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发表于 2005-8-11 00:50:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广东–广州–越秀区
原为提卡维兰兄汉化的叫符文之语(仅汉到2.0 rc3),我把模型替换了,所以叫功能箱。
该版为 2.1.2
Runemod is a serverside modification powered by AMXmodX, that spawns runes(powerups) around
the map, for the players to pick up.
Runemod includes lots of unique powers, adding an extra element and a whole lot of fun to the game.
Runemod is compatible with all half-life mods
Known issues:
If a player is killed, if he has a rune that should resisted some damage. It will not work ( IE the plugin cannot resurect him yet)
kaddar for orginal plugin
sawce for idea/help on making the plugin "API"
PMOnoTo for code bits, and for updating callfunc.
a == Runes bounce
b == Update spawnvector file with new spawn points ( Dont disable unless you know what your doing )
c == Update spawn points based on player movment ( Dont disable unless you know what your doing )
d == Remove runes from players when spawning new runes
e == Public message saying what runes where spawned
f == Prevent runes from spawing to close to one another
g == Automaticly spawn change the number of runes spawned, based on the amount of players on the server. With this option enabled: sv_runes becomes the minimaly spawned runes, with it off. It becomes the maximum spawned runes
h == Only 1 of every rune allowed 1 point in time
i == Spawn every rune(Thats not in use)
j == DM based spawning ( This means runes are spawned based on time, not when round starts or ends )
k == Does extra checks on new rune spawnpoints, making sure its not to close to other spawn points
l == When looking at runes, show the rune name center of screen ( Somewhat CPU intensive )
sv_runes <number> (read about sv_runemodsettings with the +/- g setting )
- Added: Option l, "When looking at a rune, shows the rune name center of screen" ( Somewhat CPU intensive )

- Fixed: Typo when picking up 1 time rune ( Thx to: SoulReaper )
- Fixed: Lots of runes in 1 location could overflow a client or crash server

- Added: Base plugin will now clean up bad spawn points, if there are no players on the server
- Added: Base plugin will now only hook events it needs ( If none of your runes require info about Damage, the Damage event is not hooked )
- Added: Option k. Does extra checks on newly made spawnpoint, making sure its not to close to other spawn points
- Added: kaddars rune spawn generation ( The one from 1.0.170 runemod ), with some minor changes. ( Used with when no spawn vector file is found )
- Changed: sv_runemodsettings uses letters instead of numbers ( Should be easyer for new admins, old admins dont have change anything )
- Fixed: Spawnpoints would not allways be generated
- Fixed: Spawnpoints could be generated based on hltv
- Added: say runehelp Shows the runemod help page
- Changed: You only see the XX droped XX rune, when you manualy drop a rune
- Fixed: When spawing over 10 runes, and not having option 128(Only uniqe runes) on. Would make only the first rune spawn
2.0.0 Public RC7
- Added: Support for 1 time runes, like medpack/longjump and so on.
- Added: Plugin now uses index based callfunc to talk between plugnis(Should increase preformace)
- Added: Base plugin now tell rune plugin why the user lost his rune( flags are either: USER_DIED,USER_DROPEDRUNE,USER_DISCONNECTED )
- Added: If your server is spawning more then 10 runes, and has option 128 on, it should generate the list of runes to spawn faster
- Changed: say runelist, will with more then 15 runes on the server not use html code since there is a limit 1536 chars
- Changed: Players will now drop runes if they disconnect
- Changed: Map names are allways in lowercase
- Fixed: CurWeapon event was not good for keep track of current weapons. This generated weird bugs in runes like speed/seer
2.0.0 Public RC6
- Added: Added new system to reset user speeds after a rune effect fades
- Fixed: Error making runes not being random

2.0.0 Public RC5
- Added: supports new rune stock to reset speeds ( ResetUserSpeed(id) )
- Added: sv_runemodsettings + 256 witch means it spawns every rune(Thats not in use)
- Removed: Chat command on /help & help

2.0.0 Public RC4
- Added: Plugin now has a CurWeapon system(Should improve preformace)
- Fixed: infinte loop bug with "Spawn only uniqe runes" on
2.0.0 Public RC3
- Added: Ppl that are dead, and spectating will now see what runes other players have.
- Fixed: Pluging going into a infinate loop with no runes disabled and "only spawn uniqe runes" off
2.0.0 Public RC2
- Added: plugin_modules() (engine & fun)
- Added: Server_frame() based killing (In short, when ppl are killed with powerup, "faster" its not based on a set_ () with 0.1 timer, but it will happen the next server frame.
- Added: System to disable and enable runes on the fly ( API_DisableRune(IndexOfRune) API_EnableRune(IndexOfRune) ) used via the runemod_control plugin
- Added: With sv_runemodsettings +64 active (Automaticly spawn spawn runes based on the players on the server) sv_runes becumes the minimal runes spawned
- Changed: sv_maxrunes to sv_runes ( sv_runes has 2 roles now. sv_runemodsettings )
- Changed: Lowered the size the runes, as sometimes runes would get stuck inside wall(you get the NS "bug") if the spawn point was made to close the wall
- Fixed: minor bug in sv_runemodsettings with 128, would do a while loop not needed in some cases
2.0.0 Public RC1
- First public release
runemod_base.amxx 基础插件
runemod_unlimitedammo_cn.amxx 临时给你无限的弹药
runemod_theif_cn.amxx 击中敌方窃取弹药
runemod_teleport_cn.amxx 手握小刀按左键,你就被传送回重生地
runemod_strength_cn.amxx 你用步枪和手枪可对敌方造40%或更多的损害
runemod_spy_cn.amxx 你为半隐身。允许你从雷达上看敌人, 和增加你的角度(视野)
runemod_speed_cn.amxx 增加你的最大的速度100%
runemod_soul_cn.amxx 当你杀死某人时,你得到100生命值
runemod_seer_cn.amxx 握刀时显示一条线自动瞄准最近的敌方
runemod_resistance_cn.amxx 抵抗50%损害
runemod_regeneration_cn.amxx 你的生命值增加到160点
runemod_redeem_cn.amxx 当你生命值降到50以下时,你被传离本地
runemod_protection_cn.amxx 对爆头和闪光弹免疫,遇手雷自动后退
runemod_poison_cn.amxx 用手枪和刀给敌方特别的损害
runemod_dismay_cn.amxx 当敌方攻击你时,他丧失他的生命值
runemod_fear_cn.amxx 盯着敌人可造成他们缓慢移动和摇动
runemod_poison_cn.amxx 用手枪和刀给敌方特别的损害
runemod_feather_cn.amxx 增加速度和更低的重力
runemod_frenzy_cn.amxx 增量损伤(不知是做啥的)
runemod_hunter_cn.amxx 没有脚步声音和小刀瞬间杀敌
runemod_invisibility_cn.amxx 持刀不动隐形
runemod_invulnerability_cn.amxx 使用刀给你invulnerabillity 额外的损害/速度
runemod_kamikaze_cn.amxx 当你死忙时变成人体炸弹
runemod_kinetics_cn.amxx 手持刀跳可飞行,用手枪伤敌窃取钱
runemod_ninja_cn.amxx 兔子式跳跃和钩子(手持刀时,它能偷武器)
runemod_phantom_cn.amxx 允许你穿墙
runemod_pistoleer_cn.amxx 手枪对敌方造成撞击力和增加20%额外的损害
runemod_vampirism_cn.amxx 你击伤敌方来窃取你受损害的部分
runemod_medkit.amxx 给你25点或更多的生命值
runemod_armor.amxx 未知
runemod_awp.amxx 手枪和小刀有毒物损伤
runemod_control.amxx runemod插件控制(开启,关闭,暂停)
runemod_longjump.amxx 给你HL1项目类的远跳
sv_runemodsettings +g+e+f+l+a+j (请看sv_runemodsettings里各个项的解释)默认为bcefg
sv_runes 20 (rune共生成多少个)默认生成5个

在cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs 新建custommenuitems.cfg,就管理员及玩家菜单分别加入
使用方法: "amx_addclientmenuitem <显示文字> <菜单命令> <权限等级> <插件名字>"
(语法:管理员菜单 amx_addmenuitem "显示在菜单上的功能名称" "执行该功能的命令" "权限等级(参看users.ini权限等级)" "插件的名称(要完全填对)"
管理员菜单例子:amx_addmenuitem "小鸡插件" "amx_chick_menu" "hu" "AMXModX Chicken"
玩家菜单 amx_addclientmenuitem "显示在菜单上的功能名称" "执行该功能的命令" "权限等级(参看users.ini权限等级)" "插件的名称(要完全填对)"
amx_addclientmenuitem "各种插件使用帮助" "say /web http://mn.9966.org:81/help.htm" "z" "web browser"
amx_addclientmenuitem "投票换地图" "amx_votemapmenu" "z" "Admin Votes"
amx_addclientmenuitem "投票踢人" "amx_votekickmenu" "z" "Admin Votes"
amx_addclientmenuitem "投票禁止进入" "amx_votebanmenu" "z" "Admin Votes"
amx_addclientmenuitem "我的排名" "say /rank" "z" "StatsX"
amx_addclientmenuitem "Top 15" "say /top15" "z" "StatsX"
amx_addclientmenuitem "我的统计" "say /statsme" "z" "StatsX"
amx_addclientmenuitem "现在时间" "say thetime" "z" "StatsX"
amx_addclientmenuitem "剩余时间" "say timeleft" "z" "StatsX"
amx_addclientmenuitem "下一个地图" "say nextmap" "z" "NextMap"
如果你要玩家能行使投票踢人的权限,你还要编辑cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs下的amxx.cfg文件,把amx_default_access "z"改为amx_default_access "jpfz"

runemod 2.1.2.rar 为英文原版


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 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-11 01:32:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–越秀区


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-11 12:14:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–越秀区

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发表于 2005-8-11 12:36:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–肇庆
汗...for amxx 1.5行8行吖...

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-11 13:40:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–越秀区

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发表于 2005-8-11 13:47:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
不错  兄弟 :sure:

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发表于 2005-8-11 18:43:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–天津–天津–河西区
谢谢微波炉,我用了很不错的!!! :
:thefinger  :thefinger  :thefinger
:super:  :super:  :super:  :super:

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-8-11 19:26:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山西–吕梁
为什么我用了 当拿上功能箱的时候没又说明信息 说我拿的什么功能啊、?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-11 19:32:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–越秀区


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-11 19:35:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–越秀区


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