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发表于 2005-7-14 04:10:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广东–汕尾

介绍:这个插件可以让某个让玩家将自己的名字与自己的IP或STEAMID绑定,禁止他人使用自己喜欢的ID :D ,服务器本来支持SQL,不过看来我们国内没什么使用MYSQL,所以我默认将数据保存格式改为文件保存 。但是服务器还是要加载MYSQL模块的。有兴趣的OP可以试试看。

blockname <名字> -禁止使用某个名字
bname <名字> -同上
blocklist -显示已经被禁止的名字列表
blist -同上
removename <名字> -移除该名字的所有注册信息
remname <名字> -同上
pblockname <名字> -禁止名字中使用某短语
pblock <名字> -同上

Admin Commands:
        All admin commands have definable access level.
        -blockname <name> - Block a name from being used.
        -bname <name> - Same as blockname.
        -blocklist - Display a list of blocked names.
        -blist - Same as block list
        -removename <name> - Remove all restrictions on a name.
        -remname <name> - Same as removename.
        -pblockname <name> - Block a phrase from use in a name.
        -pblock <name> - Same as pblockname.

registername -注册你现在使用的名字
regname -同上
unregistername -取消注册你现在使用的名字
uregname -同上
listnames -显示你所注册的名字
lnames -同上

        All commands restrictable by define.
        -registername - Register your current name.
        -regname - Same as registername.
        -unregistername - Unregister your current name.
        -uregname - Same as unregistername.
        -listnames - Display a list of your registered names.
        -lnames - Same as listnames.

-0 不改变他们的名字只警告和踢出服务器
-1 改变他们的名字为特定名字然后警告和踢出服务器
-2 改变他们的名字为punishname.txt中随机一个名字然后警告他们
-3 改变他们的名字为punishname.txt中随机一个名字然后警告和踢出服务器
-4 改变他们的名字为他们所注册过的名字然后提醒他们

amx_minnamelen (默认 4) - 设置名字的最小长度.
amx_namelenpunish (默认 0) - 设置名字太短的惩罚方法.
amx_containname (默认 1) - 设置是否检查玩家的名字是否包含其他玩家的名字.
amx_containpunish (默认 0) - 设置如果玩家的名字包含其他玩家名字的惩罚方法.
amx_pblockpunish (默认 0) - 设置如果玩家的名字包含被禁止的短语的惩罚方法.
amx_regpunish (默认 0) - 设置如果玩家使用其他玩家已注册的名字的惩罚方法.
amx_forcereg (默认 0) - 需要玩家注册名字 0 = 否 | 1 = 是
amx_notregpunish (默认 0) - 设置玩家没有注册名字的惩罚方法(如果 amx_forcereg 的值为 1)
amx_forceuse (默认 0) - 需要玩家使用他们注册过的名字其中的一个.       
amx_maxregnames (默认 5) - 设置一个IP可以注册名字的最大数量.
amx_allowreg (默认 1) - 设置是否只有Admin才可以注册.  0 = 只有Admins | 1 = 任何人
amx_viciouswait (默认 0; 单位:秒) - 等待玩家改名的时间.  

        Values for punish cvars are as follows:
                -0 - Do not change their name but warn and kick them
                -1 - Change their name to a specific name (Registered_Name, Blocked_Name, etc.) then warn and kick them
                -2 - Change their name to a random name in punishname.txt (or punishnames table for SQL users) then warn them
                -3 - Change their name to a random name in punishname.txt (or punishnames table for SQL users) then warn and kick them
                -4 - Change their name to one of their own registered names and tell them what happened (if they don't have one this is treated as a 0)
                Note: Of course, turning the requirement to register on and setting the punish level at 4 is pointless, so it is not included.
        -amx_minnamelen (default 4) - Set minimum name length for players.
        -amx_namelenpunish (default 0) - Set punishment for having too short of a name.
        -amx_containname (default 1) - Set check to see if one player's name contains another's.
        -amx_containpunish (default 0) - Set punishment for having a name contained or containing another player's name.
        -amx_pblockpunish (default 0) - Set punishment for using a name which contains a phrase that has been blocked.
        -amx_regpunish (default 0) - Set punishment for using someone else's registered name.
        -amx_forcereg (default 0) - Force users to have a name registered? 0 = No | 1 = Yes
        -amx_notregpunish (default 0) - Set punishment for not having a registered name (if amx_forcereg is 1)
        -amx_forceuse (defualt 0) - Force people with registered names to use one of them.       
        -amx_maxregnames (default 5) - Set the maximum amount of names a player can register.
        -amx_allowreg (default 1) - Set whether or not only admins can register.  0 = Admins only | 1 = Everyone can register
        -amx_viciouswait (default 0; in seconds) - How long to wait for a player to spawn to change their name.  If they don't spawn in time they will be spawned, have their name changed then slayed by the plugin (without affecting their score)
发表于 2005-7-14 04:53:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–深圳
沙发!!! :em32:

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-7-14 05:07:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区

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发表于 2005-7-14 05:08:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区

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发表于 2005-7-14 10:02:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–从化区
对盗版用户没有意义? :sweat:

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发表于 2005-7-14 10:06:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–深圳–南山区
:boss: 瞧瞧啥东东

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发表于 2005-7-14 10:12:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–宁夏–中卫

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发表于 2005-7-14 10:57:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–香港

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发表于 2005-7-14 11:15:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–江门

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发表于 2005-7-14 15:04:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–天津–天津
:tongue:  :wink:

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