param,31)
set_task(1.0,"slaylosers",0,param, len + 1)
public slaylosers(param[]) {
new players, playersnum
get_players(players,playersnum,"ea",(param == 't') ? "CT" : "TERRORIST" )
for(new a = 0; a < playersnum; ++a)
if (playersnum)
client_print(0,print_center,"Killing losing team!!!")
} 谢谢