看罢ahcat的OP优先插件,我发现大家对管理员的特权很感兴趣。好!我把我以前编的玩弄人的插件今天发出来,和大家共享,不过,本插件请大家谨慎使用,本插件主要目的是为了供大家学习研究, 而不是滥用职权,作弊会激起公愤!请大家注意 :go:
注意:AMX MOD 0.9.9 的版本需要VexdUM 1.0 rc3。(这个我上传的附件里有)。 另附AMXX版本,AMXX版本我没有测试,如果出现问题,请大家提出,我会尽快修改。:
VexdUM 1.0安装方法,将那个zip文件解压缩到cstrike文件夹下面(按路径)替换原有文件,不过建议先备份好,以免出现差错。
aa_rocket 发射一个普通导弹
aa_drocket 发射一个跟踪导弹
aa_brocket 发射一个致盲导弹(可以让敌人失明10秒以上,如闪光弹)
aa_aimaid 打开/关闭 辅助瞄准
aa_invistoggle 0/1 1-隐身 , 0-显身
aa_norecoil 打开/关闭 无后座力
aa_invisdlight 0/1 如果设置成0,那么隐身的时候没有光线效果;1 有光线效果
aa_visdlight 0/1 类似aa_invisdlight,只不过是显身光线效果
aa_fixaid 0/1 如果设置成0,自动秒准模式将为HLH模式,即只要你看到敌人,才瞄准;如果1,那么将为OGC模式,即您开枪的时候才瞄准(瞄准辅助需要开启)
aa_twall 0/1 如果0,则辅助瞄准忽略墙后面敌人,否则不忽略
aa_aiddot 0/1/2/3 0-辅助瞄准时显示辅助激光点,而且所有人都能看得见激光点; 1-辅助瞄准时显示辅助激光点,但只有自己能看得见激光点; 2-辅助瞄准不显示激光点; 3-启动特殊辅助瞄准模式(0/1/2/3 都需要瞄准辅助的开启)
aa_hsodds 0~100 (需要特殊辅助瞄准模式):调整必杀几率
aa_headshothud 0~100 (需要特殊辅助瞄准模式):调整必杀命中敌人时,显示为“爆头”的几率
- /* AMX MOD 0.9.9 Script
- * Author: Hydralisk
- * Studio: NopQZip AMX Research Team
- * DT-club C.H.M Team
- * Date: 6.20.2005 8:12
- * Usage:
- * aa_rocket : Launch a normal rocket
- * aa_drocket : Launch a control and guided rocket
- * aa_brocket : Launch a blinder's rocket
- * aa_aimaid : Toggle on/off aimaid
- * aa_invistoggle : Toggle on/off invisible
- * aa_norecoil : Toggle on/off No-recoil
- * Cvars:
- * aa_invisdlight 0/1 : If set to 0, No light effect when you become invisible
- * If set to 1, Light effect when you become invisible
- * aa_visdlight 0/1 : If set to 0, No light effect when you become visible
- * If set to 1, Light effect when you become visible
- * aa_fixaid 0/1 : If set to 0, OGC mode is activitied, to 1, HLH mode is activitied
- * aa_twall 0/1 : If set to 0, My plugin will ignore players behind wall
- * If set to 1, My plugin will also target the players through a wall
- * aa_aiddot 0/1/2/3 : 0 - Draw a laser dot that everyone could see
- * 1 - Draw a laser dot that only owner could see
- * 2 - Don't draw the dot and use Normal mode
- * 3 - Don't draw the dot and use Special mode
- * aa_hsodds 0~100 : (Special Mode) The odds of headshot
- * aa_headshothud 0~100 : (Special Mode) When the aimaid headshot a player this cvar
- * refers to the odds of the "headshot" hud on your top right corner
- * aa_avoidweapon 0/1 : (Special Mode) Set to 0, you can use knife or grenade or such
- * weapons "headshot" a player faraway
- * (Special Mode) Set to 1, you can avoid such weapon to headshot a
- * player faraway
- * Instructions:
- * Normal Mode : Almost the same as OGC aimbot
- * Special Mode : If a player appear in your sight, and wherever you shot, the player would die.
- */
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