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[转贴]Linux Dedicated Steam Install Guide(EN)

发表于 2003-11-18 07:43:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–辽宁–大连
Install Guide:


This Guide is written for help with installing the new steam linux 1.6 server.
It will take you step by step through the installation until you have a basic Counter-Strike server running.


Acces to Linux server with ssh, or your own server with a keybord.
An Internet connection on the linux server.
An homedir where you have write acces.
Enough space on your hard drive, 600Mb At least.
wget or an ftp program.
Gzip unpack program.


Ok, Lets get started.
Go to your homedir and lets make a new dir for the server, and then go into that dir.
Should you already have a installation you want to update, just use the hlds_l dir you using now

     mkdir hlds_l

Now lets go in the dir.

     cd hlds_l

Now we need the steam file from the steam Ftp server. I use wget here to get the file,
if your linux doesnt have wget, use the ftp program provided with your distribution to get it.
For those who get it by ftp, this is the server to get it from:

Server: ftp.valvesoftware.com
User: hlserver
Pass: hlserver
Remote dir: /Linux
File: hldsupdatetool.bin

     wget ftp://hlserver:hlserver@ftp.valv ... /hldsupdatetool.bin

We now have the file we need, now lets run it!

     chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin

Now make it executable.

     chmod +x steam

Now we are all ready to start getting an acount for steam, and to get the files!
This is there the include readme is a bit hard te get for some, ill explain it in detail:

./steam -create <username> <password> <question> <answer>

The thing we are going to do is create an account for our dedicated server, ill give an example:

     ./steam -create jap@valvesoftware.com hard2guess "does steam r0x?" yes

Now you know how it must be done so lets do it, go make and account.

     ./steam -create jap@valvesoftware.com hard2guess "does steam r0x?" yes

Steam wil now update the steam client to the latest version

     Getting version X of Steam Linux Client
     Downloading. . . . . . . . . . .
     Linux Client updated, please retry the command

Its updated, not we must restart the program.

     ./steam -create jap@valvesoftware.com hard2guess "does steam r0x?" yes

If all goes well it wil respond with: Account Created successfully

So we now have an updated steam client, and an account for this server, cool huh now lets get those server files.

./steam -update <game> <installdir> <username> [<password> [Y]]

As you can see we can choose our game, install dir, with our username and password we just created,
and putting a Y ath the end will make sure it remebers the password.
The install dir is the path to the hlds_l dir we made in the beginning, ill use /home/jap/hlds_l as an example.

     ./steam -update cstrike /home/jap/hlds_l jap@valvesoftware.com hard2guess Y

     No installation record found at /home/jap/hlds_l

It will now start downloading files, go and watch tv, come chat in the irc channel, it will take some time.
Dont worry about the no installation record found error, its just an message that it didnt found any installion, since its the first time

If steam is done downloading all those files, you will be back at the prompt, and you basicly now have an ready to use cs server
you can test the server if it works with:

     ./hlds_run -game cstrike +map de_dust -autoupdate

This wil run the most basic cs server with the map de_dust.
The option -autoupdate will make sure that if there is a Counter-Strike game update that it wil download it Automaticly

Because we made steam remember our password, all we need to do to update next time is run:

     ./steam -update <game>

Thats all, How to config the server, thats all up to you, that im hoping, i dont need to explain.
I wish you best of luck with your new Dedicated Linux Counter-Strike Server!
I would like to thank the whole valve team for 2 things, this linux version, and the use of their Readme file while creating this guide!
发表于 2003-11-18 08:04:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–辽宁–沈阳
我的这个版本(Sep 9 2003 [2511])无法升级,请问你的可以吗???????

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-18 18:53:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–辽宁–大连
最初由 z81 发表
我的这个版本(Sep 9 2003 [2511])无法升级,请问你的可以吗???????




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发表于 2005-12-4 00:20:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–东城区

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