发表于 2005-8-21 14:39:30
来自 中国–北京–北京–海淀区
 EA Games UK has updated us with some information about the upcoming 1.03 patch. Check it out,
Quote: News on the upcoming patch, stats, drivers and more ranked servers.
ATI® Releases Updated Catalyst Drivers
ATI has recently released a new version of their Catalyst drivers (version 5.8) that resolve a number of outstanding issues with Battlefield 2. We highly recommend that all current Battlefield 2 users upgrade to these drivers, which can be found here).
Stats Issues
In order to make it more apparent for users when to expect stats updates to appear in a given user's BFHQ, we felt it would be a good idea to pass on the following recommendations to the Community to help them understand when issues may occur with stats tracking for their profiles.
The most important thing to remember about stats is that snapshots are sent for processing at the end of a game round only. If for any reason a round is interrupted (such as by a scheduled reboot as happens at 3 PM and 3 AM local time on all EA servers), stats from that round will not accrue. In all other cases, it can take a short period of time after the round is complete for these snapshots to be processed. BFHQ may not be updated with your new progress for upwards of fifteen minutes during the daily peaks (though 99% of the time stats processing is nearly immediate nowadays).
If you have been playing on one particular server for a long period of time and have not been seeing any stats accrue for your account, we suggest playing on an Official EA Server to verify that there are no issues with your profile itself. The easiest way to be sure that you are playing on a legitimate Official EA server, is to make sure that the IP starts with 159.153. After completing a round on on Official EA Server (and playing more than five minutes in that round), check your Last Played Game stat in BFHQ. If this still has not updated, we recommend contacting EA Technical Support. Please let EA Technical Support know the names and IPs of the servers that appear to not be accruing statistics for your profile.
1.03 Update Progress
In this space about a month ago, EA and DICE listed many of the feature tweaks and updates that are pending for the 1.03 Update. In order to address the key issues as quickly as possible, we set an aggressive release date for the end of August. Unfortunately, as we approach the end of this month, it has become apparent that we will not meet this goal, and we wanted to keep you abreast of our progress. We are committed to making the 1.03 Update as comprehensive as possible, so while it is important to us to keep the release date, it is more important that we take the time to do this right. We will avoid committing to another date, but know that our goal is to get 1.03 out to you as soon as we’re certain it will deliver what we know you’re all hoping for. Keep fighting soldiers, the 1.03 Update is coming!
EA Adds More Ranked Servers
The community has been crying out for more Ranked slots in Europe, and we're prepared now to deliver! Over the next couple of days you may notice new “EA European Official” ranked servers appearing in the Multiplayer browser . This is because EA is in the process of adding 300, 32 slot ranked servers in Europe. You can find these by searching “EA European Official”. Enjoy!
Well, it looks like the release date of the 1.03 patch may not be coming as expected, but I'm sure it will arrive soon! |