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CSP 3月7号更新进展

发表于 2008-3-8 14:06:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广东–广州


  Hello Everyone,


  Withthis progress update, we're happy to announce that we've made a lot ofheadway on the development and mapping side of things.

  在过去两周,模型一直制作,但由于教育责任关系导致 Dreadus 和 Millenia 减慢了开发速度。

  Modeling has advanced as well in the past two weeks, but at a considerably slower rate due to educational obligations for

  Dreadus and Millenia.

  两者都有工作在他们各自职责上 ( 人物模型Leet Krew  和武器模型M4A1), 但在这个时候并没有准备提供截图。

  Bothhave been working on their respective obligations (the Leet Krew playermodel and M4A1 weapon model), but don't have screenshots ready to offerat this point.


  On the development side, we're very happy with our progress over the past few weeks.

  而下面这个部分似乎不用多久时间,arQon 和 mizzack 投入很长时间去调整准星行为、样式,

  并且我们认为我们现在已经完成准星的行为样式,即 90-95% 相似于CS 玩家过去习惯的。我们也修整了另外一些故障,下面详细说明。

  Whilethe list below may not seem long, arQon and mizzack have poured hoursand hours into adjusting crosshair behavior, and we feel that we've nowachieved crosshair behavior that is 90-95% identical to what CS playersare used to. We also hammered out some other bug fixes, which aredetailed below.

  在地图制作事情上,Cashed 在他最近更新的csp_inferno里继续做出另人满意的一大步。下面放出截图。

  Onthe mapping side of things, Cashed continues to make great strides inhis latest update of csp_inferno. Screenshots are posted below.

  开发进度 (arQon & mizzack):

  Development Progress (arQon & mizzack):

  -Tweaked crosshair behavior significantly

  -Tweaked ladder noises

  -You are no longer able to purchase a weapon you already own

  -Fixed "disappearing AWP" bug

  -Tweaked famas rate of fire

  -Tweaked jump penalty

  -Added bomb display on radar

  地图进度 (Cashed):

  Mapping Progress (Cashed):


  -csp_inferno screenshot 1


  -csp_inferno screenshot 2


  -csp_inferno screenshot 3


  -csp_inferno screenshot 4


  -csp_inferno screenshot 5


  Thanks for taking the time to read this development update, and we apologize for the two-week delay.



  The CSPromod Dev Team
发表于 2008-3-8 14:54:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安

回复: CSP 3月7号更新进展


使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-10 16:52:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–河北–石家庄

回复: CSP 3月7号更新进展


使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-3-11 20:35:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–宁夏–银川

回复: CSP 3月7号更新进展

耐心等待  cs1.6 需要淘汰了。。。

使用道具 举报

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