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[其他] 【预览】2005倍受Valve关注的HL2 MOD:Hull-Breach[2005-7-18]

发表于 2005-7-18 16:22:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区

What is Project Hull-Breach? Project HullBreach is a massive modification project aiming to create a futuristic total conversion for the up and coming Halflife 2 engine from Valve Software - a unique approach to development, Hull Breach let the public participate in the design of the game which provided a great insight into what gamers did and didn't want. Our team is comprised of amateurs and professionals alike with a few famous names dotted around our core team.

Some of the basic features of the game will be :-
Character persistence on a small scale, releasing community management code so administrators or companies can (optionally) allow account creation, persistence, skill / tech trees and more. These community sites will be given the option to link in with the main Hullbreach site allowing us to manage leagues, monitor game play, bugtrack and plenty more.

Gravity variations within a single map allowing you to leave the artificial gravity of ships / space stations.

A unique almost aircraft style visor based Heads up display with upgrades
Open visor vs. closed visor game play. Players HUDS (including aiming reticle) are displayed on the players visor. A large tactical element within the Halflife Engine is the use of sound. Within an environment with breathable atmosphere the players will be able to open and close their visor at will. With the visor closed sound will be muffled however you will have a reticle and additional information displayed. Opening the visor will remove your reticle and hud information (apart from vital information displayed on the rim of the helmet) but give the player the advantage of superior audio capabilities.

To combat the blue tack on screen type players we will implement a 'loose' aim to the guns a little like golden eye on the Nintendo 64.
Iron sights for most weapons will also be used.

Last man standing game play is the preferred choice for a tense realism shooter but the spectator element is something people disliked. The option of noughts and crosses did cross our mind  However through a stroke of genius we decided to implement a respawn system whereby dead players respawn as Covert Recon Bot (a little like the spiders from minority report), when all living players on a team are dead then the opposition will win regardless of the bots. Using the new source screen within a screen tech we will be allowing living players to view video feed from Recon players. They will also be allowed to interact with map technology (interfacing with consoles and terminals).
Territory style is the preferred choice of map progression (along with standard map rotations as an option) whereby teams battle over a admin customisable galaxy map and attempt to take every location to win the war - holding key locations will provide access to certain powerups and weapons
Who is Trax and what experience does he have? Julian Young (aka Trax) is a 28 year old software engineer from Edinburgh, Scotland. He has 12 years of games design and programming under his belt. Initially working in the quake mapping community back in the days releasing minor quake mods, he then went on to help work on a multiplayer online fantasy halflife rpg and recently coded for the Warhammer 40k : Rival Species team. His early claim to fame was winning 2nd place in an Amiga Format programming competition where himself and a colleague produced a game using Blitz Basic both aged 17. Internal Combustion was published on a number of Acid Software compilation CD's and later became public domain. The same competition also brought the award winning game Worms to the developers attention.

Will the mod be single-player, multi-player or both? Currently, only a multi-player side is planned.

How can you work on a Half-Life 2 mod, if the game still isn't released? Some cheeky people believe that whilst we await the release of the Halflife 2 Software Development Kit we will be twiddling our thumbs. That shows how much preparation other mods put into thier project. We believe that poor planning equals poor performance. When the new sdk is released it will allow for higher polygon models, more detailed maps, better physics etc so the more prepared we are the better the final game. At the time of writing this project is in Stage 1 : Concept and Design.

I'm interested in working with the Hull Breach Team - where do I apply? We are always on the lookout for new talent, our team grows bigger every day but we have strict requirements and are no longer admitting any learners / wannabes onto the team. If you think you've got what it takes then please feel free to drop a line to trax at jobs@hull-breach.com.


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-18 16:27:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
好像我喜欢的动画 《攻壳机动队》:wink:


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发表于 2006-1-14 22:08:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广西–南宁

回复: 【预览】2005倍受Valve关注的HL2 MOD:Hull-Breach[2005-7-18]


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发表于 2006-1-23 21:26:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广西–桂林

回复: 【预览】2005倍受Valve关注的HL2 MOD:Hull-Breach[2005-7-18]


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发表于 2006-1-30 23:58:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–宁夏–银川

回复: 【预览】2005倍受Valve关注的HL2 MOD:Hull-Breach[2005-7-18]


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发表于 2006-3-22 19:48:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–青岛

回复: 【预览】2005倍受Valve关注的HL2 MOD:Hull-Breach[2005-7-18]


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