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linux cs1.6怎样安装RealBot机器人?

发表于 2004-9-1 16:24:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–北京–北京
谁知道RealBot机器人for linux怎么安装?

Installation for Linux
Note: The average player doesn't need this. Unless you host a dedicated linux server, skip this part.

If you are using ADMINMOD you should NOT activate RealBot, instead read the whole process here first before doing anything!
1) cd into your hlds_l directory
2) extract the archive there: tar xvzf rbaipr2_linux.tar.gz A directory hlds_l/realbot should appear.
3) if you wish to use Realbot for counter-strike: cd into cstrike/dlls and create a symbolic link to the dll there: ln -s ../../realbot/dll/realbot_i486.so
4) to activate the mod, cd back to hlds_l/cstrike/. Edit the file liblist.gam and replace the line gamedll_linux "dlls/cs_i386.so" with gamedll_linux "dlls/realbot_i486.so"
5) if you want to activate Realbot for other mods, repeat 3) and 4) with the corresponding directory. Don't activate realbot for unsupported mods or it'll crash. Also don't do step 4) if you use AdminMod (see below).

Note: You cannot waypoint maps on a dedicated server. If you wish to use custom maps on your linux server with realbot, you have to waypoint the maps on a windows listen server and copy the waypoint files to your linux box. Find the files in realbot/data/<mod-name>/maps

Installation with AdminMod (for Windows and Linux)
Note: The average player doesn't need this. Unless you host a dedicated server, skip this part.

1) do NOT activate Realbot for any mod, because that overwrites the liblist.gam and deactivates AdminMod.
2) go to your server.cfg and set admin_bot_protection 1.
3) for windows only: copy the realbot.dll to the dlls-folder in the mod directory. For linux you already made a symbolic link (see linux install, step 3)
4) add +localinfo mm_gamedll dlls/realbot.dll (Windows) or +localinfo mm_gamedll dlls/realbot_i486.so (Linux) to the command line you use to start the server.

Be aware that some admin mod plugins are not compatible with bots and might crash your server. If you encounter any problems with realbot, check if those errors occur without admin mod too before contacting us.

Installation with Botmixer
Note: BotMixer is a program that allows you to run different bots at the same time (for example Realbot and NNBot). It can be found on Botman's homepage. It's only recommended for advanced users.

1) READ BOTMIXERS README! Installation is not easy, and if you don't understand it, better don't use it.
1) install Botmixer as mentioned in it's readme. We will NOT help you with this.
2) install Realbot, but do not activate it.
3) edit the botmixer5000.cfg. The line you have to add for realbot is rbai ..\realbot\dll\realbot.dll.
It's probably possible to run BotMixer with AdminMod. It might work when botmixer is configured as usual, liblist.gam points to AdminMod and the botmixer dll is passed to AdminMod via the +localinfo mm_gamedll command line switch, but we didn't try. If you find out, please tell us so we can add it to the readme.

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