0pod0 发表于 2005-1-11 23:38:08



大馒头 发表于 2005-1-12 03:14:53



lhbwhy 发表于 2005-1-12 09:41:29


0pod0 发表于 2005-1-17 18:38:11


人本自由 发表于 2005-1-18 09:22:36

amx_godmode #userID 1                  让某个玩家无敌,但是每局必须输入
amx_godmode @CT 1   所有警察无敌
amx_godmode @TERRIST 1所有匪徒无敌
好像没有所有人无敌 那样怎么玩 寒

0pod0 发表于 2005-1-18 13:24:33


0pod0 发表于 2005-1-18 13:34:43


人本自由 发表于 2005-1-19 10:15:33

下载 admin_alllinone.amxx

人本自由 发表于 2005-1-19 10:19:19


Modification: Counter-Strike Category: Fun Stuff Overall Score: 4.54 Approver: BAILOPAN(60)
Sorry, you must be logged in to rate.
AMXX Donor

Joined: 05 Mar 2004
Location: Everett, WA
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:06 pm    Post subject: Admin All in One Commands (by: AMX(x) Community)   


This plugin requires the following modules enabled


/* AMXX Mod script.
* (c) Copyright 2004, maintianed by BigBaller
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
* Changelog:
*    v1.0 -- Initial build (14 in one)
*   v1.1 -- Made AMXX Compatible
*   v1.2 -- Fixed Money Command by Using DarkMoney plugin instead.
*            Also made everything instead of
*    v1.3 -- Added f117bomb's NoClip and Stack Plugins
*    v1.4 -- Added Steam Weapon support thanks to Kingpin on AMXX Forums!
*            Also fixed amx_armor to allow admins to give themselfs armor! Thanks to GIR on AMXX Forums for pointing this out!
*    v1.5 -- Added #define USING_STEAM in the header. WON users only have to comment this line instead of searching the plugin.
*            Reorganized plugin, moved plugin_init() to the top of the plugin and moved around the body.
*            Added information, based on amx_show_activity cvar, gravity and rocket will now display admin actions.
*             Added a gag plugin per request, very simple and based off tcquest78's code.
*            Removed the description and examples of the commands from the plugin, uses a URL for information instead.
*    v1.5.1Bug fix, due to reorganization amx_fire command didnt work, that has been fixed.
*    v1.6 -- Created a sv_alltalk plugin like that of the amx_gravity. Added log_amx to all the plugins.
*            This is to help combat "abusive admins".
*             For command information and examples please read this post
*             http://www.amxmodx.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=602
* ---------------
* (in order of how they are placed in plugin)
* -) ADMIN HEAL v0.9.3 by f117bomb
* -) ADMIN ARMOR v1 by Rav
* -) ADMIN GODEMODE v0.9.3 by f117bomb
* -) ADMIN NO CLIP v0.9.3 by f117bomb
* -) ADMIN TELEPORT v0.9.3 by f117bomb
* -) ADMIN STACK v0.9.3 by f117bomb
* -) GIVING CLIENT WEAPONS v0.8.4 by {W`C} Bludy
* -) DARK MONEY 1.0 by DarkShadowST
* -) ADMIN ALLTALK 1.0 by BigBaller
* -) ADMIN GAG 1.0 by tcquest78
* -) ADMIN GRAVITY v0.2 by JustinHoMi
* -) ADMIN GLOW v0.9.3 by f117bomb
* -) ADMIN BURY v0.9.3 by f117bomb
* -) ADMIN DISARM v1.1 by mike_cao
* -) AMX UBER SLAP v0.9.3 by BarMan (Skullz.NET)
* -) ADMIN SLAY 2 v0.9.2 by f117bomb
* -) ADMIN FIRE v1.0.0 by f117bomb
* -) ADMIN ROCKET v1.3 by f117bomb

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fun>

#define USING_STEAM 1 // comment this line if your using WON CS 1.5

Commands list and help!

amx_armor <authid or nick> <amount> -- gives Armor (max. 100)

amx_bury <authid, nick, @team or #userid> -- burys Player (can't move + has only knife)
amx_unbury <authid, nick, @team or #userid> -- unburys player

amx_disarm <authid, nick, @team or #userid> -- disarms player; It teleports them offscreen, removes their weapons, and teleports them back.

amx_fire <authid, nick or #userid> -- Sets a player on fire with effects. Users can catch others on fire by standing next to them.

amx_glow <authid, nick, @team or #userid> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha> -- Examples: amx_glow @CT 100 100 100 20
amx_glow Tom 0 0 0 255 - removes glowing

amx_godmode <authid, nick, @team or #userid> <0=OFF 1=ON> -- sets godmode on a player

amx_heal <authid, nick, @team or #userid> <life to give> -- gives health

amx_rocket <authid, nick, @team or #userid> -- Makes user turn into a rocket and explode in the air with visual effects

amx_slay2 <authid, nick, @team or #userid> -- slays with FX

amx_teleport <authid, nick, or #userid> -- Teleports to stored location or x y z
amx_userorigin <authid, nick, or #userid> -- Prints and stores x y z of player

amx_userorigin player -- Stores Players location
amx_teleport player2 -- Teleport Player2 to Players location
amx_teleport player 100 120 500 -Teleports Player to 100 120 500

amx_uberslap <authid, nick, or #userid> -- Slaps user 100 times 1HP at a time.

amx_weapon <part of nick> or <@ team> <weapon to give>
Note: For <weapon to give> you enter the buy menu numbers
Also note that the client does not drop his current weapon
and can hold more then 1 primary (unless using shield, that may cause bugs and possibly server crashes) and secondary weapon

Giving user M4: amx_weapon < part of nick > or < @ team > and <weapon #> m4a1 = #43

For a list of weapon numbers (at the current moment) please read
If you are using STEAM, famas = 40, galil = 49 and shield = 87

amx_givemoney <authid, #userid or name> <ammount> - gives ammount of money
amx_takemoney <authid, #userid or name> <ammount> - takes money (Admins with immunity unffected.)

amx_gravity <value> -- sets gravity sv_gravity cvar. Players can also say /gravity to see what the current gravity is set at.

amx_alltalk <value> -- quick way to set the sv_alltalk value.

amx_stack <authid, nick or #userid> -- Places all players on another person, vertical, horizontal or both

amx_noclip <authid, nick, @team or #userid> <0=OFF 1=ON> -- Gives a player no clip ablities.

amx_gag <authid, nick or #userid> <a|b> -- A = Gobal Chat | B = Team Chat -- Restricts use of in game chatting by a player for the time defined by admin.
amx_ungag <authid, nick or #userid> -- Removes the gag and allows player(s) to chat again

amx_fire BigBall -- Sets player "BigBall" or "BigBaller" on Fire
amx_disarm @CT -- Disarms all CT
amx_godmode @T -- sets godmode for all Terrorists


- Allow use of weapon names instead of numbers.


Description: Here it is! Be sure to remove STEAM weapon support and recompile if you want to use on CS 1.5 servers!

Filesize:50.98 KB
Get Plugin
Downloaded:12409 Time(s)


人本自由 发表于 2005-1-19 11:23:36

看帖不回 :35::77:
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查看完整版本: AMXX下的GODMODE插件没有了