发表于 2008-4-20 21:39:15
来自 中国–云南–西双版纳傣族自治州–景洪市
* Creates a HUD Synchronization Object. Create one of these
* for each section of the screen that contains overlapping HUD messages.
* For example, if you use both sides of the screen to display three messages
* that can potentially overlap, each side counts as a synchronizable area.
* You can then use ShowSyncHudMsg() to correctly synchronize displaying the
* HUD message with any other messages potentially in its class. Note that this
* does not yet do anything like reserve screen area, its sole purpose is to be
* able to wipe an old message on an auto-channel and ensure that it will not
* clear a message from another plugin.
* The parameters are kept blank for future use.
native CreateHudSyncObj(num=0, ...);
* Displays a synchronized HUD message. This will check that your
* HUD object has its previous display on the screen cleared before
* it proceeds to write another. It will only do this in the case
* of that channel not having been cleared already.
* Target can be 0 for all players or 1-get_maxplayers().
* You must use set_hudmessage, although the channel parameter is
* entirely ignored.
native ShowSyncHudMsg(target, syncObj, const fmt[], ...);
* Clears the display on a HudSync Object. This is essentially the same
* thing as: ShowSyncHudMsg(x, y, ""), except doing that would send
* out two messages and use up another channel. This re-uses the last
* channel and clears it at the same time.
* Note: for this you do not have to use set_hudmessage().
* Note: target can be 0 for all players.
native ClearSyncHud(target, syncObj); |