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发表于 2006-7-7 17:14:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–山东–潍坊
在amxmodx/config目录里面还有个 atac的目录,不知道和amx.cfg哪一个起作用,


//------------------------------------ MENU OPTIONS ----------------------------------------------
// ATAC  (1= or  0 = )
atac_menu 1

//                                  = 1
//  1hp                        = 2
//                           = 4
//                                  = 8
//                                  = 16
//                                  = 32
//                                  = 64
//                                   = 128
//                                  = 256
//                                   = 512
//                                  = 1024
//                                  = 2048
//                                  = 4096
// ----------------------------
//                     = 8191
atac_options 8191

//----------------------------------  ---------------------------------------
//  ( 0.01)
atac_slap_freq 0.250000

atac_slap_amount 10

atac_slap_power 5

atac_jail_time 45

//  (0=, 1=)
atac_bomb_mode 0

//  ()
atac_bomb_range 1000

//  (0=, 1=)
atac_fire_mode 0

// 01
atac_handlenames 1

// (0=OFF 1=ON)
atac_hostagepen 1

//  /   (0=OFF or 1=ON)
atac_hudmessages 1
atac_amxban 0
atac_amxban 1

atac_log 1
//  (0= or 1=)
atac_dm 1

atac_ta_equal_v 5

//  (0=)
atac_tacontrol 5

//  (0= or 1=)
atac_ta_equal_v 0

// (0= or 1=)
atac_tanotallowedfor 0

//  (0= or 1=)
atac_slayonmaxtas 1

//  (0= or 1=)
atac_ta_slap 1

atac_ta_mirrordmg 0
//------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------
atac_ta_restore 0
atac_tkcontrol 1

atac_tk_before_ban 3

// : 1=AUTHID, 2=IP, 3=KICK ( 2)
atac_tkcontrol 1
//  (0 = )
atac_bantime 120
atac_tk_before_ban 3
atac_status 1
atac_banvia 3
//  (0= or 1=)
atac_admins_immune 1
atac_bantime 120
//  (0= or 1=)
atac_savetks 1
发表于 2006-7-7 18:01:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–云南–西双版纳傣族自治州–景洪市

回复: 我的友军伤害镜像返还怎么不起作用啊?

// ********************************** Menu Variables ********************************************
// ATAC MENU sets OFF or ON (0 or 1) 0 = 在TK发生后是否在客户端自动打开ATAC菜单(0为关闭,1为打开)
atac_menu 1

// Enables/Disables the menu options on the menu. (OFF or ON)设置下面的菜单选项哪些可以打开(1为此菜单可以打开,0为关闭此菜单)
atac_option_slap 1
        // Set delay inbetween slaps 设置扇巴掌时每个巴掌的最小间隔(.不能低于0.01)
        atac_slap_freq 0.2
        // Set how many slaps to give a killer 设置给TK的人多少个巴掌默认为20个
        atac_tk_slaps 20
        // Set how much life to take from killer for each slap  设置每个巴掌可以煽掉TK的人多少血设置成4表示每个巴掌4滴血
        atac_slap_power 4
atac_option_slapto1 1
atac_option_slay_nr 1
atac_option_jail 1
        // Set the amount of time you want the player jailed for in seconds. 设置希望将TK玩家放入监狱多少秒(默认为45秒)
        atac_jailtime 45
atac_option_chicken 1
atac_option_bury 1
atac_option_glow 1
atac_option_bomb 1
        // When player explodes via option_bomb will his explosion kill others? 设置TK玩家被惩罚自爆后,是否会伤害其他玩家
        atac_explosion_ap 1
        // How far away will his (via option_bomb) explosion kill others? 设置自爆玩家爆炸后伤害范围有多远
        atac_explosion_range 900
atac_option_blind 1
atac_option_rocket 1
//drops player Repeatedly
atac_option_drop 1
atac_option_fire 1
        //Players on fire can set other plaers on fire? (0 or 1)  设置玩家被火烧时是否会烧到其他玩家(0为不会1为会烧到)
        atac_ignite_others 1

// ********************************** Violation Variables ***************************************
// Set amount of time(minutes) you want to ban a user after their Teamattack Violations have hit the
// limit (0 = Permanent Ban)
atac_bantime 20
//Set to: 1 = ban 他的AUTHID, 2= ban他的IP, 3= 只KICK玩家
atac_banvia 3
// Set Number of Teamattack Violations you want allowed before user is banned
atac_tk_before_ban 10
// Set to 1 if you want ATAC to change players names to Inmate#00x and Chicken#00x and back during punishments
atac_handlenames 1
// Toggles the TK and TA Violation status showing during game in lover left hand corner.
atac_status 1

//********************************** Team Attack Variables **************************************
// Turns on and off TEAM ATTACK Control (0 or 1)
//是否打开友军伤害控制 0=OFF 1=ON
atac_tacontrol 1
// Amount of time(seconds) after round start that team attackers are slayed (0=OFF) NOTE: Can be changed in game
//新开局多少秒内不能TK,否则自杀 0=OFF(以秒为单位)此参数可以在游戏中修改
atac_tanotallowedfor 3
// Sets Instant slaying when MAX Team Attacks are reached OFF or ON (0 or 1)
//是否立即杀死TKER当最大次数TK发生后 0=OFF 1=OM
atac_slayonmaxtas 0
// Set Number of Team Attacks you want to be counted as a Team Kill Violation (can NOT be higher than 9)
//(设置不能超过9) 设置伤害友军多少次后才算做TK
atac_ta_equal_v 5
// Set Slapping ON or OFF when someone Team Attacks (0 DAMAGE TAKEN AWAY) (0 or 1)
//在友军伤害时TKER是否自己也减血. 0为不失血
atac_ta_slap 1
// Set Mirror Damage upon Team Attack ON or OFF (0 or 1)
atac_ta_mirrordmg 1
// Restore Life taken away by a Team Attacker (0 or 1)
atac_ta_restore 0

//********************************** Team Kill Variables ****************************************
// Turns on and off TEAM KILL Control (0 or 1) 设置是否打开TK控制
atac_tkcontrol 1
// Do you want admins to be immune to the punishment? (0 or 1) 设置OP是否在TK的时候是否会被惩罚
atac_admins_immune 1
// Do you want to save the players Team Kill Violations even if client reconnects? (0 or 1) 设置服务器是否保存玩家的TK数据(如果设置为保存,玩家下次重新进入服务器上次的友军伤害记录会延续下去)
atac_savetks 1

// Set Slapping ON or OFF when someone Team Attacks (0 DAMAGE TAKEN AWAY) (0 or 1)
//在友军伤害时TKER是否自己也减血. 0为不失血
atac_ta_slap 1
// Set Mirror Damage upon Team Attack ON or OFF (0 or 1)
atac_ta_mirrordmg 1

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