shouhu99 发表于 2006-2-13 17:18:03




AvRiL*Se 发表于 2006-2-19 20:51:46

回复: 有没有这种“注册插件”?


WeeVee 发表于 2006-2-19 21:22:05

回复: 有没有这种“注册插件”?

嘿嘿~波知道~ :p

HOLD-king 发表于 2006-3-1 18:17:32

回复: 有没有这种“注册插件”?



ahcat 发表于 2006-3-5 23:55:55

回复: 有没有这种“注册插件”?


hhjin 发表于 2006-3-18 04:01:02

回复: 有没有这种“注册插件”?


User registration plugin - Version 1.24
-Changes users names if
    # not logged in
    # uses a blocked name (support for exceptions)
-Option to gag users that are not logged in (gag say, say_team and voice comm)
** voice comm gag untested **
-Authentication via 3 systems
    # Name and password
    # Steam ID
    # IP
-1 account per Steam ID / IP (only if Steam ID / IP authentication is used)
-uses a variable in 'setinfo' to store password / Steam ID / IP
-For email registration in game register and unregister is disabled
-PHP registration form available

-engine module (used for voice mute)

Main Functions
Register, Unregister, Login functions have different syntax depending on authentication type

    reg <name> <pass>       Register a name (Name/Password authentication)
    reg <name>            Register a name (Steam ID / IP authentication)
    ureg <name> <pass>      Unregister (Name/Password authentication)
    ureg                  Unregister (Steam ID / IP authentication)
    login <name> <pass>   Login (Name/Password authentication)
    login                   Login (Steam ID / IP authentication)
    logout                  Logout of account
    userReghelp             Help screen

Admin Functions
    adreg <user> <pass>      Register a user. <pass> may be password / Steam ID / IP
    adureg <name>            Unregister user via name
    aduregID <id>            Unregister user via Steam ID / IP
    addblock <word>          Add word to block list
    delblock <word>          Remove word to block list

    amx_registerLogin      if set auto logs user in after registration of name

    punishments for not loggin in
    amx_punishGag            gag chat
      -1 - no gag
         0 - gag say and team say
         1 - gag say
         2 - gag team say
    amx_punishGagVoice      gag voice communication
      0 - no gag
      1 - gag set

      1 - displays a lot of messages continually

v 1.24Changed behavour of msgOverload slightly and fixed bug where logged in users logouts and does not get any msgOverload
      Added md5 hashing of passwords, and thus changed table layout for email activation      
v 1.23Added a few fixes and changed the working of the plugin so that as long as user isnt registered, name will be
v 1.22Added plugin_modules() as suggested by devicenull :)

ru1 发表于 2006-3-30 20:17:53

回复: 有没有这种“注册插件”?

貌似有些服务器都是限制ID 进入的
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