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发表于 2006-6-25 13:21:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–天津–天津
与Songsong在dt-club发表第一篇关于Psychostats的安装使用说明时隔近两年,Psychostats正式发布的版本已经到了2.3.3(3.0已经出Demo了,估计正式版也会很快发布了)。我是2005年才发现这个系统,觉得做得非常棒。于是自己动手开始安装,仔细研读了点通所有关于Psychostats的帖子,但是安装过程还是磕磕绊绊不是很顺利,多方寻求帮助无果的情况下只好在Psychostats的官方论坛上发贴,希望能从Jason Morriss(也就是tormtrooper)和JTP10181那里获得帮助,最后终于功夫不负有心人,遇到的问题都一一解决了。今天把解决方法发出来分享给大家,希望能对于我有同样爱好的朋友有所帮助。

[2]本文讨论的环境为Win2003+CS1.5 Build2615(Ver4.1.1.1e)+AMXX1.6+MM1.19p28<+……>
[4]安装时注意:在运行Install.pl前应先运行update.pl将安装文件升级到最新版本。安装后依次运行install.pl -resetdb -profiles和install.pl -step web -useconf以解决缺少plr_profile表和页面错误的的问题.
Q3:PIP插件安装后在Console里输入ps_password <password>报错:
[PsychoStats] SQL error. Contact your admin: 'Unknown column 'password' in 'field list''

打开<stats root>\include\common.php
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=gb2312');


打开<stats root>\server.php
'querytype' => 'halflife', // change this to 'oldhalflife' if you're using CS 1.5 or lower


将以下代码另存为.sma格式,使用相应的AMXX或AMX编译器进行编译后复制到<CS root>\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins下
  1. /* AMX Mod (X)
  2. *   PsychoStats Interface Plugin
  3. *
  4. *   by Jason Morriss <[email]stormtrooper@psychostats.com[/email]>
  5. *   and JTP10181 <[email]jtp@jtpage.net[/email]>
  6. *   [url=http://www.psychostats.com/]http://www.psychostats.com/[/url]
  7. *
  8. *
  9. *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  10. *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
  11. *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
  12. *  your option) any later version.
  13. *
  14. *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  15. *  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  17. *  General Public License for more details.
  18. *
  19. *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  20. *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  21. *  Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
  22. *
  23. *  In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to
  24. *  link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL
  25. *  Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,
  26. *  L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all
  27. *  respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs
  28. *  from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception
  29. *  to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
  30. *  you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
  31. *  version.
  32. */
  33. //Do Not TOUCH. This is for debugging only.
  34. //#define DEBUG
  35. //#define MYSQLDEBUG
  36. #if defined DEBUG
  37. new debug_authid[]  = "STEAM_0:0:123456";
  38. new debug_name[] = "Stormtrooper";
  39. new debug_ipaddr[] = "";
  40. #endif
  41. // *** DO NOT EDIT BELOW HERE ***
  42. #include <amxconst>
  43. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  44.   #include <amxmodx>
  45.   #include <dbi>
  46. #else
  47.   #include <amxmod>
  48.   #include <mysql>
  49. #endif
  50. #include <amxmisc>
  52. new ps_version[] = "1.4";
  53. new pshost[64], psuser[32], pspass[32], psdb[32], plrtbl[32], psuniqueid[16], psurl[255], psrankurl[255], psadminpw[64];
  54. new plriplogged[33];
  55. public plugin_init() {
  56. register_plugin("PsychoStats PIP", ps_version, "Stormtrooper");
  57. register_cvar("ps_version", ps_version);
  58. register_cvar("ps_db_host","");
  59. register_cvar("ps_db_user","ps2");
  60. register_cvar("ps_db_pass","ps2");
  61. register_cvar("ps_db_name","ps_stats");
  62. register_cvar("ps_db_plrtable","pstats_plr");
  63. register_cvar("ps_stats_url","");
  64. register_cvar("ps_rank_url","");
  65. register_cvar("ps_uniqueid","worldid");
  66. register_cvar("ps_admin_password","");
  67. register_cvar("ps_logip","1");
  68. register_concmd("ps_password", "cmdPassword", 0, "[<old password>] <new password> - sets your password in the
  69. PsychoStats database");
  70. register_concmd("ps_setadmin", "cmdSetAdmin", ADMIN_RCON, "<admin password> - sets you as ADMIN in the Psychostats
  71. database");
  72. register_concmd("ps_admin",    "cmdSetAdmin", ADMIN_RCON, "<admin password> - sets you as ADMIN in the Psychostats
  73. database");
  74. register_concmd("ps_username", "cmdUsername", 0, "<password> <new username> - sets your username in the PsychoStats
  75. database");
  76. register_clcmd("say", "HandleSay");
  77. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  78. new configsDir[128];
  79. get_configsdir(configsDir, 127);
  80. server_cmd("exec %s/psychostats2.cfg", configsDir);
  81. #else
  82. server_cmd("exec addons/amx/psychostats2.cfg");
  83. #endif
  84. }
  85. //Called by ps_setadmin, to give yourself admin access on the stats.
  86. public cmdSetAdmin(id,level,cid) {
  87. if (!cmd_access(id,level,cid,2)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  88. new cmd[128], error[256], plrmatch[65], authid[33], name[65], ipaddr[16], plrid[16], plrprofid[16], userpw[65];
  89. load_pscvars();     // Load our config
  90. read_argv(1, userpw, 64);   // Get the password specified by the user
  91. // Load the user information
  92. _getuserinfo(id, authid, name, ipaddr, plrmatch);
  93. if (equal(psadminpw, "")) {
  94.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Server admin has disabled this feature.");
  95.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  96. }
  97. console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Setting ADMIN flag for %s '%s'", psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  98. if (!equal(psadminpw,userpw)) {
  99.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Invalid admin password.");
  100.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  101. }
  102. // Connect to mysql server
  103. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  104. new Sql:dbh = dbi_connect(pshost, psuser, pspass, psdb, error, 255);
  105. new Result:result
  106. if (dbh <= SQL_FAILED ) {
  107. #else
  108. new dbh = mysql_connect(pshost, psuser, pspass, psdb, error, 255);
  109. if (dbh < 1) {
  110. #endif
  111.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] MYSQL connect error. Contact your admin: '%s'", error);
  112.   server_print("[PsychoStats] MYSQL connect error: '%s' (%s,%s,%s)", error, pshost, psuser, psdb);
  113.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  114. }
  115. format(cmd, 127, "SELECT plrid FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'", plrtbl, psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  116. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  117. if ( (result = _query(dbh, cmd, id)) == RESULT_FAILED  ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  118. if (dbi_nextrow(result) > 0) {
  119.   dbi_field(result, 1, plrid, 15);  // Player ID matching the STEAMID
  120. }
  121. dbi_free_result(result)
  122. #else
  123. if (!_query(dbh, cmd, id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  124. if (mysql_nextrow(dbh) > 0) {
  125.   mysql_getfield(dbh, 1, plrid, 15);  // Player ID matching the STEAMID
  126. }
  127. #endif
  128. // If no plrid was returned then there is no match in the database for the current user
  129. if (equal(plrid,"")) {
  130.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] No player matches your %s '%s' in the database yet.", psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  131.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Please try again after the server stats have updated.");
  132.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  133. }
  134. format(cmd,127,"SELECT plrprofileid FROM %s_profile WHERE %s='%s' LIMIT 1", plrtbl, psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  135. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  136. if ( (result = _query(dbh, cmd, id)) == RESULT_FAILED  ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  137. if (dbi_nextrow(result) > 0) {
  138.   dbi_field(result, 1, plrprofid, 15);
  139. }
  140. dbi_free_result(result)
  141. #else
  142. if (!_query(dbh, cmd, id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  143. if (mysql_nextrow(dbh) > 0) {
  144.   mysql_getfield(dbh, 1, plrprofid, 15);
  145. }
  146. #endif
  147. if (equal(plrprofid,"")) {
  148.   quote_sql(name,64);
  149.   if (equal(psuniqueid,"name")) {
  150.    format(cmd,127,"INSERT INTO %s_profile (name, accesslevel) VALUES ('%s', 10)", plrtbl, name);
  151.   }
  152.   else {
  153.    format(cmd,127,"INSERT INTO %s_profile (%s, name, accesslevel) VALUES ('%s', '%s', 10)", plrtbl,
  154. psuniqueid, plrmatch, name);
  155.   }
  156. }
  157. else {
  158.   format(cmd,127,"UPDATE %s_profile SET accesslevel=10 WHERE plrprofileid='%s'", plrtbl, plrprofid);
  159. }
  160. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  161. if ( (result = _query(dbh, cmd, id)) == RESULT_FAILED ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  162. #else
  163. if (!_query(dbh, cmd, id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  164. #endif
  165. console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Accesslevel successfully updated for %s", plrmatch);
  166. if (!equal(psurl,"")) console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Game Stats: %s", psurl);
  167. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  168. dbi_close(dbh);
  169. #else
  170. mysql_close(dbh);
  171. #endif
  172. return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  173. }
  174. //Called by ps_username, to assign a username to a player profile
  175. public cmdUsername(id,level,cid) {
  176. if (!cmd_access(id,level,cid,2)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  177. new cmd[256], error[256], plrmatch[65], authid[33], name[65], ipaddr[16], plrid[16], curpw[33], username[65];
  178. new sqlpw[33], pwhash[33], dbpw[33], sqluser[71];
  179. load_pscvars();     // Load our config
  180. // Load the user information
  181. _getuserinfo(id, authid, name, ipaddr, plrmatch);
  182. new args = read_argc() - 1;  // Total arg's given
  183. if (args > 1) {    // If we got more than 1 we have <old> <new>
  184.   read_argv(1, curpw, 32);
  185.   read_argv(2, username, 64);
  186. }
  187. else {     // we only have 1
  188.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] You must provide your password and new username.");
  189.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  190. }
  191. console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Changing username for %s '%s'", psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  192. // Connect to mysql server
  193. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  194. new Sql:dbh = dbi_connect(pshost, psuser, pspass, psdb, error, 255);
  195. new Result:result
  196. if (dbh <= SQL_FAILED ) {
  197. #else
  198. new dbh = mysql_connect(pshost, psuser, pspass, psdb, error, 255);
  199. if (dbh < 1) {
  200. #endif
  201.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] MYSQL connect error. Contact your admin: '%s'", error);
  202.   server_print("[PsychoStats] MYSQL connect error: '%s' (%s,%s,%s)", error, pshost, psuser, psdb);
  203.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  204. }
  205. // determine if the username specified already exists or not
  206. copy(sqluser,70,username);
  207. quote_sql(sqluser, 70);
  208. format(cmd, 255, "SELECT plrprofileid FROM %s_profile WHERE `username`='%s' LIMIT 1", plrtbl, sqluser);
  209. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  210. if ( (result = _query(dbh, cmd, id)) == RESULT_FAILED ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  211. if (dbi_nextrow(result) > 0) {
  212.   dbi_field(result, 1, plrid, 16);  // Player ID matching the STEAMID
  213. }
  214. dbi_free_result(result)
  215. #else
  216. if (!_query(dbh, cmd, id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  217. if (mysql_nextrow(dbh) > 0) {
  218.   mysql_getfield(dbh, 1, plrid, 16);  // Player ID matching the STEAMID
  219. }
  220. #endif
  221. if (!equal(plrid,"")) {
  222.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Username '%s' already exists. Please try another name.", username);
  223.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  224. }
  225. // Since I don't know of any md5 functions in the AMX code, i'll just let the SQL server do it for me
  226. // We're converting the curpw that the user gave into a hash so we can compare it with the current pw
  227. // We also load the current password for the user here
  228. copy(sqlpw,32,curpw);
  229. quote_sql(sqlpw, 32);
  230. format(cmd, 255, "SELECT plrprofileid, `password`, MD5('%s') as pw FROM %s_profile WHERE %s='%s' LIMIT 1", sqlpw,
  231. plrtbl, psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  232. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  233. if ( (result = _query(dbh, cmd, id)) == RESULT_FAILED ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  234. if (dbi_nextrow(result) > 0) {
  235.   dbi_field(result, 1, plrid, 16);  // Player ID matching the STEAMID
  236.   dbi_field(result, 2, dbpw, 32);  // user's current pw (might be blank)
  237.   dbi_field(result, 3, pwhash, 32);  // the converted curpw (it's an md5 hash now)
  238. }
  239. dbi_free_result(result)
  240. #else
  241. if (!_query(dbh, cmd, id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  242. if (mysql_nextrow(dbh) > 0) {
  243.   mysql_getfield(dbh, 1, plrid, 16);  // Player ID matching the STEAMID
  244.   mysql_getfield(dbh, 2, dbpw, 32);  // user's current pw (might be blank)
  245.   mysql_getfield(dbh, 3, pwhash, 32);  // the converted curpw (it's an md5 hash now)
  246. }
  247. #endif
  248. // If no plrid was returned then there is no match in the database for the current user
  249. if (equal(plrid,"")) {
  250.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] No player matches your %s '%s' in the database yet.", psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  251.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Please create profile first using command 'ps_password'.");
  252.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  253. }
  254. // we must verify they supplied a valid password
  255. if (!equali(pwhash, dbpw)) { // both pw's are md5 hashes
  256.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Authentication failure for %s", authid);
  257.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Passwords do not match!");
  258.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Usage: ps_username <password> <new username>");
  259.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  260. }
  261. copy(sqluser,70,username);
  262. quote_sql(sqluser, 70);
  263. format(cmd,255,"UPDATE %s_profile SET `username`='%s' WHERE plrprofileid='%s'", plrtbl, sqluser, plrid);
  264. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  265. if ( (result = _query(dbh, cmd, id)) == RESULT_FAILED ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  266. #else
  267. if (!_query(dbh, cmd, id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  268. #endif
  269. console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Username successfully updated for %s '%s'", psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  270. if (!equal(psurl,"")) console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Game Stats: %s", psurl);
  271. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  272. dbi_close(dbh);
  273. #else
  274. mysql_close(dbh);
  275. #endif
  276. return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  277. }
  278. //Called by ps_password, clients can set thier stats password
  279. public cmdPassword(id,level,cid) {
  280. if (!cmd_access(id,level,cid,2)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  281. new cmd[256], error[256], plrmatch[65], authid[33], name[65], ipaddr[16], plrid[16], plrprofid[16], oldpw[33], curpw
  282. [33], newpw[33];
  283. new sqlpw[33];
  284. load_pscvars();     // Load our config
  285. // Load the user information
  286. _getuserinfo(id, authid, name, ipaddr, plrmatch);
  287. new args = read_argc() - 1;  // Total arg's given
  288. if (args > 1) {    // If we got more than 1 we have <old> <new>
  289.   read_argv(1, oldpw, 32);
  290.   read_argv(2, newpw, 32);
  291. }
  292. else {     // we only have 1
  293.   read_argv(1, newpw, 32);
  294. }
  295. new msg[255];
  296. msg = (args == 1) ? "[PsychoStats] Setting initial user password for player matching %s '%s'" : "[PsychoStats]
  297. Changing password for player matching %s '%s'";
  298. console_print(id, msg, psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  299. // Connect to mysql server
  300. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  301. new Sql:dbh = dbi_connect(pshost, psuser, pspass, psdb, error, 255);
  302. new Result:result
  303. if (dbh <= SQL_FAILED ) {
  304. #else
  305. new dbh = mysql_connect(pshost, psuser, pspass, psdb, error, 255);
  306. if (dbh < 1) {
  307. #endif
  308.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] MYSQL connect error. Contact your admin: '%s'", error);
  309.   server_print("[PsychoStats] MYSQL connect error: '%s' (%s,%s,%s)", error, pshost, psuser, psdb);
  310.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  311. }
  312. format(cmd, 255, "SELECT plrid FROM %s WHERE %s='%s' LIMIT 1", plrtbl, psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  313. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  314. if ( (result = _query(dbh, cmd, id)) == RESULT_FAILED ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  315. if (dbi_nextrow(result) > 0) {
  316.   dbi_field(result, 1, plrid, 16);  // Player ID matching the STEAMID
  317. }
  318. dbi_free_result(result);
  319. #else
  320. if (!_query(dbh, cmd, id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  321. if (mysql_nextrow(dbh) > 0) {
  322.   mysql_getfield(dbh, 1, plrid, 16);  // Player ID matching the STEAMID
  323. }
  324. #endif
  325. // If no plrid was returned then there is no match in the database for the current user
  326. if (equal(plrid,"")) {
  327.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] No player matches your %s '%s' in the database yet.", psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  328.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Please try again after the server stats have updated.");
  329.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  330. }
  331. // Since I don't know of any md5 functions in the AMX code, i'll just let the SQL server do it for me
  332. // We're converting the oldpw that the user gave into a hash so we can compare it with the current pw
  333. // We also load the current password for the user here
  334. copy(sqlpw,32,oldpw);
  335. quote_sql(sqlpw, 32);
  336. format(cmd, 255, "SELECT plrprofileid, `password`, MD5('%s') AS pw FROM %s_profile WHERE %s='%s' LIMIT 1", sqlpw,
  337. plrtbl, psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  338. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  339. if ( (result = _query(dbh, cmd, id)) == RESULT_FAILED ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  340. if (dbi_nextrow(result) > 0) {
  341.   dbi_field(result, 1, plrprofid, 16);  // Player ID matching the STEAMID
  342.   dbi_field(result, 2, curpw, 32);  // user's current pw (might be blank)
  343.   dbi_field(result, 3, oldpw, 32);  // the converted oldpw (it's an md5 hash now)
  344. }
  345. dbi_free_result(result);
  346. #else
  347. if (!_query(dbh, cmd, id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  348. if (mysql_nextrow(dbh) > 0) {
  349.   mysql_getfield(dbh, 1, plrprofid, 16);  // Player ID matching the STEAMID
  350.   mysql_getfield(dbh, 2, curpw, 32);  // user's current pw (might be blank)
  351.   mysql_getfield(dbh, 3, oldpw, 32);  // the converted oldpw (it's an md5 hash now)
  352. }
  353. #endif
  354. // If there's a current password for the user we must verify they supplied a valid password
  355. if (!equal(curpw, "")) {
  356.   if (args == 1) {
  357.    console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Authentication failure for %s", authid);
  358.    console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] You must provide your current password in order to change it. If you
  359. don't know what it is please contact your admin.");
  360.    console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Usage:  %s %s", "ps_password", "<old password> <new password>")
  361.    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  362.   }
  363.   else if (!equali(curpw, oldpw)) { // both pw's are md5 hashes
  364.    console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Authentication failure for %s", authid);
  365.    console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Passwords do not match!");
  366.    console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Usage:  %s %s", "ps_password", "[<old password>] <new password>")
  367.    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  368.   }
  369. }
  370. copy(sqlpw,32,newpw);
  371. quote_sql(sqlpw, 32);
  372. if (equal(plrprofid,"")) {
  373.   quote_sql(name,64);
  374.   if (equal(psuniqueid,"name")) {
  375.    format(cmd,255,"INSERT INTO %s_profile (name, password, accesslevel) VALUES ('%s', MD5('%s'), '1')",
  376. plrtbl, name, sqlpw);
  377.   }
  378.   else {
  379.    format(cmd,255,"INSERT INTO %s_profile (%s, name, password, accesslevel) VALUES ('%s', '%s', MD5('%
  380. s'), '1')", plrtbl, psuniqueid, plrmatch, name, sqlpw);
  381.   }
  382. }
  383. else {
  384.   format(cmd,255,"UPDATE %s_profile SET `password`=MD5('%s') WHERE plrprofileid='%s'", plrtbl, sqlpw,
  385. plrprofid);
  386. }
  387. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  388. if ( (result = _query(dbh, cmd, id)) == RESULT_FAILED ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  389. #else
  390. if (!_query(dbh, cmd, id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  391. #endif
  392. console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Password successfully updated for %s '%s'", psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  393. if (!equal(psurl,"")) console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] Game Stats: %s", psurl);
  394. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  395. dbi_close(dbh);
  396. #else
  397. mysql_close(dbh);
  398. #endif
  399. return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  400. }
  401. //This code is all for the PSRank in game MOTD popups
  402. public HandleSay(id) {
  403. new Speech[128];
  404. read_args(Speech,127);
  405. remove_quotes(Speech);
  406. load_pscvars();
  407. /*
  408. register_clcmd("say /statsme","cmdStatsMe",0,"- displays your stats")
  409. register_clcmd("say /stats","cmdStats",0,"- displays others stats")
  410. register_clcmd("say /top15","cmdTop15",0,"- displays top 15 players")
  411. register_clcmd("say /rank","cmdRank",0,"- displays your server stats")
  412. */
  413. if(containi(Speech, "/psstats") == 0) {
  414.   show_motd(id, psrankurl, "Stats: Powered by PsychoStats");
  415.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  416. }
  417. if(containi(Speech, "/pstop15") == 0 || containi(Speech, "/pstop10") == 0) {
  418.   new smalltt[256];
  419.   format (smalltt,255,"%s/smalltopten.php",psrankurl);
  420.   show_motd(id, smalltt, "Top 10: Powered by PsychoStats");
  421.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  422. }
  423. if(containi(Speech, "/psrank") == 0 || containi(Speech, "/psstatsme") == 0) {
  424.   new cmd[128], error[255], rankurl[256], plrmatch[65], authid[33], name[65], ipaddr[16], plrid[16];
  425.   _getuserinfo(id, authid, name, ipaddr, plrmatch);
  426.   // Connect to mysql server
  427.   #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  428.   new Sql:dbh = dbi_connect(pshost, psuser, pspass, psdb, error, 255);
  429.   new Result:result
  430.   if (dbh <= SQL_FAILED ) {
  431.   #else
  432.   new dbh = mysql_connect(pshost, psuser, pspass, psdb, error, 255);
  433.   if (dbh < 1) {
  434.   #endif
  435.    console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] MYSQL connect error. Contact your admin: '%s'", error);
  436.    server_print("[PsychoStats] MYSQL connect error: '%s' (%s,%s,%s)", error, pshost, psuser, psdb);
  437.    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  438.   }
  439.   format(cmd, 127, "SELECT plrid FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'", plrtbl, psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  440.   #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  441.   if ( (result = _query(dbh, cmd, id)) == RESULT_FAILED ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  442.   if (dbi_nextrow(result) > 0) {
  443.    dbi_field(result, 1, plrid, 15);
  444.   }
  445.   dbi_free_result(result);
  446.   #else
  447.   if (!_query(dbh, cmd, id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  448.   if (mysql_nextrow(dbh) > 0) {
  449.    mysql_getfield(dbh, 1, plrid, 15);
  450.   }
  451.   #endif
  452.   if (equal(plrid,"")) {
  453.    client_print(id,print_chat,"[PsychoStats] No player matches your %s '%s' in the database.",
  454. psuniqueid, plrmatch);
  455.    format(rankurl,255,"%s/index.php?search=%s",psrankurl, plrmatch);
  456.   }
  457.   else {
  458.    format(rankurl,255,"%s/player.php?id=%s",psrankurl,plrid);
  459.   }
  460.   show_motd(id, rankurl, "Rank: Powered by PsychoStats")
  461.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  462. }
  463. if(containi(Speech, "/search") == 0) {
  464.   new arg1[32], arg2[32];
  465.   parse(Speech,arg1,31,arg2,31);
  466.   new rankurl[256];
  467.   format(rankurl,255,"%s/index.php?search=%s",psrankurl,arg2);
  468.   show_motd(id, rankurl, "Stats Search: Powered by PsychoStats");
  469.   return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
  470. }
  471. return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
  472. }
  473. //Below is all code to assist in IP tracking and make it more reliable
  474. public logip(id) {
  475. if (!plriplogged[id] && get_cvar_num("ps_logip")) {
  476.   new name[32], authid[32], team[32], address[32]
  477.   get_user_name(id,name,31);
  478.   get_user_authid(id,authid,31);
  479.   get_user_team(id,team,31);
  480.   get_user_ip(id,address,31);
  481.   if (equal(authid,"STEAM_ID_PENDING")) return
  482.   if (get_user_userid(id) == -1) return
  483.   if (equal(address,"")) return
  484.   if (equal(team, "UNASSIGNED")) copy(team,31,"")
  485.   log_message("^"%s<%d><%s><%s>^" triggered ^"address^" (address ^"%s^")",
  486.   name,get_user_userid(id),authid,team,address);
  487.   plriplogged[id] = 1;
  488. }
  489. }
  490. public client_disconnect(id) {
  491. //Only need to log it agian if the user did something on the server
  492. if ((get_user_frags(id) > 0) || (get_user_deaths(id) > 0) || (get_user_time(id,1) > 30)) {
  493.   //Set to 0 to make it log it agian
  494.   plriplogged[id] = 0;
  495.   logip(id);
  496. }
  497. //Set to 0 to make sure next client with this id gets logged
  498. plriplogged[id] = 0;
  499. }
  500. public client_connect(id) {
  501. plriplogged[id] = 0;
  502. }
  503. public client_putinserver(id) {
  504. logip(id);
  505. }
  506. public client_infochanged(id) {
  507. logip(id);
  508. }
  509. // Support functions
  510. // This can be called from another function to load the cvars into variables
  511. load_pscvars() {
  512. get_cvar_string("ps_db_host", pshost, 63);
  513. get_cvar_string("ps_db_user", psuser, 31);
  514. get_cvar_string("ps_db_pass", pspass, 31);
  515. get_cvar_string("ps_db_name", psdb, 31);
  516. get_cvar_string("ps_db_plrtable", plrtbl, 31);
  517. get_cvar_string("ps_stats_url", psurl, 254);
  518. get_cvar_string("ps_rank_url", psrankurl, 254);
  519. get_cvar_string("ps_admin_password", psadminpw, 63);
  520. get_cvar_string("ps_uniqueid", psuniqueid, 15);
  521. if (equal(psrankurl,"")) copy(psrankurl, 254, psurl);
  522. }
  523. // Load the users information
  524. public _getuserinfo(id, authid[33], name[65], ipaddr[16], plrmatch[65]) {
  525. #if defined DEBUG
  526. copy(authid, 32, debug_authid);
  527. copy(name, 32, debug_name);
  528. copy(ipaddr, 15, debug_ipaddr);
  529. #else
  530. get_user_authid(id, authid, 32);
  531. get_user_name(id, name, 32);
  532. get_user_ip(id, ipaddr, 15, 1);  // 1 = do not include port
  533. #endif
  534. // Determine which field we want to match players on and store it in 'plrmatch'
  535. if (equali(psuniqueid, "name")) {
  536.   copy(plrmatch, 32, name);
  537.   quote_sql(plrmatch,64);
  538. }
  539. else if (equali(psuniqueid, "ipaddr")) {
  540.   copy(plrmatch, 15, ipaddr);
  541. }
  542. else {  // always default to 'worldid'
  543.   copy(plrmatch, 33, authid);
  544. }
  545. }
  546. // short-cut function for performing a mysql_query. Returns false on error.
  547. #if defined AMXX_VERSION
  548. public Result:_query(Sql:dbh, cmd[], id) {
  549. new Result:result = dbi_query(dbh, cmd)
  550. if (result == RESULT_FAILED) {
  551.   new error[255];
  552.   dbi_error(dbh, error, 254);
  553.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] SQL error. Contact your admin: '%s'", error);
  554.   server_print("[PsychoStats] SQL error: '%s' (%s,%s,%s)", error, pshost, psuser, psdb);
  555. }
  556. return result;
  557. }
  558. #else
  559. public _query(dbh, cmd[], id) {
  560. if (mysql_query(dbh, cmd) < 1) {
  561.   new error[255];
  562.   mysql_error(dbh, error, 254);
  563.   console_print(id, "[PsychoStats] SQL error. Contact your admin: '%s'", error);
  564.   server_print("[PsychoStats] SQL error: '%s' (%s,%s,%s)", error, pshost, psuser, psdb);
  565.   return false;
  566. }
  567. return true;
  568. }
  569. #endif
  570. // quotes the string given to be used safely in a mysql_query() call
  571. quote_sql(string[],len) {
  572. new charnum = 0;
  573. while ( replace( string[charnum] ,len,"'","\'") != 0) {
  574.   charnum += contain(string[charnum],"\'") + 2;
  575. }
  576. charnum = 0;
  577. while ( replace( string[charnum] ,len,"`","\`") != 0) {
  578.   charnum += contain(string[charnum],"\`") + 2;
  579. }
  580. }


有的朋友可能在安装theme时比较头疼,覆盖来覆盖去的总是显示有问题。其实只需要将下载的theme解压缩到PS安装目录下的themes文件夹下,然后运行install.pl -step web theme,在选择theme时就会多出一个选项(不只是psweb了)。如将psmod解压到themes文件夹下的psmod文件夹下,运行install.pl -step web theme时就会让你选择按装psweb还是psmod了。在重新安装theme后可能Q1还会出现,依法解决就可以了。

 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-25 13:28:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–天津–天津

回复: [技术类][原创]Psychostats2.3.3安装之十全大补贴


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-25 13:28:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–重庆–重庆

回复: [技术类][原创]Psychostats2.3.3安装之十全大补贴


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-25 18:21:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–咸阳

回复: [技术类][原创]Psychostats2.3.3安装之十全大补贴


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-25 21:18:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–云南–曲靖

回复: [技术类][原创]Psychostats2.3.3安装之十全大补贴


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-25 21:37:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–天津–天津

回复: [技术类][原创]Psychostats2.3.3安装之十全大补贴


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-25 22:40:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–云南–曲靖

回复: [技术类][原创]Psychostats2.3.3安装之十全大补贴

Post by cfans


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-25 23:06:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–东莞

回复: [技术类][原创]Psychostats2.3.3安装之十全大补贴


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-26 14:09:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–江苏–南京

回复: [技术类][原创]Psychostats2.3.3安装之十全大补贴

看看:D :sweet_kis

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-26 15:01:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安

回复: [技术类][原创]Psychostats2.3.3安装之十全大补贴


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