cm_tkr_options "ndes" // See the manual for details
cm_autoban 3 // How many TK's on a map before the server bans a player
cm_autoban_period 15 // How long, in minutes, to ban a TK'er
cm_tkr_taequalstk 30 // Specifies the number of team attacks that equals a tk
cm_tkr_slapto 10 // The amount of health a person is slapped to when cm_tkr_options c is specified
cm_tkr_notwithin 10 // Specify the seconds from round start, a team attack results in death
cm_tkr_maxta 10 // Specify the max ta's in a round before shooter is slain
cm_tkr_slaptaamt 1 // Specify the the amount of damage done by slap as a result of a team attack
cm_tkr_glowcolor green // The color a person is set to glow when cm_tkr_options d is active
cm_tkr_burycolor green // The color a person is set to glow when cm_tkr_options f is active