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【求助】cdmoderator 代码问题。

发表于 2005-7-19 21:39:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广东–深圳–罗湖区
/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp/phpJbxMMg.sma(61) : warning 217: loose indentation
/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp/phpJbxMMg.sma(64) : warning 217: loose indentation
/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp/phpJbxMMg.sma(106) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
/home/groups/amxmodx/tmp/phpJbxMMg.sma(106) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

[php]//C-D Moderator by Bugsy
//This plugin will kick a Non-CD or Old-CD player if their score reaches the starting
//point ("plugin watches them", amx_kdmax) and surpasses an admin-defined kill\death
//ratio (amx_kdratio), which is defined as (deaths < (score / ratio)). By default
//the ratio is 2 so if the player scores a 20/10 or better, they get kicked at the
//beginning of the following round. It will not start looking at a player until the
//player reaches amx_kdmax kills. At each round start, [No C-D] players receive a
//warning about being kicked based on their kill ratio and at what kill-number the
//plugin starts to watch them. If they key kicked, their SteamID gets written to the
//vault so if they reconnect they will be kicked again and again until they come back
//with C-D loaded. It pretty much turns CD Required "on" for players that come
//to the server without C-D and get kicked for doing good. I felt that having
//my server on CD Required killed the traffic that I was getting while on optional
//so this plugin gives you the best of both worlds. Enjoy

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

new no_cd[32]

//These two functions pretty much give each player index a
//"Clean slate" when there is a connection\disconnection.
public client_connect(id)
        no_cd[id] = 0

        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

public client_disconnect(id)
        no_cd[id] = 0

        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

//In this function we check each players kill\death ratio and
//if they exceed the current ratio then they get added to the
//list of required C-D players.
public restart_event()
        new cdenabled = get_cvar_num("amx_cdmoderator")
        //Check if the plugin is enabled via the cvar.
        if(cdenabled==0)return PLUGIN_HANDLED
        //Get player count for server
        new getmaxp = get_maxplayers()
        //Loop through the players and see who has and who doesn't have
        //cheating death loaded.
        for(new chk=1; chk<=getmaxp; chk++)
                //Set it to false to give the user a fresh start.
                no_cd[chk] = 0
                //Get the users name based on their player ID.
                new name[9]
            get_user_info(chk, "name", name,8)
                //Check if they have no c-d at all or an old ver. of c-d.
                if ( equali(name,"[No C-D]") || equali(name,"[Old C-D") )
                        //Set user no_cd array index for this user to true, meaning they
                        //don't have c-d.

          //Loop through each player and cheat their kill count and
          //kill\death ratio. Kick if they fulfill the cvar minimums.
        for( new chk2=1; chk2<=getmaxp; chk2++)       
                new deaths = get_user_deaths ( chk2 )
                new kills = get_user_frags( chk2 )
                new kdstart = get_cvar_num("amx_kdmax")
                new kdratio = get_cvar_num("amx_kdratio")
                new address[32]
                // new authid[32]
                new name[32]
                //If the user does not have C-D
                if ( no_cd[chk2] == 1 )
                        //===New code===
                        //If their kills are equal to or higher than the kdmax cvar
                            if(kills >= kdstart)
                                    //This checks the ratio of kills vs. deaths
                                if ( (float(deaths)) <= (float(kills) / float(kdratio)) )
                                            //This will kick the player and write to the vault so
                                            //if they come back to the server without C-D again after
                                            //being kicked then the plugin will kick them again if they dont have C-D.
                                            //It pretty much turns cdrequired on for players after getting  
                                            //kicked once for high ratio+no c-d.
                                            set_vaultdata (address, "1")
                                        server_cmd( "kick #%i %s",get_user_ip(chk2),"Kicked for not having Cheating-Death [www.unitedadmins.com/cdeath.php]" )
                                        client_print(0,print_chat,"%s kicked for not having Cheating-Death and having a %d/1 score ratio.",name,kdratio)
                                //This will send players without C-D a warning at the beginning of
                                //each round.
                                client_print(chk2,print_chat,"Cheating-Death Not Found. C-D Moderator will watch you when you reach %d kills.",kdstart)
                                client_print(chk2,print_chat,"You will be kicked if your kill/death count surpasses a %d/1 ratio.",kdratio)
                                client_print(chk2,print_chat,"If kicked, you will not be able to play here again until you have C-D loaded.")
                                client_print(chk2,print_chat,"Go get Cheating-Death at www.unitedadmins.com/cdeath.php")
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE       

//The following was commented out due to the update on C-D where
//it no longer runs via metamod. I am keeping the code in the plugin
//just incase it changes back how it was.
/*public client_infochanged(id)
        new newname[9],oldname[9],address[32]
        new buffer[2], oldnamefull[32]
        //new customdir[128]
        //new rulesfile[128]

        get_user_info(id, "name", newname,8)
        client_print(id,print_chat,"%s - %s",oldname,newname)
        //get_customdir(customdir, sizeof(customdir))
          //format(rulesfile, sizeof(rulesfile), "%s/motd2.txt", customdir)

        //When C-D changes a players name for not having C-D
        //this will check the vault to see if the player was kicked before
        //by the plugin. If so then they get kicked again and again until they have it.
        if (!equali(newname,oldname))
                if ( equali(newname,"[No C-D]") || equali(newname,"[Old C-D") )
                        get_vaultdata(address, buffer, 1)
                        if( equal(buffer,"1") )
                                //motdshown[id] = 1
                                //show_motd ( id , rulesfile , "Cheating-Death Required" )
                                server_cmd( "kick #%i %s" , get_user_userid(id) ,"You will be kicked until you have Cheating-Death [www.unitedadmins.com/cdeath.php]" )
                                client_print(0,print_chat,"%s kicked for returning to server without C-D after being kicked.",oldnamefull)

//This is the new code to handle the change in C-D/CS
public scanplayer(id)
        new newname[9],address[32]
        new buffer[2], oldnamefull[32]

        get_user_info(id, "name", newname,8)

        if ( equali(newname,"[No C-D]") || equali(newname,"[Old C-D") )
                get_vaultdata(address, buffer, 1)
                if( equal(buffer,"1") )
                        server_cmd( "kick #%i %s" , get_user_userid(id) ,"You will be kicked until you have Cheating-Death [www.unitedadmins.com/cdeath.php]" )
                        client_print(0,print_chat,"%s kicked for returning to server without C-D after being kicked.",oldnamefull)

public plugin_init()

        register_plugin("C-D Moderator", "1.25", "Bugsy")
        register_logevent("restart_event", 2, "1=Round_Start")
        register_cvar("amx_kdmax"  , "12")
        register_cvar("amx_kdratio", "2" )
        register_cvar("amx_cdmoderator", "1" )

        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

发表于 2005-7-20 11:41:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-20 22:40:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–天津–天津

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发表于 2005-7-20 22:51:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–天津–天津

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-26 04:21:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–深圳–罗湖区

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