cityhonghu 发表于 2008-6-2 20:41:09




谢谢 !


/* AMX Mod X script.
* (c) 2003, OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
* Set you server max_players to 1 above the desirered value (ie. 21 or 33).
* Query programs will see max_players -1 as max. Admins with reservation
* can connect when there is 20/20 and player with worst ping or least play time
* will be kicked.
* Cvar:
* amx_reservation <value>
* 1 - Kicks the Player with shortest playing time when an admin connects to a full server.
* 2 - Kick the Player with the highest ping when an admin connects to a full server.

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

// Comment if you don't want to hide true max_players

public plugin_init()
        register_plugin("Slots Reservation","0.9.7","f117bomb")
        #if defined HIDE_RESERVEDSLOTS
        set_cvar_num( "sv_visiblemaxplayers" , get_maxplayers() - 1 )

public client_authorized(id) {

        new maxplayers = get_maxplayers()
        new players = get_playersnum( 1 )
        new limit = maxplayers - 1
        new resType = get_cvar_num( "amx_reservation" )
        new who
        if ( players > limit ) //21/20
                if ( get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_RESERVATION )
                        switch(resType) {   
                                case 1:
                                        who = kickFresh()
                                case 2:
                                        who = kickLag()
                                new name
                                   get_user_name( who, name , 31 )
                                   client_cmd(id,"echo ^"* %s was kicked to free this slot^"" ,name )
                        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

                if ( is_user_bot(id) )
                        server_cmd("kick #%d", get_user_userid(id))
                        client_cmd(id,"echo ^"Server is Full.^";disconnect")
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED // block connect in other plugins (especially in consgreet)       
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

kickLag() {
        new who = 0, ping, loss, worst = -1
        new maxplayers = get_maxplayers()
        for(new i = 1; i <= maxplayers; ++i) {
                if ( !is_user_connected(i) && !is_user_connecting(i) )
                        continue // not used slot
                if (get_user_flags(i)&ADMIN_RESERVATION)
                        continue // has reservation, skip him
                get_user_ping(i,ping,loss) // get ping
                if ( ping > worst ) {
                        worst = ping
                        who = i
                if ( is_user_bot(who) )
                        server_cmd("kick #%d", get_user_userid(who))
                        client_cmd(who,"echo ^"Dropped due to high ping to free slot for an admin^";disconnect")
        return who

kickFresh() {
        new who = 0, itime, shortest = 0x7fffffff
        new maxplayers = get_maxplayers()
        for(new i = 1; i <= maxplayers; ++i){
                if ( !is_user_connected(i) && !is_user_connecting(i) )
                        continue // not used slot
                if (get_user_flags(i)&ADMIN_RESERVATION)
                        continue // has reservation, skip him
                itime = get_user_time(i) // get user playing time with connection duration
                if ( shortest > itime ) {
                        shortest = itime
                        who = i
                if ( is_user_bot(who) )
                        server_cmd("kick #%d", get_user_userid(who))
                        client_cmd(who,"echo ^"Dropped due to shortest playing time to free slot for an admin^";disconnect")
        return who

52yz 发表于 2008-6-4 23:10:05

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