本帖最后由 yangxi2008 于 2009-2-3 14:25 编辑如果你喜欢UWC3或War3FT你绝对会喜欢WowMOD ,但永远不会成为乏味的时刻。
官方WowMOD网址: http://www.cswowmod.com/
配置文件// ***********************************************************************
// World of Warcraft Mod (WowMOD) Configuration File
// World of Warcraft Mod (WowMOD) by K2mia ( admin@uwc3.com )
// Last Modification 8-10-2007
// Main settings - Fast XP or Long term, etc
sv_wowmod_enabled 1 // Set 1 to enable WowMOD
mp_savexp 0 // Set 1 to save long term xp
mp_sql 0 // Set 1 to use AMXX dbi storage, 0 for vault
mp_sql_saveby 2 // Set 1 to save by STEAMID, 2 to save by player name
mp_sql_saveoncmdonly 0 // Set 1 to save SQL data on player commands only
// Not using this may cause additional server lag
mp_xpmultiplier 1.05 // multiplier for xp table (xp needed per level)
mp_weaponxpmodifier 1 // awards xp for various weapons
sv_wowmod 1 // set to 0 to disable the plugin
// WowMOD cvar settings
WOW_admin_flag 1048576 // Access Flag for Giving XP, Default is ADMIN_MENU
// The Custom flag values are listed below
// ADMIN_LEVEL_A = 4096
// ADMIN_LEVEL_B = 8192
// ADMIN_LEVEL_C = 16384
// ADMIN_LEVEL_D = 32768
// ADMIN_LEVEL_E = 65536
// ADMIN_LEVEL_F = 131072
// ADMIN_LEVEL_G = 262144
// ADMIN_LEVEL_H = 524288
// ADMIN_MENU = 1048576
// New CVARS unique to WowMOD
WOW_dualclass_level 30 // Level that opens up secondary class selection menu
WOW_dualclass_numspells 20 // Number of spells that can be trained from secondary class
WOW_goldforkill 20 // Gold earned from kill
WOW_goldfordmg 5 // Gold earned from kill assist
WOW_goldforbomb 30 // Gold earned from bomb plant
WOW_goldfordefuse 30 // Gold earned from bomb defuse
WOW_goldforrescue 20 // Gold earned from hostage rescue
WOW_goldforsupport 10 // Gold earned from support
WOW_goldforwin 50 // Gold earned for team victory
WOW_goldforescape 50 // Gold earned for vip escape
WOW_goldforkillvip 50 // Gold earned for killing vip
WOW_goldforassist 20 // Gold earned for team-assist spells
WOW_goldforassist2 100 // Gold earned from special team-assist spells
WOW_goldforrez 50 // Gold earned for resurrection
WOW_dmgxpbonus 1 // Set to 1 if players earn XP bonus for kill assists
WOW_classicons 1 // Set to 1 if players see class icons above teamate heads
WOW_mend_XP 100 // Bonus XP from healing
WOW_prayer_XP 200 // Bonus XP from healing prayer (team heal)
WOW_remcurse_XP 100 // Bonus XP from curse removal
WOW_gift_XP 100 // Bonus XP from Gift of the Wild
WOW_tranq_XP 100 // Bonus XP from Tranquility
WOW_assist_XP 100 // Bonus XP from other assist spells
WOW_rez_XP 200 // Bonus XP from Resurrection
WOW_badge_div 200.0 // Badge requirement divisor for fast-xp mode calculations
WOW_gold_fastxp 100 // Gold bonus multiplier for fast xp mode
WOW_blink_punish 1 // Punish for abusing Blink
// CVARS kept from UWC3
UW_medicalerts 2 // Draw medic alert sprites
UW_HEALTHBONUS 10 // Health added from heal spells
// CVARS kept from WAR3FT
FT_round_win_XP 250 // XP for the winning team
FT_bombplanterxp 200 // XP for planting the bomb
FT_defusexp 200 // XP for defusing the bomb
FT_hostagexp 200 // XP for helping to rescue the hostages
FT_killrescuemanxp 200 // XP for killing the hostage rescuer
FT_xpbonus 60 // XP for the tome of experience
FT_VIP_kill_bonus 200 // XP for killing the VIP
FT_VIP_escape_bonus 200 // XP for when the VIP escapes
FT_headshot_bonus 200 // XP for getting a headshot
FT_hostage_touch_bonus 00 // Set 1 to Give XP bonus for touching the hostage
FT_attempt_defuse_bonus 0 // Set 1 to Give XP bonus for attempting to defuse the bomb
FT_bomb_event_bonus 0 // Set 1 to Give XP bonus for bomb events
FT_VIP_spawn_bonus 0 // Set 1 to Give XP bonus for spawning as the VIP
FT_hostage_kill_xp 1 // Set 1 to remove XP for killing a hostagemessage 本帖最后由 yangxi2008 于 2009-2-3 09:08 编辑
WowMOD 安装指导
第 1 步骤. 解压 wowmod.zip 文件进入你的电脑-以HLDS基础的目录.(通常 cstrike)
wowmod.amxx 文件是以 amxx 1.7 版编译。
第 2 步骤. 把下列线之一加入你的 amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini 文件 - 我们推荐你
使用第一个版本与除错信息转在,之上因为 wowmod 是一个极大的网络设备和有可能的有
; 如果你想要除错信息打开那么增加这
; 另外增加这线到除错信息转走开
第 3 步骤. 因为 amxmodx 1.75 版或较高的组件自动装载, 为其他的版本你一定
确定下列的组件是在你的 amxmod/configs/modules.ini 文件中不批评
注意: mysql 需要是不批评即使你做不计划到使用它
你可能需要增加这为那目的你的 server.cfg 文件
管理人员 addons/amxmodx/configs/WowMOD/WowMOD.cfg
请报告任何的疯狂对 admin@cswowmod.com 或在 www.cswowmod.com 论坛。
-K2 mia
发几张图 太深奥了............. {:2_30:}{:2_31:}{:2_32:} 英文的东西没几个人想用 不懂。。。。。。。。。。 怎么没汉化啊! 看不懂啊??????? ddddddddddddd