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[转贴]CD4.31.x 问题

发表于 2005-6-11 00:17:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–安徽–合肥
This lists currently known issues/bugs with 4.31.x. This list will get updated often.

8.6.2005 There has been Steam update to HL1 engine and CS client. Update can cause false codes and other issues with C-D (at least problems with D3D have been reported). FIXED IN 4.31.0. NOTE: make sure you've updated to latest versions availabe thru Steam!

4.31.0 has been released. Mirrors will take a while to update.

** SERVER OPERATORS should make sure that they've changed "cdwaitforchallenge" from default value to at least 15 or they can have problems with users not validating in time **

Download C-D Client 4.31.0

Alternative download location

1bbe64fab8c8723a3d5cbb8be4a4e4c7 *cd-client-4_31_0-en.exe

If mirrors haven't updated or are unavailabe, you can try download from UNOFFICIAL mirrors.

Remember always check MD5 checksum when downloading from unofficial mirrors.

4.29.1 SERVER (Linux)

4.29.1 SERVER (Linux) alternative download location

MD5: b5a1d2b77f2a1ecdcbc02af423d8da59 cdmod_amd64.so
MD5: 61d5a1f125ec00cfbacd0a7cc0018a85 cdmod_i386.so
MD5: 932b414fa66b883aecf5700b9e49bc78 cdmod_k7.so
MD5: 3c70495aacbf60e865a2f677356ed27d cdmod_p4.so

4.29.0 SERVER (Win32)
MD5: b207f44875637a2cea2058f58ef5f6eb *cdmod.dll

Make sure you read the included documentation (readme) before upgrading your server.

You might want to see this topic about differences between fully / partially supported mods.

Please note:
CS 1.5 and other mods based on non-steam Half-Life engine are NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE. This means there are no bug fixes for them and all bug reports about them are ignored. Also, in future versions C-D may not even load with old HL anymore!
CLIENT (4.31.0):
False CODE 3 with ScanCool.
CODE 63 - "Update your game". Update to LATEST version availabe thru Steam and problem should go away. If it doesn't, report back. NOTE: hacked/cracked copies of Steam/game are NOT supported.
possible conflict with FRAPS. If you get code with FRAPS, shut fraps down and retry.
Crashes to desktop when running under 64 bit XP.
False code with latest Kerio Firewall.
Invalid model with Trenches. Trences is not officially supported by C-D and therefore its suggested that you do not run C-D with it.
CLIENT (4.30.1):
Code 121 with D3D caused by latest HL1 engine and client update. WORKROUND: play in OPENGL mode or wait for C-D update.
CLIENT (4.30.0):
validation problems with high CPU use. Fixed in 4.30.1
CLIENT (4.29.7):
If you have problems please try latest C-D Client BETA
C-D and SSC seem to be incompatible. Getting them compatible would require small change in both SSC and C-D, perhaps it gets fixed by next SSC version. (bit old bug,I forgot this one *cough*).
Possible False Code with XFire. Fixed in 4.30.0.
False Code 46 with Norton antivirus/firewall. Fixed in upcoming 4.30.0
False Code 40 under certain conditions. Fixed in upcoming 4.29.8.
False Code 90 with (older) ATI cards. Probably caused by new Catalyst 5 series having 2 sets of ogl drivers and only one of them is compatible...WORKAROUND: Try running older Catalyst driver and problem will go away, or try tweaking driver settings. Will get fixed in upcoming 4.29.8.
Code 90 with ASUS custom drivers. Use NVIDIA reference drivers instead.
SERVER (4.29.1):
NOTE: Players are required to authenticate with Steam. If you wish to allow non-steam players, you can use older 4.21.0 server.
Make sure you read the included README before attempting to upgrade from previous version. 4.29 SERVER works perfectly with METAMOD, but you CANNOT load C-D anymore as a metamod plugin. Please see documentation for correct installation.
CLIENT (4.29.6):
False code 59 under certain conditions. Fixed in 4.29.7.
C-D does not always start-up propely on Windows 95/98/SE and with low-end (<1Ghz) machines. Just try restarting game until C-D gets loaded. Since 4.20.0 C-D will warn user if it has failed to load propely. Happens less often with 4.29.7.
WORKAROUND: Use C-D to launch HL instead of having C-D to wait for HL to load (make shortcut with C:\Program Files\Cheating-Death\cdeath.exe C:\YourHalfLifeDir\hl.exe and use it to launch HL, or use 3rd party launcher). You can also try turning on "use highest priority level" in the CD options.
Running C-D client under WINE/LINUX doesn't work. Server works of course.
CLIENT (4.29.5):
client validation failures under certain conditions. Fixed in 4.29.6.
fps/lag issues. Some fixed in 4.29.6. Make sure fps_max 100 and please remember to try different cd_fps settings with 4.29.6 (cd_fps 7 for example) before complaining about lag...
CLIENT (4.29.4):
possible crash in certain system configurations (fixed in 4.29.5)
SERVER (4.29.0):
AMD64 build is being worked on. Added in 4.29.1.
Crashes/weird behaviour with 3rd party mods, including Natural Selection. Fixed in 4.29.1. Update to 4.29.1 or use 4.21.0 server.
Release version has little too tight default values. Set cdwaitforchallenge to 15 or 20 if you're having problems with clients getting kicked (affects mostly low end systems with software renderer). Default is 12, which is barely enough. Fixed in 4.29.1.
You cannot post to this list. Post on forum as usual.

Also on news:
We've decided to make roadmap/version changes and stop using "version" numbers to describe "upcoming" major releases because they're confusing and misleading.
- Current "4.29.0" base was called "Kollaa"
- Branch previously called "4.30.0" is now called "Ihantala"
- "5.x" codebase is called "Suomussalmi"
Projects are called/referenced by their project names until they've been released. Release schedules for the versions are not changed.
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