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war3FT.cfg 如何配置?

发表于 2004-10-5 20:46:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–江苏–南京
魔兽插件1.6.8版本 war3FT.cfg如何配置? 请大家帮忙翻译一下,英文看不明白。 :thefinger

// Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Configuration File
// Note: NO MATTER WHAT, you must have the mysql module running
// even if you're not using it

mp_savexp 0                                // Enables saving of experience (uses a vault, default is 0)
sv_mysql 0                                // this will save w/MySQL (note: to use this mp_savexp must also be 1, default is 0)
FT_saveby 0                                // What should I save this as?  steam id = 0, IP = 1, name = 2 (works for vault and mysql, default is 0)

// MySQL configuration
FT_mysql_host ""                // Host Name
FT_mysql_user "root"                        // User Name
FT_mysql_pass ""                        // Password
FT_mysql_db ""                                // Database Name
sv_mysql_auto_pruning 0                        // Automatically prunes the database of old users at a mapchange occuring between 5:36 to 5:59 AM (default is 0, doesn't work for vault)
sv_daysbeforedelete 31                        // However many days before deleting XP or pruning from MySQL database (default is 31)
sv_mysqltablename "war3users"                // Table Name, no need to change (default is war3users)
sv_mysql_save_end_round 0                // Save Users at the end of each round (causes slight lag, default is 0)

// Game Play Enhancements
mp_xpmultiplier 1.0                        // set the level required to gain a level as a multiple (default 1.0)
mp_weaponxpmodifier 1                        // gives additional XP for using certain weaker weapons (default is 1)
sv_restrictultimate 0                        // Will restrict the use of ultimates to once per round (default is 0)
mp_grenadeprotection 1                        // Only 1 HE grenade will be allowed for purchase (default is 0)
sv_allowwar3vote 0                        // Allow a vote to disable war3 (default is 0)
amx_votewar3_ratio 0.70                        // Ratio required to disable/enable war3 on a vote (default is 0.70)
sv_warcraft3 1                                // Set this to 0 to disabled warcraft (default is 1)
FT_position 0                                // 0 is for left, 1 is for right (where to put the information for those spectating, default is 0)
FT_centerhud 1                                // Automatically makes the hud be centered (message that shows xp/race/level, default is 1)
FT_min_b4_XP 2                                // Minimum amount of players needed b4 awarding XP (default is 2)
FT_ultimatedelay 5.0                        // Amount of time (in seconds) to delay the ultimates at the start of each round
FT_showblood 0                                // Show more blood when hit? (default is 0)

// Experience given for various things
FT_bombplanterxp 50                        // XP given for planting the bomb (default is 50)
FT_defusexp 50                                // XP given for defusing the bomb (default is 50)
FT_hostagexp 50                                // XP given for helping to rescue the hostages (default is 50)
FT_killrescuemanxp 50                        // XP given for killing the person rescuing the hostages (default is 50)
FT_xpbonus 150                                // XP given for purchasing tome of experience (default is 150)
FT_kill_bomb_carrier_bonus 50                // XP given for killing the bomb carrier (default is 50, set to 0 to disable)
FT_defuser_kill_bonus 50                // XP given for killing the defuser (default is 50, set to 0 to disable)
FT_VIP_kill_bonus 50                        // XP given for killing the VIP (default is 50, set to 0 to disable)
FT_VIP_escape_bonus 50                        // XP given when the VIP escapes (default is 50, set to 0 to disable)
FT_headshot_bonus 20                        // XP given for getting a headshot (default is 20, set to 0 to disable)
FT_hostage_touch_bonus 1                // Bonus is given (based on level) for touching the hostage (default is 1)
FT_attempt_defuse_bonus 1                // Bonus is given (based on level) for attempting to defuse the bomb (default is 1)
FT_bomb_event_bonus 1                        // Bonus is given for bomb events (spawning w/it,picking it up, dropping it, default is 1)
FT_VIP_spawn_bonus 1                        // Bonus is given for spawning as the VIP (default is 1)
FT_hostage_kill_xp 1                        // XP it taken for killing a hostage (default is 1)
FT_xp_radius 750                        // Radius to give XP to teammates near where the special objective is completed (rescued hosties, bomb planted, killed vip, vip escaped, default is 750)
FT_round_win_XP 50                        // Experience given to the winning team (default is 50)
FT_high_level_kill_bonus 10                // Bonus 10 * level difference

// Miscellaneous functions unique to Frozen Throne
FT_items_in_hud 0                        // Display items w/a HUD message (this will take up 1 of the 4 channels, default is 0)
FT_spec_info 1                                // Show Spectating information for dead players (default is 1)
FT_objectives 1                                // If enabled, will display message in chat to show XP they gain for completing certain objectives (default is 1)
FT_reset_skills 1                        // Allows users to reset their skills (default is 1)
FT_show_icons 1                                // Shows icons on your screen when your ultimate is ready (default is 1)
FT_show_player 1                        // Shows player health/armor/weapon when you look at a teammate (default is 1)
FT_kill_objectives 0                        // Shows how much XP you gain for killing someone (each kill, default is 0)
FT_competitive 0                        // Prevents using the shopmenu when not in the buyzone and after buytime (default is 0)
FT_control 0                                // Enable Time Activation Controler (default is 0)
FT_start 23                                // Hour to Activate WC3 (time is in military time, default is 23)
FT_stop 07                                // Hour to Desactivate WC3 (default is 07)
FT_message 0                                // Show Message Monitor (near radar) (default is 0)
FT_race_icons 1                                // Allow users to type /icons to show player icons above the player (default is 1)
FT_level_icons 1                        // Allow users to type /icons to see player levels above the player (default is 1)

// TYPE OF WARCRAFT (If race 4 or 5 is selected, messsages will say WAR3 instead
// of saying WAR3FT, also shopmenu2 will be disabled, as well as saying rings and ability)
FT_9race 1                                // Set to 1 to enable ALL races (default is 1)
FT_8race 0                                // Set to 1 to enable ONLY 8 races (default is 0)
FT_5race 0                                // Set to 1 to enable ONLY 5 races (default is 0)
FT_4race 0                                // Set to 1 to enable ONLY 4 races (EXACT SAME AS TRADITIONAL WARCRAFT 3, default is 0)

// Ultimate countdowns (time until they can be resused)
FT_teleport_cooldown 35.0                // Teleport and Blink (default is 35.0)
FT_entanglingroots_cooldown 35.0        // Entangling roots (default is 35.0)
FT_chainlightning_cooldown 35.0                // Chainlightning (default is 35.0)
FT_locusts_cooldown 35.0                // Locust Swarm (default is 35.0)
FT_bigbadvoodoo_cooldown 35.0                // Big Bad Voodoo (default is 35.0)
FT_flamestrike_cooldown 35.0                // Flame Strike (default is 35.0)

// ****************************************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************************************

FT_healing_range 750                        // Range for Healing Wave to jump from player to player and heal (default is 750)

// Settings for Undead
FT_warn_suicide 1                        // Tells Undead Scourges their bomb is armed when they hit ultimate key, a second key press then detonates it (default is 1)
FT_blast_radius 250                        // Blast Radius for undead's suicide bomber, this is not for damage, only for the animation (Default is 250)
FT_explosion_range 300                        // Range of the suicide bomber's explosion (deals w/damage, default is 300)
FT_explosion_max_damage 50                // Max damage for explosion (technically can be more than this, depends on how close to the explosion, default is 50)

// Settings for BLINK (Human Ultimate)
FT_blinkstartdisabled 1                        // Blink is disabled for the first 15 seconds of each round (default is 1.0)
FT_blinkenabled 1                        // Use blink instead of team teleport (default is 1)
FT_blink_cooldown 3.0                        // Time to wait for a retry of blink (default is 3.0)
FT_blink_diziness 2                        // Flashbang effect is 1, for blue diziness set to 2, for none set to 0 (default is 1)
FT_blink_protection 1                        // slays people who abuse blink on some maps (skywalking, map exploiting, default is 1)
FT_blink_delay 15.0                        // Delay for blink to be used (default is 15.0)
FT_blink_radius 500                        // Enemies who have immunity w/in this radius will cause blink to fail (default is 500)

// Item configurations
FT_glove_timer 10                        // Internval between receiving a new grenade withe the Flaming Gloves of Warmth (default is 10)
FT_no_gloves_on_ka 1                        // Prevents Flaming gloves of warmth on ka maps and scoutzknivez (default is 1)
FT_glove_orc_damage 1                        // When using gloves, should orcs be given the crit. dmg? (Default is 0)
FT_no_orcnades 0                        // Prevent orc nades on ka_ maps, fy_ maps and jail_riot (default is 0)
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