回复: 怎么关闭插件的彩色字体
使用amx_statscfg来控制。 :)回复: 怎么关闭插件的彩色字体
帮顶了同问 :D:D
回复: 怎么关闭插件的彩色字体
怎么关,能再说详细些么。谢谢大家了。回复: 怎么关闭插件的彩色字体
; 由 Stats 配置插件生成. 请不要修改!; VariableDescription
KillerChat ;Show killer hp&ap
ShowAttackers ;Show Attackers
ShowVictims ;Show Victims
ShowKiller ;显示杀人者
ShowTeamScore ;Show Team Score
ShowTotalStats ;Show Total Stats
ShowBestScore ;Show Best Score
ShowMostDisruptive ;Show Most Disruptive
ShowStats ;客户端数据显示开关
ShowDistHS ;Dist&HS in HUD lists
EndPlayer ;Stats at the end of map
EndTop15 ;Top15 at the end of map
SayHP ;Say /hp
SayStatsMe ;Say /statsme
SayRankStats ;Say /rankstats
SayMe ;Say /me
SayRank ;Say /rank
SayReport ;Say /report
SayScore ;Say /score
SayTop15 ;Say /top15
SayStatsAll ;Say /stats
SayMiscFunc ;Misc say commands
SpecRankInfo ;Spec. Rank Info
MultiKill ;杀人等级(爆头数)
MultiKillSound ;MultiKillSound
BombPlanting ;C4埋放过程
BombDefusing ;C4拆解过程
BombPlanted ;C4被放置
BombDefused ;C4被成功拆解
BombFailed ;C4拆解失败
BombPickUp ;拿到C4
BombDrop ;C4掉落
BombCountVoice ;C4倒计时
BombCountDef ;C4倒计时(拆解时)
BombReached ;到达埋雷点
BombReward ;C4事件奖励
ItalyBonusKill ;Italy其他事件
LastMan ;最后一人
KnifeKill ;用刀杀死
KnifeKillSound ;用刀杀死声效
KnifeKillReward ;用刀杀死奖励
GrenadeKill ;手雷杀死
GrenadeSuicide ;用手雷自杀
HeadShotKill ;爆头杀死
HeadShotKillSound ;爆头杀死声效
RoundCounter ;局数显示
RoundCounterSound ;局数声效
KillingStreak ;杀人技能(真能杀)
KillingStreakSound ;杀人技能声效
EnemyRemaining ;敌人剩余
DoubleKill ;双杀
DoubleKillSound ;双杀声效
KillSeries ;连续杀人
KillSeriesReward ;连续杀人奖励
FirstBloodSound ;第一个杀人
PlayerName ;Player Name