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【转帖】控制服务器上的机器人(for amxx 1.0)

发表于 2005-8-2 23:52:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广东–深圳–罗湖区
Hi, I've again made a plugin I'm about to present here.

This is a plugin that kills bots by executing the given command when all humans are dead. You have to specify the command in a cvar and the script will execute this command SERVERSIDE when the last alive human dies or disconnects.
After the Bomb has been planted, the script automatically switches itself inactive (unless you set the cvar to override this) and the bots will be able to finish the round if the last human dies, so they get the chance to defuse.

To make life easier for server admins, I decided to implement a command that will kill all bots immediately when an Admin executed the command. This is helpful cuz Admins will only have to know a single command that will work for every bot, and the Admins won't have to be told a new command if the server owner changes the bot engine.
Example: An server owner is running Z-Bot but comes to the conclusion that he likes ePODbot much better, so he throws ZBot out and installs ePODbot. Now the other admins (if there are any) have to be told a new cmd to kill the bots. With my plugin, the others are still able to use the old command and won't need to change binds etc.
Default admin rights needed to exec the command is ADMIN_SLAY.

Overview of all CVars and Commands:

  1. amx_killbots_enable - allows to switch on/off the script - Default: 1
  2. amx_killbots_cmd - the command the server executes in order to kill the bots. Default in this compile is "joebot endround".
  3. amx_killbots_ignorebomb - if this Cvar is set to 1, the script will kill the bots even if the bomb was planted. Default is 0.
  4. amx_killbots_now - CMD to kill the bots immediately. Execs amx_killbots_cmd.

Idea, Coding & Testing by MistaGee (=/me :p )
   and you can see them and download it from that url



原文是:Plugin - Kill Bots - kills bots when all humans are dead
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