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【下载】MetaMod 1.18.0 p24 Win&Linux 【2005年8月1日】

发表于 2005-3-12 03:31:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–北京–北京
嗦一句,MetaMod是插件支持平台,如:AMX、AMXModX、AdminMod、ClanMod、WWCL等等HL MOD插件都是运行在MM的基础上的(废话)。

首先强调MM简化版(p版)并非MM官方版本,而是UA论坛的Jussi Kivilinna将原MM多余的接口简化,根据作者介绍,MM-p版消耗内存相对低,CPU占用率相对小。比如取消对老CPU K6的支持;取消对一些不常用插件的支持等等,一定程度上提高了运行效率,国外服务器使用的比较多。可以说MetaMod P版是为了提高效率降低消耗而出现的。




(原来的地址http://forums.unitedadmins.com/index.php?showtopic=39088&st=0 已不更新)


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-12 03:32:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京
2005/04/22      1.17.4p23
[Patch: Metamod-P v23 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Fixed broken RegMsgList caused by optimization for mm-bots.
- Fixed optimization for mm-bots.
- [linux] Removed ESF-Mod fix.
- [linux] Minor performance tweaks and reduced filesize for linux.

2005/04/08      1.17.4p22
[Patch: Metamod-P v22 by Jussi Kivilinna]
[Boe:MM p版官方主页下载连接没有更新至p22]
- Optimized GET_USER_MSG_ID() function for metamod-bots.
- Minor performance tweaks.
- [linux] Looks for gamedll for Earth Special Forces Mod from 'linuxdlls'
   directory after checking 'dlls'.

2005/03/25 1.17.4p21
[Patch: Metamod-P v21 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Fixed 'meta reload' not working on plugins that have failed loading.
- Fixed bug with handling of metamod-plugin-bots, which might have caused
problems depending on order of loaded plugins. See 'call_count' in
'api_hook.cpp' for details.
- Minor performace tweaks.
- Changed all non-fatal error messages to warning messages.

2005/03/05 1.17.4p20
[Patch: Metamod-P v20 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Fixed bug with metamod.dll not having working relocation:
- Makefile doesn't use 'dllwrap' for linking windows dlls anymore.
- Minor performance tweaks.
- Updated mini-hlsdk to 'official 2.3+patches' version.
- Fixes to improve stability:
- Added fix for broken 'vsnprintf' for win32 and some glibc versions.
- Fixed wrong api-hook function for 'ClientConnect' in 'api_info.cpp'.
- Fixed wrong integer type for CRC32_t in 'hlsdk/common/crc.h'.
- Removed 'metamod_compat-i386.so' from linux binary release.

2005/02/27 1.17.4p19
[Patch: Metamod-P v19 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Performance tweaks mainly for AMD64 (minor for i386).
- Linux-i386 (metamod_i386.so) binary linked against glibc-2.1.3 for better
compatibility. Compiled using gcc-3.3.4-glibc-2.1.3 crosscompiler available
at: http://forums.unitedadmins.com/index.php?showtopic=44048
- Binaries not linked against libstdc++ anymore for better compatibility (see: new_baseclass.h).

2005/02/25 1.17.4p18
[Patch: Metamod-P v18 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Fixed support for AMD64.

2005/02/19 1.17.4p17
[Patch: Metamod-P v17 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Renamed 'Metamod All-Mod-Support' to 'Metamod-P'.
- Fixes to improve stability.
- Minor performance tweaks.
- Merged updates from Metamod 1.17.4,
- Added Mod recognition for Brain Bread 1.2, Snow-War 2.0 and
Gangsta Wars 2.7.

2005/02/13 1.17.3p16
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v16 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Fixes to improve stability.
- Minor performance tweaks.

2005/01/10 1.17.3p15
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v15 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- New optimization which reduces binary size more than 50%.
- Changed '-march=i586' to '-march=i686'. This means this binary
doesn't work on Pentium/K6 processors. You need PPro/Athlon
or newer.
- Removed 'Active API Hooks' optimization.
- Removed 'memory write detection' code.

2004/11/27 1.17.3p14
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v14 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Remake of new callback API.

2004/11/27 1.17.3p13
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v13 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- New callback API for plugins to load/unload other plugins. See
- Fixed a minor memory leak when reloading plugins.
- Minor fixes on 'memory write detection'.
- Minor performance tweaks.
- Moved p13 code from osdep.cpp/h to osdep_p.cpp/h

2004/11/17 1.17.3p12
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v12 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Fixed crashing with 'memory write detection' (part of 'Active API Hooks').
- Improved 'memory write detection' code.

2004/11/16 1.17.3p11
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v11 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Added new 'Active API Hooks' optimization, speeding up handling HLSDK-API
functions that are not hooked by any plugins.
- Added new command 'meta active' to list active hooks.
- [linux] 'metamod_i386.so' is compiled with gcc-3.3.4 now. If that version
doesn't work for you, use 'metamod_compat-i386.so'.
- [linux] gcc-2.95 compiled binary is now 'metamod_compat-i386.so'.
- Merged updates from Metamod 1.17.3,
- Added Mod recognition for Zombie Panic Beta 0.91c, Out Break 1.0,
Operations 1942 v2.0, The Trenches 1.0-Beta, The Ship V0052.
- When reloading plugins honour their load time settings. Does no longer
attempt to reload plugins when the loading after the unloading would
fail due to a load time conflict.
- Fixed only loading one plugin when multiple plugins with the same
prefix were used, e.g. mm_pluginA.dll and mm_pluginB.dll.
- Fixed a minor memory leak when unloading plugins.
- Fixed potential bug initializing plugin incorrectly after unloading
and loading plugins.

2004/08/31 1.17.2p10
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v10 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Merged updates from Metamod 1.17.2,
- Fixed a memory leak the size of the gamedll when extracting a missing
gamedll from the cache file on Windows Steam servers.
Found by Wei Mingzhi.
- Made game directory lookup case-insensitive.
- Added MOD recognition for The Terrorist Revenge 0.2.1, Pirates,
Vikings and Knights Beta 2.1, CSV15 (Counter-Strike 1.5 for Steam),
Adrenaline Gamer 6.5 and up.
- Changed MOD recognition for Adrenaline Gamer 3.x. The 3.x version of
the MOD is now being deprecated and support will be removed from a
future version of Metamod. It can currently still be used by renaming
the game directory from "ag" to "ag3" or by explicitly specifying the
- Improved parsing of plugins.ini file to not report errors on empty
lines and commented out lines that start with whitespace.
- Added "lin32" and "lin64" keywords in addition to "linux" keyword for
plugins.ini file to support using the same file for the same game on
both 32bit and 64bit servers. The "lin32" and "lin64" keywords
override the "linux" keyword when used on the same plugin. Do not
use "linux" when using "lin32" and/or "lin64" keywords for the same

2004/07/28 1.17.1p9
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v9 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- [linux] Amd64-support.
- [linux] New version of osdep.cpp:is_gamedll().
- Reads ELF directly and doesn't use external libraries.
- Binary isn't linked with BFD library anymore, reduces filesize to
less than 500kb.
- More optimizations on META_DEBUG macro.
- No more 'fast' compiles, META_DEBUG is optimized enough now.
- Added '+localinfo mm_clientmeta <yes/no>' setting for disabling 'meta'
- Added 'clientmeta' config.ini setting.

2004/07/04 1.17.1p8
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v8 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Fixed memory leak in linux version of osdep.cpp:is_gamedll().
- Fixes to improve stability.
- Optimizations on META_DEBUG macro.

2004/06/06 1.17.1p7
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v7 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Official support for All-Mod-Support versions at http://koti.mbnet.fi/axh/
- Merged updates from Metamod 1.17.1,
- Added MOD recognition for Hostile Intent 1.1.
- Added MOD recognition for Natural Selection Beta 3.0.
- Added MOD recognition for CS13.
- Added MOD recognition Rocket Crowbar 2.
- Added MOD recognition Counter-Strike:Condition Zero.
- On Windows Steam servers extract the gamedll file from the cache file
if it is missing in the dlls directory.
- Added Patch-messages.
- Added '+localinfo mm_autodetect <yes/no>' setting for disabling
autodetection of gamedll.
- Added 'autodetect' config.ini setting.
- Small tweaks and optimizations at various different places.

2004/05/21 1.17p6
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v6 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Tweaks and optimizations on osdep.cpp:is_gamedll().
- [linux] Added architecture check for i386 and x86-64 to is_gamedll().

2004/04/27 1.17p5
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v5 by Jussi Kivilinna]
2004/04/26 1.17p4
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v4 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Amd64-test versions

2004/04/25 1.17p3
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v3 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Automatically searchs for gameDll for new mods that are not included in
internal mod-list.
- [linux] Cleaned up osdep_linkent_linux.cpp, might work with x86-64 build
now (not tested).

2004/04/24 1.17p2
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v2 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Extra functions slots are now passed all the way to the gameDll now too.
- [linux] New method for dlsym hooking, no need for metamod_linkent_tool.so anymore.
- Made mm_* functions in dllapi.cpp and engine_api.cpp static.
- Made mutil_* functions in mutil.cpp static.

2004/04/22 1.17p1
[Patch: All-Mod-Support v1 by Jussi Kivilinna]
- Removed dependences on game.dll structures (CBasePlayer).
- Replaced UTIL_ShowMessage with META_UTIL_ShowMessage.
- [win32] Replaced entity linking with PE dll-export-table combining.
- [linux] Replaced entity linking with dlsym hooking.
- Removed entities from linkgame.cpp
- Added 128 extra function slots on enginefuncs_t structure for future engine updates.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-12 08:18:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–佛山–南海区

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-12 08:28:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–佛山–南海区
运行当中了 :byebye:  :super:

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-12 12:38:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广西–玉林
Post by leenh
运行当中了 :byebye:  :super:

报告一下给大家听啊``感觉 :byebye:

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-12 13:02:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–河北–保定
我也试一试  看看效果 我可是在CZ的服务器上使用~! :boss:

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-12 13:07:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京

MM p版一直都比较好用,在精简的基础上,也保证了普遍兼容的特点。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-12 13:43:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广西
好东西顶起来!! :spiderman

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-14 10:56:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–河北–保定
我在使用!~  感觉还不错!~   谢谢呀!~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-14 12:47:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–天河区

使用道具 举报

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