KillerChat ;Show killer hp&ap
ShowAttackers ;Show Attackers
ShowVictims ;Show Victims
ShowKiller ;Show killer
ShowBestScore ;Show Best Score
EndTop15 ;Top15 at the end of map
SayHP ;Say /hp
SayStatsMe ;Say /statsme
SayRankStats ;Say /rankstats
SayMe ;Say /me
SayRank ;Say /rank
SayReport ;Say /report
SayScore ;Say /score
SayTop15 ;Say /top15
SayStatsAll ;Say /stats
MultiKill ;MultiKill
MultiKillSound ;MultiKillSound
BombPlanted ;Bomb Planted
BombCountVoice ;Bomb Count Down
BombCountDef ;Bomb Count Down (def)
ItalyBonusKill ;Italy Bonus Kill
LastMan ;Last Man
KnifeKill ;Knife Kill
KnifeKillSound ;Knife Kill Sound
GrenadeKill ;Grenade Kill
GrenadeSuicide ;Grenade Suicide
HeadShotKill ;HeadShot Kill
HeadShotKillSound ;HeadShot Kill Sound
RoundCounter ;Round Counter
RoundCounterSound ;Round Counter Sound
KillingStreak :Killing Streak
KillingStreakSound ;Killing Streak Sound
EnemyRemaining ;Enemy Remaining
DoubleKill ;Double Kill
DoubleKillSound ;Double Kill Sound
FirstBloodSound ;First Blood Sound
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