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AMX Mod X 0.20-TP4 可以下载了。。

发表于 2004-9-3 13:09:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广东–深圳
AMX Mod X 0.20-TP4 Sep 02, 2004 12:18
AMX Mod X 0.20 Technology Preview 4 is now immediately available for download.

This is mainly a bug fix and finalization release and 0.20 should be nearly ready for production use. Worthy of noting is that since AMX Mod X is nearly feature complete, we'll now start concentrating on hardening the code for optimization and security.

The two most noticeable changes are that "amxx_mm" and "addons/amxx" are now "amxmodx_mm" and "addons/amxmodx". This change is really something for professionality as "amxx" doesn't really mean anything. The other change is, we've heard everyone's feedback about how the 2.6.0 compiler is so bad, and we've reverted to 2.5.1. See the full changelog below.

Please note that because of the name change, you will need to update your addons/metamod/plugins.ini and add in the new core.ini.

Update Guide: http://www.amxmodx.org/updateguide.htm
Downloads: Click Here
Metamod 1.17.2 binaries: Click Here
TP4 Discussion: Click here


Changed amxx_mm.* to amxmodx_mm.*
Changed "amxx" to "amxmodx" for addons folder.
Switched from 2.6.0 compiler to 2.5.1 (2.6.0 is much too buggy).
Enabled the JIT on Linux (sorry - Makefile bug showed we hadn't been doing this).
Rewrote task system to use Forward API.
Added CVAR to multilingual plugin to disable client side options - "amx_client_languages".
Fixed a bug in forward API where parameters would be garbage.
Fixed crash bugs in Forward API.
Fixed many string format crash bugs in amxmodx core.
Fixed other string formatting issues such as %% and % being parsed improperly. (reported by Gonzo)
Fixed a memory leak on loading amxx plugins.
Fixed a bug in the Module SDK header file where structs could be misaligned. (reported by fsfod)
Fixed many crash bugs in the MySQL module. (reported by Gonzo)
Fixed memory leaks in both Engine and MySQL.
Fixed bugs in Engine that caused crashes in DoD and prevented optimization.
Fixed message capturing in Engine so it can work with multiple plugins. (reported by fsfod)
Fixed plmenu and get_user_team bugs in DoD package and TFC package.
Fixed top15 display problems in DoD package.
Fixed bug where amx_say would use the ML system.
Fixed bug where remove_task() could cause a server crash on shutdown. (reported by Pimp_Daddy)
Fixed bug where client_command was not a blockable forward.
Fixed bug where radians were not converted properly. (malex)
Fixed buffer overflow security holes in string formatting routine (legacy code from AMX Mod)
Removed pvPrivateData functions from Engine and placed into Fakemeta_amxx.
Added NewDLL HLAPI functions to FakeMeta. (reported by mahnsawce)
Greatly improved error reporting for both MySQL and Engine.

I'll also note that I've seen some people trying to benchmark AMXx. This is a good idea, and we've been able to locate some functions that are rather slow - such as format() style routines. Look forward to us optimizing the bottlenecks in AMX Mod X over the future.

Don't worry if your bug wasn't listed here, it was probably fixed anyway! If not, please go to the Support forum and post in the new TP4 thread.

Anyone using 0.20-TPx should upgrade as soon as possible as TP3 and previous were not viable for stable operation. There won't be any more huge changes like the compression format or "amxx"->"amxmodx" so rest easy knowing upgrades will be simple from now on.
发表于 2004-9-3 13:13:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–黑龙江–绥化
:76:  :76:

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-3 13:22:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-3 13:29:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩
那个release何时出来呀? :thefinger

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-3 14:01:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–贵州–遵义
楼主 好强
这里面的 E文 我60%的单词没学过 50%的看不懂
只能用 翻  哎 要开始恶补E文了   :61:

使用道具 举报

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