CS 1.6 稳定运行amxx的一点心得
尽量运行 for amxx 插件, 尽量运行稳定版本的插件,没有必要的插件就不要加入.
用HLDS建服务器的,就用官方的 amxx 0.16 Steam 版本就可以了(不要用0.20 ALPHA,会有很多问题的),我用这个版本,加上自己汉化的魔兽插件 ,say menu,votemenu,anticamper插件 以及 弹道插件, 稳定运行 15小时(2738版本,浩方上建的 连接人数432, 12人服务器)
但是如果你是在浩方上建立listen server,(就是建服的时侯你也玩), 尤其是 2738版本, 就需要用 amxx 0.20 ALPHA版本的 amxx_mm.dll 替换 0.1.6版本的dll .否则,你可能进都进不去.(不过这一问题,作者说在0.20正式版本中会解决的)
我平时在浩方用的就是amxx 0.20 ALPHA,很稳定的,没出现过死机报错(其实很大程度上0.20a 就是为了listen server问题推出的, hlds建服务器的不要用,会有问题的)
另外 MetamodX 要用最新的 v1.17X3
附件里面就是 amxx 0.20ALPHA ,MetamodX v1.17X3 我也没发现过问题。
代码也简练。 感谢,我去 :2: 试试看 我用的插件都是AMXX专用版的。 amxx 现在的稳定性真的不错了!
期待amxx 0.2的推出......... 还是不稳定,出错以前的信息如下:
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped Wolf from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped scout from server
Reason:Error verifying STEAM UserID Ticket(server was
unable to contact the authentication server, 35).
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on (2)Www.Esai.Cn
Dropped lovemiss from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped lovemiss from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped we!we!_<sky> from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped lovemiss from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped tiantangniao from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on netchan->message
WARNING: reliable overflow for (2)Www.Esai.Cn
Dropped (2)Www.Esai.Cn from server
Reason:Reliable channel overflowed
Dropped Wolf from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped zhangzhi from server
Reason:Client sent 'drop'
Dropped PerfecT from server
Reason:Client sent 'drop'
Dropped DonG from server
Reason:Client sent 'drop'
Dropped -=GHSH=- from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped xingjiang008 from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped tiantangniao from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped iiii from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped Don't Kill Me from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped neo from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped gdf from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped tiantangniao from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation"
Dropped CSER from server
Reason:Kicked :"Dropped due to slot reservation" 呵呵。是进不去人呀?
把amx.cfg防到amxx目录里看看。 Dropped due to slot reservation
将 amxx.cfg其中的内容修改为:
// Amount of reserved slots (for more details see comments in a plugin source)
amx_reservation 0
缺省预留2个管理员通道的.(amx_reservation 2)
就是说, 建16人服务器, 最多能进来14个非管理员身份的玩家.多了就会被自动kicked
将其修改为 0,就是不预留. 或者干脆禁用这个插件
;adminslots.amx ; slot reservation OP通道我明白,只是请大侠们看看这个
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on netchan->message
WARNING: reliable overflow for (2)Www.Esai.Cn
Dropped (2)Www.Esai.Cn from server amxx不错,至少还有一个没有死亡的开发团队。实在没理由还用amxmod了。