我修改了天黑插件 但是为什么天色总是不是均变
/* Daylight Changerby Downtown1* Updated and converted to AMXX 0.15(& up)
* by
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
public updatelights()
new szHours
new iHours
new szLights = "c"
get_time("%S", szHours, 2)
iHours = str_to_num(szHours)
case 1:szLights = "a"
case 2:szLights = "b"
case 3:szLights = "c"
case 4:szLights = "d"
case 5:szLights = "e"
case 6:szLights = "f"
case 7:szLights = "g"
case 8:szLights = "h"
case 9:szLights = "i"
case 10:szLights = "j"
case 11:szLights = "k"
case 12:szLights = "l"
case 13:szLights = "m"
case 14:szLights = "n"
case 15:szLights = "o"
case 16:szLights = "p"
case 17:szLights = "q"
case 18:szLights = "r"
case 19:szLights = "s"
case 20:szLights = "t"
case 21:szLights = "u"
case 22:szLights = "v"
case 23:szLights = "w"
case 24:szLights = "x"
case 25:szLights = "y"
case 26:szLights = "z"
case 27:szLights = "#OFF"
case 28:szLights = "#OFF"
case 29:szLights = "#OFF"
case 30:szLights = "#OFF"
case 31:szLights = "#OFF"
case 32:szLights = "#OFF"
case 33:szLights = "z"
case 34:szLights = "y"
case 35:szLights = "x"
case 36:szLights = "w"
case 37:szLights = "v"
case 38:szLights = "u"
case 39:szLights = "t"
case 40:szLights = "s"
case 41:szLights = "r"
case 42:szLights = "q"
case 43:szLights = "p"
case 44:szLights = "o"
case 45:szLights = "n"
case 46:szLights = "m"
case 47:szLights = "l"
case 48:szLights = "k"
case 49:szLights = "j"
case 50:szLights = "i"
case 51:szLights = "h"
case 52:szLights = "g"
case 53:szLights = "f"
case 54:szLights = "e"
case 55:szLights = "d"
case 56:szLights = "c"
case 57:szLights = "b"
default:szLights = "c"
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Daylight Changer","0.15x","(Downtown1)")
register_cvar("sv_daylight", "1" )
if (get_cvar_float("sv_daylight")==1){
set_task(0.1, "updatelights", 0, "", 0, "b")
本以为这样是均变 谁知道 有一个地方暗了一下又突然光起来 然后又暗
有一个地方是 光了一下又暗了一点 然后又光了
回复: 我修改了天黑插件 但是为什么天色总是不是均变
Post by zdzx/* Daylight Changerby Downtown1
* Updated and converted to AMXX 0.15(& up)
* by
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
public updatelights()
new szHours
new iHours
new szLights = "c"
get_time("%S", szHours, 2)
get_time("%S", szHours, 2)是每秒变化一次。
改成小时get_time("%H", szHours, 2)