ZP_BANK_LOAD = Balance: %d ammo pack(s) (acc: %s)
ZP_BANK_ANNOUNCE = Ammo Bank - Chat Commands: /bank - check balance; /withdraw <amount> - withdraw; /deposit <amount> - deposit^n/transfer <amount> <#userid/name/steamid> - transfer
ZP_BANK_EMPTY = Balance: your account is empty.
ZP_BANK_MAX = Balance: limit reached - %d
ZP_BANK_MAX_TARGET = Transfer: target balance reached limit of %d. Transfer changed to %d
ZP_BANK_NO_AMMO = Deposit: no ammo packs to deposit.
ZP_BANK_DEPOSIT = Deposit: %d. Current balance: %d
ZP_BANK_WITHDRAW = Withdraw: %d. Current balance: %d
ZP_BANK_SEND = Transfer: %d to account '%s'. Current balance: %d
ZP_BANK_RECEIVE = Receive: %d from player '%s'. Current balance: %d
ZP_BANK_INVALID_AMOUNT = Invalid amount given