发表于 2008-8-20 09:41:39
来自 中国–湖北–孝感–安陆市
回复: 又更新了,ZombiePlague4.02发布,汉化完成!(8-19日更新其它)
转(申请置顶): [Zombie Plague Mod ]教學改 喪屍人物 和 能力
// player Models (randomly chosen, add as many as you want) -32 chars max per model-
new const model_zombie_class1[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Classic)
new const model_zombie_class2[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Raptor)
new const model_zombie_class3[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Poison)
new const model_zombie_class4[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Fat)
new const model_zombie_class5[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Leech)
new const model_zombie_class6[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Rage)
new const model_nemesis[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Nemesis
new const model_human[][] = { "arctic", "guerilla", "leet", "terror", "gign", "gsg9", "sas", "urban" } // Human
new const model_admin[][] = { "vip" } // Admin
喪屍 人物 管理員 復仇者 每個的外型可以做修改
new const model_zombie_class1[][] = { "asd" } // Zombie (Classic) //Classic全能喪屍
new const model_zombie_class2[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Raptor) //Raptor閃電喪屍)
new const model_zombie_class3[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Poison) //Poison飛天喪屍)
new const model_zombie_class4[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Fat) //Fat泰坦喪屍)
new const model_zombie_class5[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Leech) //Leech吸血喪屍)
new const model_zombie_class6[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Zombie (Rage) // Rage武裝喪屍)
假如喪屍{mdl檔案}名子是asd.mdl 你就創一個{資料俠名子要跟你的檔案一樣要打asd}把你asd.mdl放進去
new const model_zombie_class1[][] = { "asd" } // Zombie (Classic) //Classic全能喪屍
之後進入遊戲你的全能喪屍外表就跟你說改的一樣了 管理員外型和復仇者 人物也都是這樣改~~
new const model_nemesis[][] = { "zombie_source" } // Nemesis //更改復仇者外型
new const model_human[][] = { "arctic", "guerilla", "leet", "terror", "gign", "gsg9", "sas", "urban" } // Human //人物外型
new const model_admin[][] = { "vip" } // Admin //更改ADM外型
// 這是更改手臂mdl的地方
new const model_vknife_zombie[] = { "models/zombie_plague/v_knife_zombie.mdl" } //更改喪屍的手臂樣子
new const model_pknife_zombie[] = { "" }
new const model_vknife_nemesis[] = { "models/zombie_plague/v_knife_zombie.mdl" }//更改復仇者的手臂樣子
new const model_pknife_nemesis[] = { "" }
new const model_grenade_infect[] = { "models/zombie_plague/v_grenade_infect.mdl" }//更改拿傳染炸彈的手臂樣子
new const model_grenade_fire[] = { "models/zombie_plague/v_grenade_fire.mdl" }//更改拿火焰彈的手臂樣子
new const model_grenade_frost[] = { "models/zombie_plague/v_grenade_frost.mdl" }//更改拿冰凍彈的手臂樣子
new const model_grenade_flare[] = { "models/zombie_plague/v_grenade_flare.mdl" }//更改拿照明彈的手臂樣子
// 這是特殊物品選單(最多只能五種))
new const g_extra_names[][] = { "火焰彈", "AWP", "M249戰神", "SG550連射狙擊", "G3SG1連射狙擊" }
new const g_extra_items[][] = { "weapon_hegrenade", "weapon_awp", "weapon_m249", "weapon_sg550", "weapon_g3sg1" }
new const g_extra_costs[] = { 6, 8, 10, 12, 12 }//這行就是他要賣的價錢了~你可以自行修改
// 這行分別是夜視鏡 恢復成人類 和喪屍無敵 病毒炸彈的子彈包價錢
new const g_extra_costs2[] = { 15, 15, 17, 20 }//這行就是他要賣的價錢了~你可以自行修改
// Weather Effects: uncomment a line to have the desired effect
//#define AMBIENCE_RAIN // Rain這行是下雨~如果你要開啟它的話~把前這行面的//去掉就好
//#define AMBIENCE_SNOW // Snow這行是下雪~如果你要開啟它的話~把前這行面的//去掉就好
//#define AMBIENCE_FOG // Fog這行是起霧~如果你要開啟它的話~把前這行面的//去掉就好
#if defined AMBIENCE_FOG // Fog Customization (if enabled)
new const FOG_DENSITY[] = "0.0018" // 這行是修改濃霧的密集度
new const FOG_COLOR[] = "128 128 128" // 霧的顏色r: 紅 綠 藍
// Multipliers for zombie classes as follows: (percents)
// 全能喪屍, 閃電喪屍, 飛天喪屍, 泰坦喪屍, 吸血喪屍, 武裝喪屍
new const zombie_multihp[] = { 100, 50, 75, 150, 75, 125 } //這邊是修改喪屍血量(他是依照比率去算的),所以不要把數字改成一兩千
new const zombie_multispd[] = { 100, 120, 100, 80, 100, 110 } //這邊是修改喪屍速度(他是依照比率去算的),所以不要把數字改成一兩千
new const zombie_multigrav[] = { 100, 100, 75, 100, 100, 87 } //這邊是修改喪屍重力(他是依照比率去算的),數字越小重力越輕跳躍高
new const zombie_multiknockback[] = { 100, 200, 150, 50, 150, 75 } //這邊是修改喪屍被槍打到的反彈力(他是依照比率去算的),數字越小就越不會被槍彈開
// Multipliers for zombie classes as follows: (percents)
// Classic, Raptor, Poison, Fat, Leech, Rage
new const zombie_multihp[] = { 120, 30, 100, 195, 135, 120 }
new const zombie_multispd[] = { 120, 160, 115, 110, 128, 127 }
new const zombie_multigrav[] = { 90, 100, 25, 100, 112, 110 }
new const zombie_multiknockback[] = { 90, 120, 110, 60, 125, 99 } 這是我設定過ㄉ 測試還不錯 |