我现在只要用管理员的名字进入游戏,就会被游戏踢出来。看了一下论坛的其它文章,说是权限的分配问题。但我始终找不着贴子。大家能不能帮帮我?或者告诉我解决方法吧。谢谢啦.... 我现在不用管理员的名字也被踢出来可以把你的clanmod打个包发给我吗? senith@163.com 去宝哥的网站上查找文章,有一篇详细的说明了这个问题。我就是把宝哥的clanmod.cfg里的内容和默认的clanmod.cfg的内容相对照才解决了这个问题。
祝好运! 上面的兄弟,能不能把你的clanmod.cfg贴出来看看呢? 好想不是的,我现在单独用clanmod就可以! 最初由 jadesun 发表
cm_admin.cfg你可以贴出来让宝哥帮你看看,或者你去宝哥的论坛找,肯定有的 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Flags for Permissions & Levels of Admins
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Access to the Slap Menu
// B Access to the Ban Menu- Temporary Time Bans
// C Ability to send colored Admin Chat messages (set by cvar cm_chatflag)
// D Access to the Cancel Vote Menu
// E Access to the Client-Commands Menu
// J Access to clanmodmenu2
// K Access to the Kick Menu
// M Access to the Changelevel Menu
// O Operator level
// P Access to the Ban Menu - Permanent Ban
// Q Access to the "Exit", "More" and "Back..." positions in ClanMod Menu
// R Access to the Record Demo Menu and the Snapshot Menu
// S Access to the Settings Menu
// T Access to the Teleport Menu
// U Access to the Unban Menu
// V Access to the Votemap and Votekick Menus. Ability to close vote session
// W Access to Play Sounds with Say and Menu
// X Custom level (for Custom and Client Commands)
// Y Custom level (for Custom and Client Commands)
// Z Custom level (for Custom and Client Commands)
// b Kicks player no matter what password is given (used for unwanted names)
// f Give level and flags to the player, but don't mark him as an admin
// k Admin can not be kicked
// l Do not logout if name or password has changed
// o Operator, can kick everyone
// r Has a reservation in the server's freeslots
// s Kick the player if a bad password was given
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Admins
// Format cm_admin "nick, IP, or WONID" "password" "level+flags" "description"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3 Examples Below (By Name, IP, WONID (recomended), and by STEAM ID):
// cm_admin "Barney" "password" "ABCDEKMOPQRSTUVWklors" "Barney"
// cm_admin "" "password" "ABCDEKMOPQRSTUVWklors" "Barney"
// cm_admin "293107" "password" "ABCDEKMOPQRSTUVWklors" "IPwn"
// cm_admin "STEAM_01234:567890" "password" "ABCDEKMOPQRSTUVWklors" "AdminName"
//服务器管理员的"ID" "密码" "权限" "备注"
cm_admin "jadesun" "12345" "ABCDEKMOPQRSTUVWklors" "Administer"
cm_admin "Lao Dou" "nick4uadmin" "ABCDEKMOPQRSTUVWklors" "Administer"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public "Admin" - Allows Basic Information Menu
// When a player uses "clanmodmenu" or "say menu"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
cm_admin "*" "*" "Jf"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Names & Tags Not Wanted on Server
// Un-comment these lines if you would like these names blocked on your server
// Also use them as examples to block more unwanted names
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cm_admin "*g0t*" "fakepassword" "bf" //will stop most myg0t players
// cm_admin "Player" "fakepassword" "bf"
// cm_admin "Player*" "fakepassword" "bf"
// cm_admin "Disabled""fakepassword" "bf"
// cm_admin "Disabled*" "fakepassword" "bf"
// cm_admin "unnamed" "fakepassword" "bf"
// cm_admin "unnamed*""fakepassword" "bf"
//cm_admin "jadesun" "12345" "ABCDEKMOPQRSTUVWklors" "SP_Administer" 还是要靠自己!