show killer hp&ap
show attackers
show victime
show killer
show team score
show total stats
show best score
show most disruptive
hud-stats default
dist&hs in hud lists
stats at the end of map
top 15 at the end of map
say /hp
say /statsme
say /rankstats
say /me
sa /rank
say /report
say /score
say /top15
say /seats
spec.rank lnfo
bomb planting
bomb defusing
bomb planted
bomb defuse succ
bomb def.failure
bomb pickup
bomb drop
bomb count down
bomb count down(def)
bomb sitereached
ltal bonus kill
last man
kinife kill
knife kill sound
grenade kill
grenade suilide
headshot kill
head shot kill sound
round counter
round counter sound
rilling streak
rilling streak sound
enemy remaining
double rill
double kill sound
player name
first blood sound
回复: 怎么编译amx_statscfgmenu命令中的这些英文?
自己顶,去洗个澡先,一会再来。回复: 怎么编译amx_statscfgmenu命令中的这些英文?
那个文件应该是这个形式的,你怎么只有后半部分?;Generated by Stats Configuration Plugin. Do not modify!
BombCountVoice ;Bomb Count Down
BombCountDef ;Bomb Count Down (def)
RoundCounter ;Round Counter
RoundCounterSound ;Round Counter Sound
SayHP ;Say /hp
SayStatsAll ;Say /stats
SayTop15 ;Say /top15
SayRank ;Say /rank
SayStatsMe ;Say /statsme
回复: 怎么编译amx_statscfgmenu命令中的这些英文?
;Generated by Stats Configuration Plugin. Do not modify!
;Variable Description
KillerChat ;Show killer hp&ap
ShowAttackers ;Show Attackers
ShowVictims ;Show Victims
ShowKiller ;Show killer
ShowBestScore ;Show Best Score
EndTop15 ;Top15 at the end of map
SayHP ;Say /hp
SayStatsMe ;Say /statsme
SayRankStats ;Say /rankstats
SayMe ;Say /me
SayRank ;Say /rank
SayReport ;Say /report
SayScore ;Say /score
SayTop15 ;Say /top15
SayStatsAll ;Say /stats
MultiKill ;MultiKill
MultiKillSound ;MultiKillSound
BombPlanted ;Bomb Planted
BombCountVoice ;Bomb Count Down
BombCountDef ;Bomb Count Down (def)
ItalyBonusKill ;Italy Bonus Kill
LastMan ;Last Man
KnifeKill ;Knife Kill
KnifeKillSound ;Knife Kill Sound
GrenadeKill ;Grenade Kill
GrenadeSuicide ;Grenade Suicide
HeadShotKill ;HeadShot Kill
HeadShotKillSound ;HeadShot Kill Sound
RoundCounter ;Round Counter
RoundCounterSound ;Round Counter Sound
KillingStreak ;Killing Streak
KillingStreakSound ;Killing Streak Sound
EnemyRemaining ;Enemy Remaining
DoubleKill ;Double Kill
DoubleKillSound ;Double Kill Sound
FirstBloodSound ;First Blood Sound