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[其他] 【预览】2005重磅级HL2第三方MOD:Badge of Blood[2005-7-18]

发表于 2005-7-18 15:51:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区

In the early 21st century, the privatization of space travel and exploration planted the seeds for mankind's next great journey: our expansion into space. By the beginning of the 22nd, colonies had been established in dozens of locales all over the solar system. There were thriving footholds on the Moon and Mars; scientific surveyors were in orbit around Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn; xenobiological expeditions had base camps on and under the surface of Europa. We were everywhere, it seemed. Man's desire to pursue scientific and economic endeavor had prompted a golden age of expansion and exploration, the likes of which hadn't been seen for hundreds of years.  
By the mid 23rd century, many of these small outposts had grown into thriving metropolises with populations numbering in the hundreds of thousands... some even in the millions, each with their own bustling local economies. Isolated from Earth by vast distances that still require months of travel time, where even light-speed communication is delayed by hours, these new hubs of human activity began to cultivate their own cultural identities and sense of heritage. Generations had lived and thrived in space, often without ever having stepped foot on Earth.  Of them all, none had so strong a sense of self as the extensive corporate colonies of Mars. Theoldest of all non-lunar colonies, the settlements of Mars had come unto its own as the hub of man's expansion across the planets. He stood as the gateway to the gas giants and Kuiper planetoids of the outer solar system, and was the immediate staging point for mining forays into the asteroid belt.  

With this growing sense of significance among the Martian colonists also came an undercurrent of dissolution. The major powers of Earth tax the Martian colonies excessively to pay for their investments in the planet's growth. Many believe the Martians should pay their due, especially in the light of their booming prosperity. Without the governments of Earth heavily subsidizing the planet's private industries, the expansion to Mars might never have taken place, especially in the timeframe that it did. Many others, however, are discontent with the principle that they have no say in the matter, and that for the most part these dues have been pay in full. Now, they say, the Martian industries are being unfairly milked as a cash cow to provide funding for Earth's projects elsewhere. There must be change!  

Social issues also contribute to the consternation between the two planets. Martians see themselves as socially and scientifically progressive, enlightened and unhindered by Earth's centuries of conflicting and contradicting social values. They are often directly at odds with Earth over issues such as human cloning, pre-natal genetic manipulation, and procreation control. As the Martians see it, they live and work every day in a hostile environment while having to dwell in the very limited living space of colonial installations... these are special circumstances above and beyond normal human experience on Earth. Extraordinary social measures are required to maintain the health and security of its people. Life on Mars just isn't like life on Earth... and as the elected Martian Body Politik is concerned, their Terrestrial kin have no business dictating social policy from their ivory tower of antiquated moral academia.  

And thus the stage is set: As is the way of man, a season of peace and expansion will soon turn to a season of war and conflagration. The entire solar system shudders under the beat of the war drum as the Corporate Republic of Mars declares its independence from Earth... and the latter moves to stop it. This is the universe of Badge of Blood! Which side will you take in mankind's first war in space? Will you take up the banner of "Liberty & Justice" along your Martian kin? Or will stand shoulder to shoulder with your Terrestrial brothers, and bring a halt to the armed aggression of the impetuous Martian Body Politik? Perhaps you will simply move to protect you and yours from the useless destruction brought on by the mindlessness of opposing Demagogues... The decision is yours! But make no mistake: the war will find you, and you must take a stand!
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-18 15:52:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
Aberson & Bosche AB10 MkII MARS Rifle (Standard)
AR - Assault Rifle

Manufacturer: Aberson & Bosche
Caliber: 6mm UMR-KE Caseless
Action: Compound Rotating Breech
Muzzle Velocity: 1200 m/sec
Rate of Fire: 740/950 (One Clip / Two Clips)
Weight: 2.6kg
Magazine Capacity: 40/40 or 120/120 (drum)
Sights: Conner 829a Camera Cope w/ Zoom, CombatNT HUD Feed, Laser Range Finder
Features / Options: 30mm Grenade Launcher + Upgraded Connor 830/4 Camera module, Less-Than-Lethal modules, bayonet mounting

The development of the flexible AB10 KE Mk II (often referred to as the MARS rifle) was a bumpy road indeed. In the latter months of 2192, the Institute of Defense Technologies (an advisory and assessment committee to the Martian Body Politik) clandestinely issued a competition to several trusted companies for the production of a military-grade modular infantry weapon system. Some of the required specifications demanded that the rifle be lightweight (under 2.6kg), have high tolerances for dust and debris, and be easily serviced by its user, even in an environmental suit. It was to be able to fire reliably and accurately in low and zero G environments, be easily modified in the field to perform a number of infantry and security roles, and have integral radiation/heat shielding for use in open space. One of the more notable demands was that the weapon had fire a new type of round being developed by Armatek Security Technologies, the 6mm Case-less UMR-KE. The rifle also had to have internal electronics and camera-scope feed that would allow it to be fully compatible with Synergetic System’s CombatNT (pronounced “combatant”) battlefield networking framework.

Competitors included Aberson & Bosche, O’Reilly Kinetics, Jiyuugin Advanced Arms, and Olympus Armory. While each company proposed designs that were innovative to some degree, Aberson & Bosche took this opportunity to pioneer a new complex rotating breach mechanism that had never truly been tested outside of internal simulations. Essentially, the X10 Mk I design submittal had two magazine feeds: one on either side, with the magazines sliding into groves that run along each flank of the receiver. The mechanism in the receiver rotates between each shot, drawing a new round into the chamber while alternating between the left and right magazines (or just one, should only one clip be loaded at any given time). Consequently, the rifle has two effective rates of fire. When firing from one clip, the X10 could fire ~740 rpm, and with two clips it could reach an impressive 950 rounds per minute.

The X10 met most of the requirements put forth by the competition. It was intended to be highly modular, allowing for several different field kits that could be applied without special tools or hardware. For instance, the Squad Support kit includes an extended housing, quickly interchangeable barrels, a bipod, and a drum that feeds easily into either magazine slot (or both, if two drums are used).

The "navalized" shortened carbine version includes a shorter barrel and forward handgrip for ease of use in confined spaces such as ships and space based installations. An accurized, long barreled sniper rifle version is also available, with a folding bipod and high-powered camera scope. All versions include a top mounted camera-scope that provides a video feed directly to a heads-up-display inside the user’s helmet, or any other CombatNT compliant headgear. The camera-scope also includes an integral laser range finder that will automatically adjust the sights at the quick touch of a button. Other kits include a grenade launcher, a bayonet mounting, and a less-than-lethal firing mechanism for tear gas and other crowd control ordinance.

The early versions of the rifle were plagued with problematic design issues, however, that delayed the program for months. In stress testing, when fired continuously at its higher rate of fire, the barrel tended to overheat and warp quite easily. And though the prototypes operated adequately in internal settings, the complex rotating feed mechanism proved to have low environmental tolerances, suffering frequent jams in the dusty external environment of Mars. The body of the weapon, made from high strength composite plastics, also tended to crack or warp during extreme external temperature changes. There were also minor issues with the ejection mechanism intended to clear jammed or misfired rounds from the chamber.

Despite these setbacks, the IDT was impressed with the innovations behind the X10, and in a surprising move, awarded the windfall contract to Aberson & Bosche. Most of the problems with the rifle were addressed by the time the production model, the AB10 KE Mk II, was issued to infantry units in the latter half of 2195. Barrel overheating problems lingered, however, prompting Aberson & Bosche to implement a manual override feature in the MkII that would allow the user to feed the weapon from only one magazine, even if two were loaded at the time. This would allow the soldier to have an immense ammo load of 80 rounds at his immediate disposal, with a respectable rate of fire of 740 rpm.

Overall the weapon is very accurate, relatively easy to use, and generally well liked by the soldiers that use it. It is completely ambidextrous with all switches and mechanisms duplicated on either side, and is comfortable to carry and fire. The AB10 has become an enduring symbol of the MDF and the Martian Independence movement, and will continue to be the staple infantry weapon of the Martian armed forces for years to come.
MonkeyLord - Producer
Badge of Blood Dev Team

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-18 15:53:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
I-Line I.92 Fully Automatic Pistol
SMG - Submachinegun

Manufacturer: I-Line Group
Caliber: 6x21mm Caseless
Action: Single/Automatic
Muzzle Velocity: 820 m/sec
Rate of Fire: 250/1300 rpm
Weight: 1.64 kg
Magazine Capacity: 17 or 32 round boxes
Sights: Iron, Reflexive, or Laser Spot
Features / Options: Custom grip pads, picatinny rails. Fire selection toggle.

Designed and implemented under the auspice of the Colonial Law Enforcement Act, passed by the Body Politik in 2195, the I.92 is an unusual weapon whose classification falls somewhere between a pistol and a submachine gun. Intended to serve as a standard sidearm for security personnel and law enforcement officers, the I.92 is light, comfortable to carry, and has a decent reputation for reliability. When used in full auto mode, the I.92's high volume of fire also makes for a compact, lightweight submachine gun fit for military service.

As the manufacturing plants of Aberson & Bosche race to meet the high volume demands of the MDF, not enough carbine versions of the complex weapon can be produced and delivered in the timeframe anticipated. As an interim solution, the MRAAC (Military Research, Acquisition, & Appropriation Committee) contracted I-Line to manufacture several thousand I.92s for use as personal defense weapons for officers, vehicle crewmen, and special forces personnel.

Already plentiful in the private security market, the I.92's ease of availability has proven to be a double edged sword, becoming a very popular weapon amongst Loyalist Insurgents.

Though the I.92 is comfortable, lightweight, and easy to use, it has been criticized by some for lacking hitting power. Though special AP ammunition can alleviate some of these concerns, most vehicle crews still prefer the bulkier AB10 Carbine to the I.92; and rightly so. The I.92 was never designed to be a front line firearm in a military conflict. Never the less, it serves quite adequately in the role of a personal defense weapon, and will undoubtedly continue to see use for years to come.
MonkeyLord - Producer
Badge of Blood Dev Team

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-18 15:53:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
Koester Forge FA-112
AR - Assault Rifle

Manufacturer: Koester Forge
Caliber: 3.9x30mm caseless
Action: Gas Revolver
Muzzle Velocity: 1650 m/sec
Rate of Fire: 4-round burst at 2500 rpm, 600rpm sustained
Weight: 4 kg empty
Magazine Capacity: 50-round cassette
Sights: extensible camera, backup reflex optical sights
Features / Options: Fittings for electroshock "bayonet"
Can accept LMG helical tanks instead of standard cassette

The standard infantry arm of most GPA forces for over two decades. The use of a self-powered revolver action, normally asociated with much larger-caliber weapons, makes the FA-112 much heavier and wider than many other weapons in its class. Aside from producing a distinctive whirring noise in use, it also gives the weapon the capability of very short bursts of very high rates of fire. The rifle was adapted from the ML-114 squad support weapon, rather than the other way around, a fact that allows its use of the LMG's large ammunition carriers, if needed.

Originally a Belgian/Dutch design, the rifle derivative has been licensed for manufacture in many GPA-affiliated countries. Despite the heavy weight of the loaded weapon, it has maintained popularity over the years for its ruggedness and reliability. In peacekeeping situations, the FA-112's bulk turns from vice to virtue when it is used on doors or hostile locals. The design also lent itself to vacuum adaptation without much redesign effort. The MEF has standardized on the FA-112KL variant, which differs from the baseline models only in having cold-resistant bearings.

Carbine versions of the weapon have been proposed and built several times since 2180, but none of the shortened weapons ever performed adequately. The revolver action for the 3.9mm round is at the lower limit of its practical size. A close-quarters counterpart for the assault rifle has always been needed, and the many solutions found to this problem have led to many backup weapons being adopted by GPA forces.
MonkeyLord - Producer
Badge of Blood Dev Team

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-18 15:54:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
Shipyards of Vulcan Aerospace

The Deimos Engagement
One of the first engagements of the Martian war for independence takes place on Deimos, when the MDF attempts to seize control of the local facilities, capture vital intelligence on opposition parties, and secure Deimos from being used as a staging point by an imminent invasion force from Earth. Though most loyalist colonies around Mars are taken without bloodshed, the Security Officers of Vulcan Aerospace decide to take a stand against what they believe is unchecked, unwarranted aggression on the part of the Body Politik. The Deimos Engagement galvanized dissenting parties everywhere on Mars, and gave rise to the Loyalist Insurgent movement that will plague the MDF and private Security Sector all throughout the war.

Here we have preview shots of the Vulcan Aerospace Shipyards map being built by Harmonica, and based on concept drawings by Rizo. Things to come: Custom textures and props, custom 3D skybox, complete with starfield, rotating globe of Mars, and other distant scenery pieces. Having walked through this map with Harmonica, I can tell you that it is absolute immense! Combat here will be a complicated and dangerous affair, especially in the low gravity! We can't wait to have this one finished!

MonkeyLord - Producer
Badge of Blood Dev Team

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-18 15:55:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
Depicted here is a rifleman from 3° Stormo Alpini (IT), an example of an EU soldier serving in the GPA and participating in the Mars Expeditionary Force. Concept by Artguff

The Global Peace Authority
Excerpts from The Far Distant Call: The Coming War On Mars, Calvi Press 2200

The nations of the Global Peace Authority lend their militaries to form the primary ability of the World Concordat to project power across the Earth and beyond. The term can refer to either the member nations, or their combined military forces. As of 2200, the membership of the GPA consists of the United States, the European Union, Canada, Australia, Russia, the Ukrainian Republic, and Georgia.

The GPA is wholly oriented towards intervention and peacekeeping. Massive logistic arms support a rapid deployment force designed to appear anywhere on Earth within an hour. These forces are lightly-equipped, both due to the need to minimize their logistic footprint for transport, and the absence of any serious opposition. The enormous orbital firepower of the major industrial powers of the world has all but meant the extinction of the standing field army. Superior mobility, superior training, and total aerospace dominance are the cornerstones of GPA doctrine.

Units from the member nations’ services rotate through GPA command on a regular basis, usually on an annual or semiannual basis. Usually, GPA units are grouped to minimize language and equipment compatibility concerns, though this is not always possible in emergency-response scenarios. There is pressure on member services to conform to equipment and munitions commonality, opposing the equal-and-opposite pressure from the home country to buy domestic.

The GPA Mars Expeditionary Army is the essence of GPA doctrine refined to its most extreme example; even more mass reduction, even more multiple tasking for deployed units, and even more reliance on space-based weaponry to make up the lack of firepower on the ground. GPA-MEA command is nominally direct from Fort Gordwainer in Iceland, but distances will naturally place much of the burden on local commanders on and around Mars.
MonkeyLord - Producer
Badge of Blood Dev Team

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-18 15:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
Another excellent collection of work by Rizo!

Located in the middle of an enormous crater, "The Sandbox" is the name affectionately coined by Area 161, the all-purpose basic training camp of the Martian Defense Forces.

Here, players will train offline to earn certifications that will unlock advanced weaponry and vehicles for use in multiplayer campaigns. This system is intended to ensure that everyone who is allowed access to a valuable vehicle or weapon is qualified to use it effectively.

Overview of Area 161

The Barracks & Control Tower

MonkeyLord - Producer
Badge of Blood Dev Team

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-18 15:57:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
More concept art from our very talented Mr. Rizo! This time, we have another detail shot of the Area 161 Sandbox Barracks.

MonkeyLord - Producer
Badge of Blood Dev Team

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-18 15:58:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
Here, we present to you Artguff's outstanding rendition of a squad of MDF Soldiers, framed in the fictional publication, The Woodridge Review!

The Woodridge Review is one of many publications distributed by The Woodridge Institute, an organization in the Badge of Blood universe that specializes in the collection and publication of all matters relating to defense and intelligence. Articles from these faux publications will serve as the primary medium through which we present background history, technical specifications for weapon systems & equipment, important characters and places, and many other subjects relating to the Badge of Blood universe.

These articles will be accessible via our content browsing tools, which should make their debut in the coming weeks!

We will also have desktop wallpapers of the piece available for download later this week.
MonkeyLord - Producer
Badge of Blood Dev Team

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发表于 2006-1-27 20:51:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–江苏–南京–栖霞区

回复: 【预览】2005重磅级HL2第三方MOD:Badge of Blood[2005-7-18]

:D 好东西。。。。。。。。。。。。

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