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【下载】AMX Match Deluxe (版本V5.00,For 0.20-1.10)

发表于 2005-6-14 22:10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–宁夏–银川


-=[ AMX Match Deluxe ]=-

Made by Shromilder
Upgraded and converted to Amx Mod X by Infra

Current version: 5.00

-- Works with AMXX 0.20 or more only! --
-- Requires admin level "m". --

--- Required Modules: ---

- Regex

--- Optional Modules: ---

- Sockets

Note: To use HLTV ability, you need the Sockets module, which is included with Amx Mod X.

This plug-in allows you to play matchs in MaxRound (warmup, CT, warmup2, Terrorist) or TimeLimit.

Plugin supports:

- Changing of the server hostname
- Changing of the server password
- Shield (re)restrictions
- Swapping the teams
- Overtime
- Overtime configs
- Match server configs
- Default(FFA) server config
- Screenshots
- Demos
- A Menu


- Copy amx_match_deluxe.amxx to your plugins directory
- Add this line to your plugins.ini file:

amx_match_deluxe.amxx ; AMX Match Deluxe

- Copy the amxmd folder to your "addons/amxmodx/configs/amxmd" folder
- Enable the correct modules in the modules.ini file (If you don't comment the "#define USE_HLTV_SECTION"
line, you will need to enable Regex and Sockets. If not, the just Regex )
- Restart hlds
- Then you should be good to go

Multi-lingual help:


To load a match:

amx_match <CT's clan tag> <T's clan tag> <mrXX or tlXX> <Config filename> [recdemo|rechltv|recboth]

- or -

amx_match2 <mrXX or tlXX> <Config filename> [recdemo|rechltv|recboth]

For example:

amx_match SK eoL mr12 ecup recboth

This will load a match with teams: "SK" and "eol", with MaxRound 12 rule,
using the ecup.cfg server config file, and will record demos and HLTV demos.

Note: if your clan tag has a space, use quote marks: "SK swe"

To restart a match: amx_matchrestart
To stop a match: amx_matchstop or "say /stop"
To force the start of a match: amx_matchstart or "say /start"
To swap teams: amx_swapteams
To tell to the server the HLTV adminpassword: hltv.ini in the configs folder

Note: use the form of "command password" inside the file

The Menu:
First you must configure the menu, by using these commands:

amx_match_tmenu <type of match> [<type of match> ...]
amx_match_cmenu <Name of config> <config file name>

Note: Concretely, add them to the amxmd.cfg file...

When it's done, just use amx_matchmenu command and the menu will popup, allowing you to choose your match .


amx_match_endtype: This cvar only works with maxround match type.

0 -> the match is finished after all rounds are played. (set by default)
1 -> the match is finished when a team has won mp_maxrounds+1 rounds.
2 -> there is a vote to play out the match after a team has won maxrounds+1 rounds, unless rounds played is less than 1/5 of total rounds away from end of match).

Only used in the HLTV section. If you commented the line to turn the hltv off, don't worry about this cvar
This is the delay for the hltv server to delay the demo (30 by default).

0 -> Does not change host name of server.
1 -> Changes host name of server to "<CT tag> vs. <T tag> | <CFG file> CS Match In Progress" or (amx_match2) "<CFG file> CS Match In Progress". (set by default)

0 -> there is no overtime if there's a draw (set by default).
1 -> there is an overtime after a draw match.

amx_match_overtimecfg: Only use if you set amx_match_overtime to 1

0 -> there is no overtime config (set by default).
1 -> there is an overtime config.

amx_match_otrounds: Only used if you've set amx_match_overtime to 1.

This is the number of rounds which are played during the maxround overtime (3 by default).

0 -> match plugin will not password server before match.
1 -> match plugin will password server before match, use with amx_match_password2. (set by default)

amx_match_password2: Only use this cvar if you set amx_match_password to 1.

Use this cvar to set the value of password. (default value is "scrim")

amx_match_playerneed: Only used if you've set amx_match_readytype to 1.

This is the number of players which have to be ready (default value is "10").
(Set it to 4 if you want to play a 2 vs 2 match for example.)

0 -> only one player of each side must say ready for the match to begin.
1 -> ALL players much say ready in order to start the match (set by default).
2 -> only an AMX admin can start the match by saying /start or amx_matchstart

0 -> teams will not swap after the 1st half.
1 -> teams will swap automatically after the 1st half (set by default).

0 -> no screenshot at all.
1 -> screenshot of the score is taken at the end of each half (set by default).
2 -> screenshot of score, including userids, is taken at the end of each half.

0 -> no screenshot if match is stopped using amx_match_stop or "say /stop" .
1 -> screenshot of the score is taken at the end of each half, even if match is stopped using amx_match_stop or "say /stop" (set by default).

amx_match_shield: This cvar only works with CS 1.6.

0 -> you can't use the shield during the match (set by default).
1 -> you can use the shield during the match.

amx_match_shield2: This cvar only works with CS 1.6.

0 -> unrestricts shield after match.
1 -> (re)restricts shield after match (set by default).

0 -> Score will not be show after each round .
1 -> Score is shown after each round (set by default).

For MaxRound:
When a match is loaded, warmup time begins and match server config is loaded.
Then, when one player of each team says 'ready' (depends on readytype cvar), the 1st half of the match starts.
When the maxround limit is reached, it goes back to warmup.
Then, when both teams say 'ready' again, the 2nd half starts.
When the game is finished, it tells you which team has won the match and loads FFA server config file.
It also records both side demos if you want it.

For TimeLimit:
When a match is loaded, warmup time begins and match server config is loaded.
Then, when one player of each team says 'ready' (depends on readytype cvar), it starts the match, wait the end of the time limit, and reloads the map.

Config Files:
There are some special config files:

- default.cfg is a server config file which is executed before every games.
It can be used to disable some plug-ins like stats or set some default cvars
which will erase your match config file cvars

- ffa.cfg is the server config file which is executed at the end of the match
in order that your server can be played by everyone =)

- cfglist.txt is the list of your available config files.
It is shown when you type a wrong config file when you're trying to load a match.
So if you don't want to remember the name of all your server config files,
just add them into this file =)

All config files, except 'amxmd.cfg' and 'hltv.ini', need to in the "addons/amxmodx/configs/amxmd/leagues/" folder
and have .cfg extention (/!\ case sensitive so .CFG will not work!!)

('amxmd.cfg' and 'hltv.ini' both go in the "addons/amxmodx/configs/amxmd" folder)

HLTV help:

To configure your HLTV:
In order to be able to control the HLTV, you must know the rcon password. HLTV rcon can be set using "adminpassword" command in the HLTV console

HLTV Checklist:

- Load your HLTV.
- Set the HLTV adminpassword by using adminpassword <rcon> command in the HLTV console. Then connect it to your server using "connect ip:port" in the console.
- Set the HLTV adminpassword in the hltv.ini file.
- Load your match on the server using amx_match or amx_match2

1. If your HLTV is already connected, you should see it say " HLTV correctly configured =)".
2. If you don't see that, it means that the HLTV adminpassword hasn't been correctly configured.
3. If your HLTV isn't connected, it will try the adminpassword that you've set when it enters the server.


- 5.00: (major release) - Saturday, April 30, 2005

cleaned up code


removed includes for 'engine' and 'cstrike', these modules are not required anymore.
removed a few global variables.


added amx_match_hltvdelay to the plugin settings menu
added require_module function calls, so people won't get confused when they don't enable the regex or sockets modules


changed format of hltv.ini to be more user-friendly (in the format of: "<command> <setting>")
changed format of the action_main_menu to match display_main_menu (easier to take care of now)
changed the three 'plugin settings menu' functions to one function


fixed hltv code again to allow for disabling the Sockets module, thanks for the heads-up V!PER...
fixed bug in main menu, during a half, where Swap teams would bring up the settings menu
fixed and added to the readme to reflect changes


- 4.00: (major release)

added multi-lingual functionality
added hltv.ini config file, for the hltv admin password


changed swap teams so that if a player had vGUIs turned on it won't make them old-style


fixed hltv code to allow for hltv and server consoles with the same ip address, Thanks Ramm...


- 3.00: (major release)

added new command: amx_matchsave, which will save your current cvar configuration to amxmd.cfg
added menu item to main AMXX menu. (amxmodmenu)
added support for hltv, using the sockets module. - Thanks redmist...
added amxmd.cfg file - Thanks V!PER...
added "Save configuration" menu option in the Plugin settings menu. (Save your current configuration to the amxmd.cfg file)


changed the readme to be easier to understand
changed behavior of menu cfg file and type adders; the adder functions will not add the cfg's or types if the cfg or type is already in the menu...
changed location of config files to be <custom dir>/amxmd/[leagues]
changed name of menu command from 'amx_match_menu' to 'amx_matchmenu' to match the naming convention of other commands
changed name of hltv command from 'amx_match_hltv' to 'amx_matchhltv' to match the naming convention of other commands


fixed bug in clantags finder functions; they actually find the clan tags now ^_^.
fixed bugs in voting functions, rofl: version 3 ^_^ - Thanks breaddawson...


- 2.01:

- fixed string bug in back_to_ffa(), where there was no '%s' >_<.
- added match_restart to amx_match_menu.


- 2.00: (major release)

added support for restarting the match.
added support for show activity, if on.
added cvars that were not previously in the menu, to the menu.


changed behavior of amx_match_password2 and amx_match_password for more fluid execution and easier to remember.


fixed version number bug in register plugin command.
fixed bug where hostname would not be changed back to original hostname after match, if changed by match plugin.
fixed bug where the vote, for playout, would happen even if there were 3 or 4 (total-rounds divided by 5 minus 1) or (30/5) - 1 = 5) rounds left in the match. version 2 ^_^
fixed bug where vote to play out would happen even if end_type = 0
fixed "un/passwording" of server after match, used same method as hostname fix to add/remove password at end of match.


- 1.81: fixed readme file to reflect changes that will be in AMXX 0.20.
added amx_match_password and amx_match_password2 cvars
added support for "passwording" the server.
- 1.80: fixed bug where overtime config file was execed even in regular match time.
- 1.79: added support for overtime config files.
added amx_match_overtimecfg to turn [on|off] overtime config files.
- 1.78: fixed typos.
- 1.77: better code.
fixed bug where the vote, for playout, would happen even if there were 3 or 4 rounds left in the match.
- 1.76: added amx_match_shield2 cvar, unrestricts or (re)restricts shield after the match
- 1.75: added compatibility with AmxModX 0.16
- 1.74: added the ability to vote to play out the match. (Use amx_match_endtype)
- 1.73: added amx_match_screenshot2 to take end-half screenshots even if match is stopped using amx_match_stop or "say /stop"
- 1.72: added amx_match_hostname cvar to have the server change it's name based on who is playing.
added "say /stop" command in addition to amx_match_stop.
- 1.71: added the possibility to change match settings in the menu (it just change them, it doesn't save them anywhere so after a changelevel, all is lost).
added amx_match_shield cvar to allow or not the use of the shield during the match.


- 1.70: trying to make it 1.6 compatible:

stoprecord changed to stoprecording if using 1.6
cancelselect used for the screenshots if using 1.6
changed the hud msgs for 1.6 (readylist not yet done)
score msg is a hud msg if using 1.6

- 1.69: better code.
- 1.68: if a player is already recording his own demo, then it's stopped to record a correct one.
changed the score display.
some bugs fixed & small changes.
- 1.67: the cvar amx_match_showids has been changed to amx_match_screenshot which allow you to choose if you want to take a screenshot or not.
added overtime support with amx_match_overtime & amx_match_otrounds cvars. To respect clantags, the team which must start the overtime as CT
must be the team which started the match as CT (if you don't use clantags, there's no problem).
- 1.66: changed showids. it now takes a screenshot of 'status' in the console
- 1.65: added clantag recognition in the menu
- 1.62: added the possibility to show score after each rounds using amx_match_showscore cvar (default is off)
- 1.61: added the option to see wonid using amx_match_showids cvar (default is off)
- 1.60: added the ability to use UDP module or not (so in fact, use hltv feature or not)
- 1.54: corrected demo not stopping when the match is stoped.
added amx_matchstart command which force the start of a match
- 1.52: modified the menu, added HLTV help
- 1.51: fixed HLTV record demo & some other bugs (thx to en3my for HLTV)
- 1.50: HLTV demos \o/ recdemo will record players demos. rechltv will record HLTV demos. recboth will record HLTV and players demos.
- 1.46: added amx_match_swaptype
- 1.45: added admin start with say & menu (amx_match_readytype 2)
- 1.44: some modifications. HLTV soon!
- 1.43: removed a possible bug (warmup msg during match)
- 1.42: corrected swapteam command: now it check if the user using it is an admin (stupid me :/)
- 1.41: removed an horrible bug (changing map before the match) >:[
- 1.40: added amx_match_menu which allow to load a match with a menu =]
- 1.30: added amx_match_readytype & amx_match_playerneed cvars which allow that everyone must say ready
- 1.21: added notready feature which allow a team or a player to remove their ready flag
- 1.20: added amx_match_endtype cvar & fixed some bugs like recording demos with voicecom on.
- 1.10: added amx_match2 and amx_swapteams command, added screenshots feature
- 1.02: other bugs removed, less warmup msg flood
- 1.01: added log commands, small bug removed
- 1.00: first release

To do:

- Change code according to the format found in this post
- Allow double maps matches:

amx_match3 <CT's clan tag> <T's clan tag> <mrXX or tlXX> <Config filename> <second map> [recdemo|rechltv|recboth]
amx_match4 <mrXX or tlXX> <Config filename> <second map> [recdemo|rechltv|recboth]

Note: For users who are still using .16 or earlier (why the heck havn't you upgraded, yet?), just PM me and I'll email you a copy of 2.01


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发表于 2005-6-14 23:37:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–河南–安阳
这个版本出来很久了 有很多问题 所以没有弄它

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-15 03:39:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–宁夏–银川–兴庆区
Post by wzf828
这个版本出来很久了 有很多问题 所以没有弄它


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发表于 2005-6-15 08:54:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–吉林–松原

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-18 05:46:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–宁夏–银川–兴庆区


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