LuCiFer Anti-Cheat--截屏和封禁硬件ID
本帖最后由 wcy3002003 于 2009-8-20 14:39 编辑俄国反作弊工具
LuCiFer Anti-Cheat
可能性的一个简单的锁定作弊(除来) 。
- lac_id -一个独特的识别所产生的计算机硬件。
附件的是LAC 0.6。最新版本是LAC 0.8,我很辛苦在个俄罗斯网站找到的,因为太大传不上,大家直接去那网站下吧。,1,1701-lac-0.8.html
The programm is designed for prevent the emergence of cheaters on a secure server. This application is a server part and designed for installation on the server. It is necessary to install MetaMod for correct working. To search SCRIPT CHEATS it is recommended to install HLGuard with configs from RealliteLabs.
Key features
-Finding cheats regardless of the time of their appearance.
-Possibility of a simple locking cheats (except come).
-Ban system based on unique identifiers.
-lac_id – a unique identifier generated by the computer hardware.
-The possibility of making screenshots and immediate despatch it to the server.
-The ability to verify checksum of the file on the client side.
-Forced display 32 bit Color Quolity on the client
-Forced checking game files on client.
Server Installing
a) You need to install MetaMod for LAC.
б) Create a LAC folder in \cstrike\addons\
в) Copy in LAC folder file LAC.dll ( for linux) and lac_crc.txt
г) Open \cstrike\addons\metamod\plugins.ini and write a line
win32 addons/LAC/LAC.dll
linux addons/LAC/
Installation complete.
Make sure the correct installation can run a server and write in console “meta list”. There should be a line in console:
[ .] LAC RUN - lac.dll v0.6b ini Start Start
Don’t forget copy lac_crc.txt. This file can very help defend your server from cheaters. This file ypu can update.
To manage LAC by admins from amxx, since version 0.4 added a plugin for amxx. Install the plugin lac.amxx to your server and admins with access to the kick will be able to control LAC from their consoles: they will be available to use - amx_lac_ban, amx_lac_unban, amx_lac_ss, amx_lac_bans, amx_lac_crc, amx_lac_cban that correspond to features lac_ban, lac_unban, lac_ss , Lac_bans, lac_crc, lac_ban have the same settings and applications. Source code plugin file is lac.sma
Web interface
Since Version 0.4 there is a possibility of displaying a list of local bans on a Webserver. Put bans.php to your webserver. Open file and if necessary change the line
$ file = "e: \ Games \ Counter - Strike \ cstrike \ addons \ LAC \ lac_ban.log";
the path of your server. I draw attention to that web statistics of bans uses lac_ban.log files (ban statistics), and the server LAC uses another file to determine how many people are banned.Any changes are made to both, so for the handles of these files better did not to change them by youself, not to make something somewhere lie.
Client Installing
Copy the file LAC.exe to the folder with the game (example "D:\Games\Counter - Strike", There should be files of the game hl.exe, hltv.exe and others)
Make a shortcut for the programm and in its properties write:
"D:\Games\Counter - Strike\LAC.exe"
(Where D:\Games\Counter - Strike the folder with game files hl.exe, hltv.exe etc.)
Write start parameters for Counter-Strike, example:
"D:\Games\Counter - Strike\LAC.exe" -game cstrike –console (You can write your ones)
Everything you need in Readme files. If the translation from russian isn't understandble please contact me malito:
Official site – .
The author is LuCiFer
e-mail: (usually answer, but not very quickly)
Site: 本帖最后由 nd5 于 2009-8-20 15:10 编辑
好東西,望趕緊把sXe 給淘汰掉
我是OKGOGOGO已故前会员 疾风细雨 :p 我命由我不由天。控制臺(console)輸入connect 即到達我的服務器了 本帖最后由 gearfox 于 2009-8-20 18:06 编辑
我以前发到论坛上过 没人测试。。。
截图看这个 我以前发到论坛上过 没人测试。。。
gearfox 发表于 2009-8-20 18:04
这个无客户端,截的图无法上传。。 4# wcy3002003
CS1.7? 4# wcy3002003
心静如水 发表于 2009-8-20 19:09
下载了,里面有说明。是俄文,我用google翻译的。 請問遇到這個 要怎麼讓它變成中文?
需要用什麼來改它? 这个ban的方式跟SXE AMX LocalBan Plugin 1.1一样嘛 ; 蜞犭梓磬 镳钼屦赅 羿殡钼 觐眚瘥. 镳?镳噔桦铋 磬耱痤殛?铟屙?祛 桧耱痼戾眚
; 镳铗桠 麒蝈痤? ?蜞?驽 礤 耱囗溧痱睇?祛溴脲? 蝈犟蝮? 耧疣轵钼 ???
; 铒桉囗? 麒蜞蜞轵??漕赅?磬 豚?
; 礤 玎猁忄轵?镳桉囹?躅痤?忄痂囗螓 钽?羿殡?磬 铘桷栲朦睇?纛痼?
; - 蜞?驽 祛骓?镱桉赅螯 泐蝾恹?
; 羿殡?豚赅, 蝮?塍鼬?礤 蝠钽囹?
lac.exe A26D90D6D09FC913F3027A930714EE4FEE675B1E1A553191C454A43A922BDF75 b820a49b8f6f1c5cabe943701336a8fb81ec2905b403ecc0bed94372f58e2217
lac.dll 4F3C1FE36472ABD0EDE5D3C82F57D3B50B42A97B18B834DFFD2FF60C6C822223 6f4c0184cdaabb4587285e5fbc66b87e97c446156a330920aae8a63fdde31cff
; 羿殡??觐蝾瘥?祛泱?猁螯 麒螓, 筢桊? 黩?蝾 蝮?
; 礤觐蝾瘥?麒螓 蝾黜?祛泱?疣犷蜞螯
demoplayer.dll 860F2D369C46831584AA827FF10A49B563F72E596D13C2C11058C87B73D0BD7D
core.dll 3D25C82D1738E5748D44C5452978AD18921D5921195D198786FA973F0B788084 19AEC281685DCE586FF14D787C5002F3B55EA9E4AA29B16A7B5A163CB48EA538 008033093BC5C5938C0074D819527535AD4FCF56720657552D343249F1EFF21F E773F3F3510958B659A3DDBF2C0F14CCEB7C2695A10A56A0E0F86A1C18D36499 6F615C989FE5F9B8C373B80776150E63E3CF275E61D6625A647F98273E120D51 5A9969C9E6E5BB1C7F4F6136024EE420F1CC84CF275F2F12A4FC2A0B6200519F
valve\cl_dlls\particleman.dll EFE9673812F2603612679327AC2312CDCA68317821D977F8986174E6DD062BDF
voice_speex.dll 4E0D124C2CC55F8B5A29465F037A6363E122399D0753E9E099C85C382040E867
voice_miles.dll 0F21EC2075BA4A75E7A44C0CADC1247FAED88067C93AA2A58A950E2CB0DB295A
Mss32.dll FE62F1EB6BA407DF77619D16927ABBEFAD3C726014F6BD1F8C37A7C3D6B781CC
Mp3dec.asi D3F3217FAC27BCAF06BD47174EAC0F20F0B00B71D96762962D141F646308A5A6
Mssv12.asi D08C3D1051C62429F66C0C6CBAA6ACAE13F0B8B7E41D0B7482A1810A85984EAD
Mssv29.asi FF4364A198F695DC95285CC66B6758635BAE6EE099BEF32F2D3DE9691E295A17
; 踵觇 磬 镳桷咫?耥嚅镥痍?
cstrike\models\v_awp.mdl 8F27919E666C94AF49E802DCDC8B796F0CDF89DCB8E0900371CEFFCF44CD9349
cstrike\models\v_scout.mdl 88D45C5A7FFA5E88443FFB23DA350D52DB4375049FB8F2946B8BFA48B0CC178B
; 祛溴腓 潲爨
cstrike\sprites\gas_puff_01.spr 819C6C15CD4B4D2E9EA1C4DFF2984C5F4A589FBD5B22875666B3F6AAF6580E07 lac_sha。txt都是这样的。我倒。。。