【注意】让BF2 Demo版变成完全版的工具:BF2CC[2005-7-21]
看似没有意义,因为大家都有BF2 DVD版了,但老闪说过,BF2 Demo可以在mx440显卡下运行,是否将BF2 Demo变成完全版后,依然能在mx440下运行呢?原意的可以测试一下这个工具。据介绍,它能令BF2 Demo玩到BF2正式版的所有地图。
This version of the Battlefield 2™ Command & Control Client (BF2CC) is designed to work with the Battlefield 2 Demo version 1.0 Build 2446.12. The BF2CC client will only connect directly to the Remote Console (R-Con) of the BF2 dedicated server. A BF2CC/BF2CCDaemon (Client/Server) version will be released with the launch of BF2. 同时也需要服务器端安装一些补丁:
回复: 【注意】让BF2 Demo版变成完全版的工具:BF2CC[2005-7-21]
BoeZombie 能说说bf2cc的使用吗?不会用真郁闷。回复: 【注意】让BF2 Demo版变成完全版的工具:BF2CC[2005-7-21]
要不翻译一下这段话也行,呵呵不知道什么意思。BF2CC - ModManager Python Script Installation Procedure:
R-Con Only Users:
Download and Extract the ModManager.zip Scripts into the root path of your BF2 dedicated server install. This is C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2 Server\ by default. Your path may be different.
Open up the \Battlefield 2 Server\Mods\BF2\Settings\ModManager.con file using Wordpad or Notepad.
Find and edit the following R-Con settings:
mm_rcon.rconIp ""
mm_rcon.rconPassword "password"
mm_rcon.rconPort 6711
Specify your IP, Password and Port. This Rcon port must be open for TCP traffic through your firewall. Specifying an IP of will bind to ALL IP's on that computer. You can't use if you are running multiple BF2 servers on that computer.
Make sure that you are telling your BF2 server to use the ModManager scripts instead of the default admin scripts. If you are using the EA Server Launcher you can set the AdminScript setting to ModManager. If you are launching the server manually (or other method), you will need to make sure your ServerSettings.con file has the following setting:
sv.adminScript "modmanager"
Launch your BF2 server OR Reset the Server if it was already running.
You should be able to connect to the R-con now using the BF2CC client. If you are having connection issues you can test your Rcon by following these instructions.
R-Con Only users can use ModManager to perform auto-administration tasks on their server. Please read the ModManager.txt file inside the ModManager.zip file for more info.
Daemon Users:
Extract the ModManager.zip Scripts into the root path of your BF2 dedicated server install. This is C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2 Server\ by default. Your path may be different.
Daemon Users do NOT need to modify any files. The Daemon will automatically edit the ModManager.con files with the appropriate R-Con settings when the Daemon launches your BF2 server.
The ModManager.con file that are included with the ModManager scripts (which ship inside of the Daemon files) are automatically setup to DISABLE the auto-admin features of ModManager. This is because it is easier to use the Auto-Admin features built into the Daemon and controlled through the client GUI. If you want to ensure that your ModManager.con file has MM Auto-Admin features disabled, you should edit the following settings inside your ModManger.con file.
mm_kicker.idleLimit 0
mm_kicker.maxPing 0
mm_kicker.enableChatChecks 0
回复: 【注意】让BF2 Demo版变成完全版的工具:BF2CC[2005-7-21]
已经会用了。谢谢点通。点通让我少走了很多弯路回复: 【注意】让BF2 Demo版变成完全版的工具:BF2CC[2005-7-21]
zhaoqian2...........................回复: 【注意】让BF2 Demo版变成完全版的工具:BF2CC[2005-7-21]