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CS:S 2月24再次升级

发表于 2005-2-25 19:24:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–河北–秦皇岛
February 24, 2005 (current release)


New hostage resuce map cs_compound
Added Source version of de_train
Upgraded version of the CT player model
Location names are shown in radio/team chat, and under the radar
Server tickrate can be specified with -tickrate
Added radio command aliases
Added mp_humanteam cvar [any | ct | t] (forces human players onto specified team C useful for humans vs bots)
Added new “match” mode for bot_quota -- If bot_quota_mode = “match”, bot count = (human count) * bot_quota
Bots no longer automatically follow humans (bot_auto_follow now defaults to 0)
Bots are balanced before humans with mp_autoteambalance
Bots can open simple +use doors
Bots change their names to match the prefix when bot_prefix changes
Several improvements to bot behavior when paths become blocked -- solves problems specific to cs_havana
Bots won’t throw grenades if something is blocking their throw
Bots are better at only breaking objects that are in their way
Fixed bug where a bot occasionally “dithered” rapidly between two or more targets without firing
bot_kick and bot_kill console commands use the bot's base name without the bot_prefix
de_piranesi - bots avoid the breakable crates better.
A bomb exploding just as the round restarts no longer kills players at the start of the next round
Grenades being thrown when the player dies no longer disappear
Increased mp_limitteams bounds to 0-30, where 0 will disable this functionality
Players’ arms and hands can be hit by bullets now
Target ID font is proportional, and it doesn't become resize incorrectly after a resolution change
Overviews don't show player locations when mp_fadetoblack is on
Players with spaces in their names can be selected in the spectator GUI
Observers can change their name at round restart
Throwing a grenade right at round restart no longer results in holding a “ghost” grenade viewmodel at respawn

新的救人质地图 cs_compound
加入Source 版本的 de_train
升级了 CT 人物模型
在电台呼叫和队伍聊天,以及雷达的下面显示玩家的位置 (跟CZ学的)
服务器的 tickrate 可以通过参数 -tickrate 来制定(tickrate是啥,我不懂,是跟Steam ticket 有关的吗)
Added radio command aliases
加入了 mp_humanteam 参数 [any | ct | t] (强迫人类玩家加入某一方 C 与机器人对战的时候有用)
为bot_quota 命令加了一个 “match” 模式 -- 如果 bot_quota_mode = “match”, 机器人数 = (人类玩家数) 乘以bot_quota
Bots no longer automatically follow humans (bot_auto_follow now defaults to 0)
Bots are balanced before humans with mp_autoteambalance
Bots can open simple +use doors
Bots change their names to match the prefix when bot_prefix changes
Several improvements to bot behavior when paths become blocked -- solves problems specific to cs_havana
Bots won’t throw grenades if something is blocking their throw
Bots are better at only breaking objects that are in their way
Fixed bug where a bot occasionally “dithered” rapidly between two or more targets without firing
bot_kick and bot_kill console commands use the bot's base name without the bot_prefix
de_piranesi - bots avoid the breakable crates better.
A bomb exploding just as the round restarts no longer kills players at the start of the next round
Increased mp_limitteams bounds to 0-30, where 0 will disable this functionality
Players’ arms and hands can be hit by bullets now
Target ID font is proportional, and it doesn't become resize incorrectly after a resolution change
如果 mp_fadetoblack 参数是开 (on) ,那么在全局视野(Overviews)下将看不到玩家的位置
Players with spaces in their names can be selected in the spectator GUI
Observers can change their name at round restart
Throwing a grenade right at round restart no longer results in holding a “ghost” grenade viewmodel at respawn
发表于 2005-2-25 20:03:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-2-25 21:41:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩


使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-2-25 22:04:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-2-27 16:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–东营

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-2-27 20:57:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩
Post by zhoukov


使用道具 举报

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