关注一下里面的clantags.cfg文件,里面的英文解释已经说得很清楚了。# This file contains all the clan tag markings.
# Format:
# 1 pair of tags per line seperated by at least one space or tab.
# <lt><rt>
# <lt> & <rt> = the left and right sides of the clantag (IE: "[ ]")
# If you don't want a L or R tag put the word 'none' in place for that tag
# (IE: "none |" = clan|playername)
# = specifies if the tag can be positioned on the left or right of the
# playername. You can specify both 'lr' to indicate the tag can be found on
# either side. Or just one or the other: 'l', or 'r'.
# If nothing is specified, 'l' for left is assumed.
# The LEFT side is always checked BEFORE the RIGHT, if 'lr' is specified.
# NOTE: if you add your own tags, its recommended that more 'complex' tags
# go closer to the top. Otherwise a player might be tagged as being in a
# different clan then they should of been. (the more characters in the
# tag, the more complex it is)
$comments = " # change comment character so '#' doesn't conflict with stuff below
none |* l
-=[ ]=- l
[ ]=- r
-=[ ] l
:+: :+: lr
[ ] lr
( ) lr
{ } lr
: : lr
= = lr
> < lr
< > lr
# # lr
** ** lr
* * lr
{ } lr
_ _ lr
- - lr
\ \ lr
~ ~ lr
| | lr
. . lr
/ / lr
none . l
. none r
none * l
* none r
none _ l
_ none r
none | l
| none r
none / l
/ none r
none \ l
\ none r
enjoy! COOL。 嘿嘿
谢啦 :P:P:P
那个东东太好用了,我用一个是service,一个是depend on that service。哈哈!!