查看: 5518|回复: 4


发表于 2006-9-8 16:37:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广西
// Mani Admin Plugin 2006 (by Mani)
// Language translation file (english.cfg)
// This is the English translation file for the plugin
// If you wish to make your own translation file
// here are some things you should know.
// You must make a copy of this file and call
// it whatever your language is i.e
// french.cfg
// german.cfg
// Format:-
// translation_id;format parameters;translation string
// The first number is the translation id, you
// must use the same numbers that are supplied
// in the english.cfg file. Do not use your own
// numbers.
// The second parameter is for reference only so you have
// a rough idea of what the parameter types are.
// Typical format parameters are (C programmers will know these)
// %s (string)
// %i (integer)
// %f (float)
// The 3rd parameter is the translation string itself.
// Embedded in the translation string are %1p %2p etc
// These are the place holders for the dymamic parameters
// that can be used in a string and relate to the 2nd
// format parameters. You can have these parameters in
// any order that you like, you can even repeat the same
// parameter more than once.
// 01234;%s%s%s;Round the %1p %2p the %3p rascals ran
// The plugin will output from this translation string using the code
// Translate(01234,"ragged","rocks","rugged");
// 'Round the ragged rocks the rugged rascals ran'
// %1p = ragged, %2p = rocks, %3p = rugged
// If I change the translation format to be: -
// 01234;%s%s%s;Round the %2p the %3p %1p rascals ran
// The output will change to be: -
// 'Round the rocks the rugged ragged rascals ran'
// If I change the translation format to be: -
// 01234;%s%s%s;Round the %2p the %2p crumbled and smashed
// The output will be: -
// 'Round the rocks the rocks crumbled and smashed'
// As you can see this allows the possibility of changing the word
// order which is vital to translating to some languages.
// A real world example is the following change to one of the victim
// stats translations
// The following is an example based on the following translation
// 01111;%s%s%c%c%i%i%s%s%.2f%.1f%s;KILLED %1p%2p %3p%4p %5p Dmg, %6p %7p %8p @ %9pm (%10pft)%11p
// In the standard english.cfg file this will output something like
// 'Killed Mani (HS) >> 126 Dmg, 2 Hits ak47 @ 8m (24.5ft) Head: 2'
// %1p = Player name,
// %2p = (HS) string,
// %3p & %4p = '>>'
// %5p = Damage player caused
// %6p = Player shots that hit
// %7p = 'Hits or Hit'
// %8p = Weapon name that caused the kill
// %9p = Kill distance in metres
// %10p = Kill distance in feet
// %11p = Concatenated hit group string
// Now I can re-arrange the information or just simply
// remove some of it if I want.
// 'You killed (HS) player Mani in 2 Hits with 126 damage using an AK47. Hitboxes :- Head : 2'
//             %2p          %1p   %6p %7p      %5p                 %8p                 %11p
// The translation string for this would be: -
// 01111;%s%s%c%c%i%i%s%s%.2f%.1f%s;You killed %2p player %1p in %6p %7p with %5p damage using an %8p. Hitboxes :- %11p
// When you come to test your translation the english language
// file will always be loaded first. The SERVER CONSOLE will
// output any errors in your file if it finds any giving a description
// of which line the failure happened and what went wrong.
// If you do have an error, the english translation will be subsituted for
// your translation for that line.

// Version string (not required for other
// translation files. Plugin uses this to
// ensure the english.cfg
// translation file is up to date

// Primary Menu translation

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00100;;Press Esc for Admin Options

// Menu title
00101;;Admin Options

// Menu options
00102;;Player Management
00103;;Fun Player Management
00104;;Map Management
00105;;Vote Management
00106;;Restrict Weapons
00107;;Play Sound
00108;;RCON Commands
00109;;Plugin Config
00110;;Change Map
00111;;Turn Off War Mode

// Choose Map Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00130;;Press ESC to choose a map
// Menu title
00131;;Choose a map to change to

// Set Next Map Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00140;;Press ESC to choose a map to set
// Menu title
00141;;Choose a map to set as the next map

// Set Player Kick Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00150;;Press ESC to choose a player to kick
// Menu title
00151;;Choose a player to kick

// Set Player Slap Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00160;;Press ESC to choose a player to slap
// Menu title
00161;;Choose a player to slap
00162;;Slap Again
00163;;Press Esc for Repeat Slap
00164;;Repeat Slap Options

// Set Player Blind Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00170;;Press ESC to choose a player to blind
// Menu title
00171;;Choose a player to blind

// Set Player Swap Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00180;;Press ESC to choose a player to swap
// Menu title
00181;;Choose a player to swap

// Set Player Freeze Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00190;;Press ESC to choose a player to freeze
// Menu title
00191;;Choose a player to freeze

// Set Player Drug Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00200;;Press ESC to choose a player to drug
// Menu title
00201;;Choose a player to drug/un-drug

// Set Player Gimp Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00210;;Press ESC to choose a player to gimp
// Menu title
00211;;Choose a player to gimp/un-gimp

// Set Player Teleport Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00220;;Press ESC to choose a player to teleport
// Menu title
00221;;Choose a player to teleport to saved location
00222;;You must save a location first !!\n

// Set Player Slay Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00230;;Press ESC to choose a player to slay
// Menu title
00231;;Choose player to slay

// Set Admin RCON Vote Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00240;;Press ESC to choose a RCON Vote
// Menu title
00241;;Choose a RCON vote to start

// Set Admin Question Vote

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00250;;Press ESC to choose a Question Vote
// Menu title
00251;;Choose a Question vote to start

// Set RCON Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00260;;Press ESC to choose an RCON command
// Menu title
00261;;Choose a RCON command to run

// Set Client Command Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00270;;Press ESC to choose a client command
// Menu title
00271;;Choose a client command to run

// Set Client Player Command Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00280;;Press ESC to choose a player to run command on
// Menu title
00281;;Choose a player to run command on

// Set Fun Player management menu option

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00290;;Press ESC to choose Punish Options
// Menu title
00291;;Punish Options
00292;;Slap Player
00293;;Blind Player
00294;;Freeze Player
00295;;Drug/UnDrug Player
00296;;Gimp/UnGimp Player
00297;;Teleport Player
00298;;Save Teleport Loc

// Set Vote Type menu option

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00310;;Press ESC to choose Vote Options
// Menu title
00311;;Vote Options
00312;;RCON Vote
00313;;Question Vote
00314;;Extend Map Vote
00315;;Random Map Vote
00316;;Single Map Vote
00317;;Build Multi Map Vote
00318;;Start Multi Map Vote
00319;;Cancel Vote

// Set Map Change Type options

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00330;;Press Esc for Vote Delay Type
// Menu title
00331;;Vote Delay Type
00332;;Change Immediately
00333;;Change End Of Round
00334;;Change End Of Map

// Set Ban Options

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00350;;Press Esc for Ban Options
// Menu title
00351;;Ban Options
00352;;5 Minute Ban
00353;;30 Minute Ban
00354;;1 Hour Ban
00355;;2 Hour Ban
00356;;1 Day Ban
00357;;7 Day Ban
00358;;Permanent Ban

// Set Slap Options

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00370;;Press Esc for Slap Options
// Menu title
00371;;Slap Options
00372;;No Damage
00373;;1 Health Damage
00374;;5 Health Damage
00375;;10 Health Damage
00376;;20 Health Damage
00377;;50 Health Damage
00378;;99 Health Damage

// Set Blind Options

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00390;;Press Esc for Blind Options
// Menu title
00391;;Blind Options
00393;;Partial Blindness
00394;;Full Blindness

// Set Ban Type

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00400;;Press Esc for Ban Options
// Menu title
00401;;Ban Type
00402;;Ban by Steam ID
00403;;Ban by IP
00404;;Autoban by Name

// Set Kick Type

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00420;;Press Esc for Kick Options
// Menu title
00421;;Kick Type
00422;;Kick Now
00423;;Autokick by Name
00424;;Autokick by Steam
00425;;Autokick by IP

// Set Client Exec Options

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00440;;Press Esc for Client Exec options
// Menu title
00441;;Client Command Execute Options
00442;;Single Player
00443;;All Players
00444;;T Team
00445;;CT Team

// Set Plugin Config Options

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00460;;Press Esc for Config Options
// Menu title
00461;;Config Options
00462;;Disable Adverts
00463;;Enable Adverts
00464;;Disable TK Protect
00465;;Enable TK Protect
00466;;Disable TK Forgive
00467;;Enable TK Forgive
00468;;Disable War Mode
00469;;Enable War Mode
00470;;Disable Stats
00471;;Enable Stats
00472;;Reset Stats

// Set Ban Player Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00500;;Press ESC to choose a player to ban
// Menu title
00501;;Choose player ban by Steam ID
00502;;Choose player ban by IP Address

// Set Auto Ban Player By Name Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00510;;Press ESC to choose a player to autoban by Name
// Menu title
00511;;Choose player to autoban by Name

// Set Auto Kick Player By Name/Steam/IP Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00520;;Press ESC to choose a player to autokick by Steam ID
00521;;Press ESC to choose a player to autokick IP Address
00522;;Press ESC to choose a player to autokick by Name
// Menu title
00523;;Choose player to autokick by Steam ID
00524;;Choose player to autokick by IP Address
00525;;Choose player to autokick by Name

// Set Restrict Weapon Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00530;;Press ESC to restrict weapons
// Menu title
00531;;Choose a weapon to restrict/un-restrict
00532;%s;Weapon [%1p] is un-restricted
00533;%s;Weapon [%1p] is restricted

// Set Play Sound Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00540;;Press ESC to choose a sound to play
// Menu title
00541;;Choose a sound to play

// Set System triggered vote menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00550;;Press ESC to vote
// Menu title
00551;;Vote for the next map !!!
00552;%s;Will %1p be the next map ?
00553;%i;Extend map by %1p minutes ?
00554;%s;The question was... %1p
00555;%s;The answer is... %1p

// Set User triggered vote map menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00560;;Press ESC to vote for a map
// Menu title
00561;%i;Mani Admin Plugin\nVotes needed to change map is %1p\nChoose a map to vote for

// Set User triggered vote kick menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00570;;Press ESC to vote for a user kick
// Menu title
00571;%i;Mani Admin Plugin\nVotes needed to kick player is %1p\nChoose a player to kick by vote

// Set User triggered vote ban menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00580;;Press ESC to vote for a user ban
// Menu title
00581;%i;Mani Admin Plugin\nVotes needed to ban player is %1p\nChoose a player to ban by vote

// Set Map Management Options

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00590;;Press Esc for Map Options
// Menu title
00591;;Map Management Options
00592;;Change Map
00593;;Set Next Map

// Set Player Management Options

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00610;;Press Esc for Player Options
// Menu title
00611;;Player Management Options
00612;;Slay Player
00613;;Kick Player
00614;;Ban Player
00615;;Swap Player to opposite team
00616;;Balance Team Sizes
00617;;Client Commands

// Set Forgive Menu Options

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00630;;Press Esc for Forgive Options
// Menu title
00631;%s;Mani Admin Plugin\nSelect punishment for player %1p\n
00633;;Slay Now or miss next round if attacker dead
00634;%i;Slap Player to %1p health now or next round
00635;;Blind Player
00636;;Freeze Player
00637;%i;Take %1p percent of players cash
00638;;Drug Player

// Set Admin Accept Vote options
// Initial message for Escape style menus
00660;;Press Esc for vote acception menu
// Menu title
00661;%s;Players voted [%1p], do you wish to accept ?\n(You have 30 seconds)\n

// General Menu translations

00674;;->8 Back\n
00675;;->9 More\n
00676;;0 Exit\n

// Set Menu System Vote Random Map

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00700;;Press ESC to choose how many random maps
// Menu title
00701;;Choose how many maps you want

// Set Menu System Vote Single Map

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00710;;Press ESC to choose a map to vote
// Menu title
00711;;Choose which map will be voted for

// Set Menu System Vote Build Map

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00720;;Press ESC to build map votes
// Menu title
00721;;Choose which maps to add for a vote\nRun Start Multi Map Vote to start the vote
00722;%s;De-selected map [%1p] for vote
00723;%s;Selected map [%1p] for vote
00724;%s; ADDED %1p

// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0a
// **********************************************

// Set Player Burn Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00740;;Press ESC to choose a player to burn
// Menu title
00741;;Choose a player to burn

00639;;Burn Player
00299;;Burn Player

// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0b Quake Sounds
// **********************************************

00800;;Prepare To Fight !!
00801;%s;%1p got firstblood !
00802;%s%s;%1p humiliated by %2p
00803;%s;%1p multikill !!
00804;%s;%1p is dominating !!
00805;%s;%1p rampage !!
00806;%s;%1p is on a killing spree !
00807;%s;%1p monster kill !!
00808;%s;%1p is unstoppable
00809;%s;%1p ultrakill !!
00810;%s;%1p is god like !!
00811;%s;%1p is wicked sick !!
00812;%s;%1p ludicrous kills !!!
00813;%s;HOLY SHIT %1p !!!
00814;%s;%1p headshot !!

// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0c No Clip menu and freeze updates
// **********************************************

// Set Player No Clip Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00750;;Press ESC to choose a player to no clip
// Menu title
00751;;Choose a player to no clip

00300;;No Clip Player


// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0d Mute player updates
// **********************************************

// Set Player Mute Menu

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00760;;Press ESC to choose a player to mute/un-mute
// Menu title
00761;;Choose a player to mute/un-mute

00618;;Mute Player

// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0o Web shortcut menu
// **********************************************

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00770;;Press ESC to choose a web shortcut
// Menu title
00771;;Choose a web shortcut to show

// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0q Set Skins and Move to spectator
// **********************************************

// Set Player to skin menu
// Initial message for Escape style menus
00780;;Press Esc to choose a player to skin
// Menu title
00781;;Choose player to skin

// Set Skin menu
// Initial message for Escape style menus
00782;;Press Esc to choose a skin
// Menu title
00783;;Choose a skin

// Choose player to move to spectator
// Initial message for Escape style menus
00790;;Press Esc to choose a player to move
// Menu title
00791;;Choose a player to move to spectator

// Fun player management option to choose skin
00301;;Set Skin
00619;;Player to Spectator

// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0s
// **********************************************

// Set Player Time Bomb/Fire Bomb/Freeze Bomb

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00850;;Press ESC to choose a player to time bomb
// Menu title
00851;;Choose a player to time bomb

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00852;;Press ESC to choose a player to fire bomb
// Menu title
00853;;Choose a player to fire bomb

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00854;;Press ESC to choose a player to freeze bomb
// Menu title
00855;;Choose a player to freeze bomb

00640;;Time Bomb
00302;;Time Bomb
00641;;Fire Bomb
00303;;Fire Bomb
00642;;Freeze Bomb
00304;;Freeze Bomb

// ********************************************
// Handle different source mods
// ********************************************

// CSS Mod

00902;;Counter Terrorist






// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0t
// **********************************************

// Set Player Beacon translations

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00856;;Press ESC to choose a player to beacon
// Menu title
00857;;Choose a player to turn into a beacon

// **************************
// Dystopia mod team names in V1.1.0z
// **************************


// **************************
// Dod team names in V1.1.0zb
// **************************

// **************************
// Empires Mod team names
// **************************
00922;;Northern Faction
00924;;Brenodi Empire

// **************************
// SourceForts
// **************************
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-8 16:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广西

回复: 帮汉化下chinese.cfg文件

// New for V1.2 Beta L

// **************************
// Stats translations
// **************************

01004;%s%i%s%i%s%.2f;Player %1p is not ranked yet. %2p %3p, %4p %5p, kd ratio %6p
01005;%s%i%i%i%s%i%s%.2f;Player %1p is ranked %2p/%3p with %4p %5p, %6p %7p, kd ratio %8p
01006;%s%i%i%.0f%i%s%i%s%.2f;Player %1p is ranked %2p/%3p with %4p points, %5p %6p, %7p %8p, kd ratio %9p

01007;%i%i;Rank %1p-%2p by Kills\n
01008;%i%i;Rank %1p-%2p by KD Ratio\n
01009;%i%i;Rank %1p-%2p by K-D\n
01010;%i%i;Rank %1p-%2p by Points\n
01011;;Press Esc to see top ranks

01012;%i;  Headshots  %1p\n
01013;%i%s%i%i%s%i%s%i%.2f%i;->%1p. Stats for %2p\n  Rank %3p/%4p\n%5p  Kills  %6p\n%7p  Deaths  %8p\n  Kill Death Ratio  %9p\n  Suicides  %10p\n
01014;%i%s%i%s%i%.2f%i;->%1p. Stats for %2p\n  Kills  %3p\n%4p  Deaths  %5p\n  Kill Death Ratio %6p\n  Suicides  %7p\n

01015;%i%i%i%i;  Time Online %1pd %2ph %3pm %4ps\n
01016;%i%i%i;  Time Online %1ph %2pm %3ps\n
01017;%i%i;  Time Online %1pm %2ps\n
01018;%i;  Time Online %1p seconds\n
01019;%.0f;  Points  %1p\n

01020;%i%.2f%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i;->%1p. CSS Stats\n  Accuracy  %2p%%  Damage  %3p  Team Kills  %4p\n->%5p. Bombs\n  Planted  %6p  Exploded  %7p  Defused  %8p\n->%9p. Hostages\n  Rescued  %10p  Killed  %11p\n
01021;%i%i%i;->%1p. VIP\n  Escapes  %2p Killed  %3p\n
01022;%i%i%i%.2f%i%i%.2f%i;->%1p. Rounds\n  Wins as T  : %2p/%3p (%4p%%)\n  Wins as CT : %5p/%6p (%7p%%)\n  Total Rounds %8p\n

01023;%i%.2f%i%i%i%i%i;->%1p. DODS Stats\n  Accuracy  %2p%%  Damage  %3p  Team Kills  %4p\n->%5p. Capture Points\n  Captured  %6p  Blocked  %7p\n
01024;%i%i%i%.2f%i%i%.2f%i;->%1p. Rounds\n  Wins as Axis  : %2p/%3p (%4p%%)\n  Wins as Allies : %5p/%6p (%7p%%)\n  Total Rounds %8p\n
01025;;Press Esc to see stats

01026;%c%i;  Points Gained  %1p%2p\n
01027;%c%i;  Points Lost  %1p%2p\n
01028;%i%s%s%i%i%.2f%i;->%1p. Session Stats for %2p\n%3p  Kills  %4p\n%5p  Deaths  %6p\n  Kill Death Ratio  %7p\n  Suicides  %8p\n
01029;%i%.2f%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i;->%1p. CSS Stats\n  Accuracy  %2p%%  Damage  %3p  Team Kills  %4p\n->%5p. Bombs\n  Planted  %6p  Exploded  %7p  Defused  %8p\n->%9p. Hostages\n  Rescued  %10p  Killed  %11p\n
01030;%i%i%i;->%1p. VIP\n  Escapes  %2p Killed  %3p\n
01031;%i%i%i%.2f%i%i%.2f%i;->%1p. Rounds\n  Wins as T  : %2p/%3p (%4p%%)\n  Wins as CT : %5p/%6p (%7p%%)\n  Total Rounds %8p\n

01032;%i%.2f%i%i%i%i%i;->%1p. DODS Stats\n  Accuracy  %2p%%  Damage  %3p  Team Kills  %4p\n->%5p. Capture Points\n  Captured  %6p  Blocked  %7p\n
01033;%i%i%i%.2f%i%i%.2f%i;->%1p. Rounds\n  Wins as Axis  : %2p/%3p (%4p%%)\n  Wins as Allies : %5p/%6p (%7p%%)\n  Total Rounds %8p\n
01034;;Press Esc to see session

01035;%i%s;->%1p. Hitbox stats for %2p\n
01036;%.2f%i;  Accuracy  %1p%%  Damage  %2p\n
01037;%i;->%1p. Hitbox Stats\n
01038;;Press Esc to see hitbox stats

01039;%i%s%i;->%1p. Weapon Kill Stats for %2p\n  Page %3p of 3\n
01040;%.2f%i;  Accuracy  %1p%%  Damage  %2p\n
01041;%i;->%1p. Weapons\n
01042;%i;->9. For page %1p\n->0. Exit

01043;%i%i%i%i;  Time Connected %1pd %2ph %3pm %4ps\n
01044;%i%i%i;  Time Connected %1ph %2pm %3ps\n
01045;%i%i;  Time Connected %1pm %2ps\n
01046;%i;  Time Connected %1p seconds\n

// **************************
// Victim stats translations
// **************************
01102;;Right Leg
01103;;Left Leg
01104;;Right Arm
01105;;Left Arm
01109;%s%c%c%i%i%s%s;ATTACKER %1p %2p%3p %4p Dmg, %5p %6p%7p
01110;%s%c%c%i%i%s%s;WOUNDED %1p %2p%3p %4p Dmg, %5p %6p%7p
01111;%s%s%c%c%i%i%s%s%.2f%.1f%s;KILLED %1p%2p %3p%4p %5p Dmg, %6p %7p %8p @ %9pm (%10pft)%11p
01112;%s%i;Killer %1p still has %2p hp left

01113;%i;->%1p. Attackers\n
01114;%s%i%i%s;  %1p > %2p Dmg, %3p %4p\n

01115;%i;->%1p. Wounded\n
01116;%s%i%i%s;  %1p > %2p Dmg, %3p %4p\n

01117;%i;->%1p. Killed\n
01118;%s%s%i%i%s%s%.2f%.1f;  %1p%2p > %3p Dmg, %4p %5p %6p @ %7pm (%8pft)\n

01119;%i;->%1p. Killer\n
01120;%s%i%i%i%s;  %1p has %2p hp left after killing you with %3p Dmg in %4p %5p\n

// **************************
// Most destructive translations
// **************************
01202;%s%i;Most destructive player is %1p inflicting %2p damage
01203;%s%i%i%s;Most destructive player is %1p inflicting %2p damage and killing %3p %4p

// **************************
// Spray Tracking menu
// **************************
01250;;No spray tags within range of current position !!
01251;;Warn Player
01252;;Slap and warn Player
01253;;Kick Player
01254;%i;Ban Player for %1p minutes
01255;;Ban Player permanently
01256;%s%s;Spray Tag Tracking\nPlayer [%1p]\nSteam ID [%2p]\n
01257;;Press Esc to view Spray Details
00620;;Spray Tag Tracking

// ****************************
// Miscallaneous common phrases
// ****************************
01260;%s;Did not find target '%1p'!
01261;%s;Target '%1p' is a bot. Cannot perform command
01262;%s;Target '%1p' is dead. Cannot perform command
01263;%s;Target '%1p' is under a TK punishment. Cannot perform command

// ****************************
// Betting translations
// ****************************

01300;;It is 1 vs 1, place your bets!
01301;;You must be on an active team to be able to bet!
01302;;You can only bet when you are dead!
01303;;You have already placed a bet!
01304;%s;Invalid team '%1p'! Use T or CT
01305;;You cannot bet when one or both teams are dead!
01306;;You have no money to bet with!
01307;;You do not have that much money!
01308;%s;You cannot bet using the value of %1p!
01310;%s%i%i;Odds are %1p, you stand to win $%2p on top of your $%3p wager payment
01311;%i%i;You won $%1p on top of your initial $%2p wager!
01312;%i;You lost your $%1p wager!
01313;%i%i;You won the lost wager pool of $%1p for beating the %2p vs 1 odds!

// Menu shown when 'bet' is entered as a chat command
01314;;->1. Betting Info
01315;;  Betting can only be started on an active team\n
01316;;  Odds are calculated based on the number of\nalive players on each team\n
01317;;  The cap on your account is $16000\n
01318;;  To bet, use the in game chat: -\n
01319;;    bet ct all - bets all your money on the CT team\n
01320;;    bet t 500 - bets $500 on the T team winning\n

// ****************************
// Bounty translations
// ****************************

01340;%s%i;%1p has a $%2p Bounty started
01341;%i%s;You earned a $%1p Bounty for killing %2p
01342;%s%i;%1p collected a $%2p Bounty for killing you

// Menu shown when typing 'bounty'
01343;;->1. Bounty Rules\n
01344;%i;  Kill Streak required %1p\n
01345;%i;  Start Bounty $%1p\n
01346;%i;  Kill Bonus $%1p\n
01347;%i;  Round Survival Bonus $%1p\n
01348;;->2. Top 5 Current Bounties\n
01349;;  No Players with Bounties\n
01350;%i%s;  $%1p %2p\n

// ****************************
// Objectives translations
// ****************************
01360;;CTs slayed for failing objective!
01361;;Ts slayed for failing objective!

// ****************************
// Player Settings menu
// ****************************
01370;;Press Esc to alter settings
01371;;Configure Your Settings
01372;;Damage Settings : Off
01373;;Damage Settings : Partial text
01374;;Damage Settings : GUI Based
01375;;Damage Settings : Full text
01376;;No Timer
01377;%s;Most Destructive : %1p
01378;%s;Quake Sounds : %1p
01379;%s;Death Beam : %1p
01380;%s;System Sounds : %1p
01381;%s;Show Vote Progress : %1p
01382;%s%s;Admin %1p Model : %2p
01383;%s%s;Reserved %1p Model : %2p
01384;%s%s;%1p Model : %2p
01385;;Press Esc to choose skin
01386;;Choose your skin
01387;;Partial round based stats will be shown on your screen when you die or at the end of a round
01388;;Full round based stats with hit groups are now enabled
01389;;Round based stats will be shown on your screen in a GUI when you die or at the end of a round
01390;;Round based stats have been turned off
01391;;You will now be able to hear plugin triggered sounds, type 'sounds' again to turn them off
01392;;You will not be able to hear plugin triggered sounds, type 'sounds' again to turn them on
01393;;You will now be able see system vote progression at the bottom of the screen
01394;;You will not be able see system vote progression at the bottom of the screen
01395;;You will now be able to see the point of origin of your death
01396;;You will not be able to see the point of origin of your death
01397;;You will now be able to see most the destructive player information at the end of a round
01398;;You will not be able to see the most destructive player information at the end of a round
01399;;Quake style sounds enabled, type 'quake' again to turn them off
01400;;Quake style sounds disabled, type 'quake' again to turn them on

// *************************
// Help Command translations
// *************************
02000;%s;Command Name: '%1p'
02001;%s%s%s%s;Server Console: %1p | Client Console: %2p | Chat Command: %3p | Allowed in war mode: %4p
02002;;Parameters :

02005;;ma_say <message>
02006;;Admin chat to all players (Use 'all say' @ message in chat command)

02007;;ma_msay <display time in seconds> <target> <message>
02008;;Pops up an amx style box with your message in there, use \\n for line breaks\nSet time to 0 to force the user to press a key to remove the message

02009;;ma_psay <target> <message>
02010;;Admin chat to a single player (Use @@ <target> <message> in chat command)

02011;;ma_chat <message> (Use 'team say' @ message in chat command)
02012;;Chat to other admins on the server.

02013;;ma_csay <message>
02014;;Place a message in the centre of the screen for all to see (Use @@@ <message> in chat mode)

02015;;ma_session [optional target]
02016;;Shows your own session stats if stats are turned on, optionally you can name another player on the server

02017;;ma_statsme [optional target]
02018;;Shows your own stats if stats are turned on, optionally you can name another player on the server

02019;;ma_rcon <rcon command>
02020;;Run a rcon command (Note if the rcon command returns text you will not see it from the client console)

02021;;ma_browse <target url>
02022;;Opens up a browser window with the requested url address

02023;;ma_cexec <target> <command>
02024;;Run a client command on the target clients

02025;;ma_slap <target> [optional damage amount]
02026;;Slap a target with an optional damage amount, default is 0

02027;;ma_setskin <target> <skin name>
02028;;Set a target to have a specific skin

02029;;ma_setcash <target> <cash amount>
02030;;Sets a target cash amount

02031;;ma_givecash <target> <cash to add>
02032;;Adds cash to a target account

02033;;ma_givecashp <target> <percent increase>
02034;;Increases a targets cash by a certain percent

02035;;ma_takecash <target> <cash to remove>
02036;;Removes a set amount of cash from a target

02037;;ma_takecashp <target> <percent decrease>
02038;;Removes a percentage of a targets cash

02039;;ma_sethealth <target> <health amount>
02040;;Sets a target health amount

02041;;ma_givehealth <target> <health to add>
02042;;Adds health to a target

02043;;ma_givehealthp <target> <percent increase>
02044;;Increases a targets health by a certain percent

02045;;ma_takehealth <target> <health to remove>
02046;;Removes a set amount of health from a target

02047;;ma_takehealthp <target> <percent decrease>
02048;;Removes a percentage of a targets health

02049;;ma_blind <target> [optional blind amount of 0 - 255]
02050;;Fades out a target so they cannot see 0 = not blind, 255 = completely blind

02051;;ma_freeze <target> [optional mode 0 = disable freeze, 1 = enable freeze]
02052;;Freezes a target from moving. Command works in toggle mode if optional parameter is not used

02053;;ma_noclip <target> [optional mode 0 = disable noclip, 1 = enable noclip]
02054;;Target is placed in noclip mode. Command works in toggle mode if optional parameter is not used

02055;;ma_burn <target>
02056;;Target is ignited

02057;;ma_gravity <target> <percentage of global gravity -100 - 0 - 100>
02058;;Target has their gravity changed to a percentage of sv_gravity

02059;;ma_colour <target> <red 0-255> <green 0-255> <blue 0-255> <alpha 0-255>
02060;;Target has their colour and transparency changed to the specified values

02061;;ma_color <target> <red 0-255> <green 0-255> <blue 0-255> <alpha 0-255>
02062;;Target has their color and transparency changed to the specified values

02063;;ma_colour_weapon <target> <red 0-255> <green 0-255> <blue 0-255> <alpha 0-255>
02064;;Target has their weapon colour and transparency changed to the specified values

02065;;ma_color_weapon <target> <red 0-255> <green 0-255> <blue 0-255> <alpha 0-255>
02066;;Target has their weapon color and transparency changed to the specified values

02067;;ma_render_mode <target> <render mode 0-100>
02068;;Target has their render mode changed to the specifed value

02069;;ma_render_fx <target> <render FX type 0-100>
02070;;Target has their render FX mode changed to the specifed value

02071;;ma_give <target> <item name>
02072;;Target is given an item, e.g weapon_ak47 (CSS Only)

02073;;ma_give_ammo <target> <weapon slot 0-5> <primary fire mode 0 or 1> <amount> [optional suppress noise 0 or 1]
02074;;Target is given ammo for a weapon slot (CSS Only)

02075;;ma_drug <target> [optional mode 0 = disable drug, 1 = enable drug]
02076;;Drugs a target player. Command works in toggle mode if optional parameter is not used

02077;;ma_decal <decal name>
02078;;Fires a permanent decal spray onto the nearest static object in front of you\nUseful for caclulating advert positions

02079;;ma_gimp <target> [optional mode 0 = disable gimp, 1 = enable gimp]
02080;;Gimps a target player. Command works in toggle mode if optional parameter is not used

02081;;ma_timebomb <target> [optional mode 0 = disable timebomb, 1 = enable timebomb]
02082;;Makes a target into a time bomb. Command works in toggle mode if optional parameter is not used

02083;;ma_freezebomb <target> [optional mode 0 = disable freezebomb, 1 = enable freezebomb]
02084;;Makes a target into a freeze bomb. Command works in toggle mode if optional parameter is not used

02085;;ma_firebomb <target> [optional mode 0 = disable firebomb, 1 = enable firebomb]
02086;;Makes a target into a fire bomb. Command works in toggle mode if optional parameter is not used

02087;;ma_beacon <target> [optional mode 0 = disable beacon, 1 = enable beacon]
02088;;Makes a target into a beacon. Command works in toggle mode if optional parameter is not used

02089;;ma_mute <target> [optional mode 0 = disable mute, 1 = enable mute]
02090;;Mutes a target from chatting and speaking. Command works in toggle mode if optional parameter is not used

02091;;ma_teleport <target> [optional x,y,x coordinates]
02092;;Teleports a target to either your personal saved location or to specified xyz coordinates.\nMultiple targets will automatically be stacked on top of each other

02094;;Outputs your current absolute xyz position, your eye xyz position and eye angle xyz vector

02095;;ma_swapteam <target>
02096;;Moves target to opposite team. Only works on team based games. In CSS a target will not die when swapped if they are alive

02097;;ma_spec <target>
02098;;Moves target to be a spectator. Only works on games that support spectating

02100;;Balances teams to have the same amount of players. Only works on team based games

02102;;CSS Only. Forces the player with the bomb to drop it

02104;;Saves your current location in your personal settings for the map. It can be used later with ma_teleport

02105;;ma_resetrank <STEAM_ID (steam id mode) or NAME (LAN mode)>
02106;;Resets an individual players rank. Use their Steam ID if in steam mode or Name if using LAN mode for your ranks

02107;;ma_map <map name>
02108;;Change to a new map. You must use this instead of 'changelevel' when running custom mapcycle modes

02110;;Skip the current map that you are playing to the next one in the map cycle

02112;;Shows the nextmap in the mapcycle

02114;;Shows the current map cycle in the console with maps not in the mapcycle but are on the server

02116;;Shows the contents of the current maplist.txt file

02118;;Shows the contents of the current mapcycle file

02120;;Shows the contents of the current votemaplist.txt file

02121;;ma_war [optional switch 1 = on, 0 = off]
02122;;Enable or disable war mode. Without the optional switch war mode is toggled

02123;;ma_setnextmap <map name>
02124;;Set the next map that will be played

02125;;ma_voterandom [optional delay type 'now' or 'end' or 'round'] <Number of maps to include>
02126;;Set up a random map vote, delay type determines when the map will change. Note that 'round' is only for CSS at the end of a round.

02128;;Start a map extension vote

02129;;ma_votercon <Vote title> <RCON command to run if 'Yes' is voted>
02130;;Start a rcon vote. The vote title must be enclosed in quotes, the rcon command does not require quotes unless a semicolon ';' is being used in the rcon command.\nma_rcon "Reduce the Gravity ?" sv_gravity 1

02131;;ma_vote [optional delay type 'now' or 'end' or 'round'] <Map 1> [Map 2] [Map 3] ...
02132;;Start a map vote, delay type determines when the map will change. Note that 'round' is only for CSS at the end of a round.\nYou can have up to 78 Map specified in the vote

02133;;ma_votequestion <Vote title> [optional Answer 1] [optional Answer 2] [optional Answer 3] ...
02134;;Start a question vote. The title must be enclosed in quotes as must the answers.\nYou can have up to 78 possible answer parameters, if no answers are specified it will be a yes/no vote

02136;;Cancel the current system vote that is running

02137;;ma_play <Index of sound or part of sound name>
02138;;Triggers a sound sample that others can hear.\nThe ID of the sound can be the sound index number or the alias name of the sound or just part of the alias\nSee ma_showsounds for a list of sounds

02140;;Shows the current list of restricted weapons

02141;;ma_restrict <weapon name> [optional amount per team]
02142;;Restricts a weapon from being bought. Only for CSS. ma_restrict awp 2

02144;;Restricts all weapons except the knife. CSS Only

02146;;Restricts all weapons except the pistol group. CSS Only

02148;;Restricts all weapons except the shotgun group. CSS Only

02150;;Restricts all of the snipers except the scout. CSS Only

02151;;ma_unrestrict <weapon name>
02152;;Un-restricts the weapon. CSS Only

02154;;Un-restricts all the weapons. CSS Only

02156;;Shows the current team kill and team wound statistics for the players on the map

02157;;ma_kick <target>
02158;;Kicks the target from the server

02160;;Shows the current chattriggers enabled in the console

02162;;Checks for player sprays near your location then displays a menu for the nearest one found

02163;;ma_slay <target>
02164;;Slay the target

02165;;ma_teamindex <target>
02166;;Show the internal numeric number for the target team (Useful for making new gametype.txt entries)

02168;;Reload the client administration data

02169;;ma_ban <time in minutes to ban, 0 = permanent> <target>
02170;;Ban the target for the specified time (Steam ID type ban)

02171;;ma_banip <time in minutes to ban, 0 = permanent> <target>
02172;;Ban the target for the specified time (IP Address type ban)

02173;;ma_unban <Steam ID or IP Address>
02174;;Un-ban a player or IP Address

02176;;Shows the current favourites list

02178;;Shows the current players rate information

02180;;Shows the current players user information

02182;;Shows the current list of sounds available to play

02183;;ma_config [optional cvar name match]
02184;;Shows the current server cvar settings. If you specify the optional parameter it will show all Mani related cvars matching that pattern.\n'ma_config vote' will show all Mani cvars with the word 'vote' in them

02186;;Shows the current amount of time/number of rounds or frags left to play

02187;;ma_aban_name [optional ban time in minutes, 0 = permanent] <name>
02188;;Adds a name that will be used to automatically ban players connecting with a name that exactly matches

02189;;ma_aban_pname [optional ban time in minutes, 0 = permanent] <name pattern>
02190;;Adds a name pattern that will be used to automatically ban players connecting with a name that matches the pattern

02191;;ma_akick_name <name>
02192;;Adds a name that will be used to automatically kick players connecting with a name that exactly matches

02193;;ma_akick_pname <name pattern>
02194;;Adds a name pattern that will be used to automatically kick players connecting with a name that matches the pattern

02195;;ma_akick_steam <Steam ID>
02196;;Adds a Steam ID that will be used to automatically kick players connecting with a Steam ID that matches

02197;;ma_akick_ip <IP Address>
02198;;Adds an IP address that will be used to automatically kick players connecting with am IP address that matches

02199;;ma_unauto_name <name>
02200;;Removes a name from the auto kick/ban list

02201;;ma_unauto_pname <name pattern>
02202;;Removes a name pattern from the auto kick/ban list

02203;;ma_unauto_steam <Steam ID>
02204;;Removes a Steam ID from the auto kick list

02205;;ma_unauto_ip <IP Address>
02206;;Removes an IP Address from the auto kick list

02208;;Shows the current auto kick/ban list for names

02210;;Shows the current auto kick/ban list for name patterns

02212;;Shows the current auto kick list for Steam IDs

02214;;Shows the current auto kick list for IP addresses

02215;;ma_ranks [optional start index] [optional end index]
02216;;Shows the current players that are in the stats system including players that are not ranked yet.\nThe list is ordered by Steam ID or by Player Name depending on the Steam mod

02217;;ma_plranks [optional start index] [optional end index]
02218;;Shows the current players that are ranked in the stats system

02219;;ma_help [optional pattern match]
02220;;Without the pattern all help commands are shown, with the pattern match if 1 match is found full information is given on that command,\nif less or equal than 20 matches are found then the parameter lists are also shown next to the command

02221;;ma_client <sub command> <param 1> <param 2>
02222;;Note that if a parameter has spaces then it must be enclosed in quotes\n<ID> Represents the user id of a player in game, or their client name,\nSteam ID, Nickname, IP Address\nFor adding flags, using "+#" will add all flags, "-#" will remove all flags\n\nSub commands :->\n    Status (Lists all client names for the server)\n    Status <Name> (Shows details of specified client)\n    aflag (Shows all admin flags)\n    aflag <flag name> (Describes the admin flag)\n    iflag (Shows all immunity flags)\n    iflag <flag name> (Describes the immunity flag)\n\n    AddClient <Name> (Must be unique)\n    AddSteam <ID> "Steam ID"\n    AddNick <ID> "Player Nickname" (Used in conjunction with password)\n    AddIP <ID> "IP Address"\n    SetName <ID> "New Name" (Update a client with a new name, this must be unqiue !!)\n    SetPassword <ID> "Password" (Password to be used in conjuction with nicknames. NOT STEAM ACCOUNT PASSWORD !)\n    SetEmail <ID> "Email Address"\n    SetNotes <ID> "Client Notes"\n    AddIGroup <ID> "Immunity Group"\n    AddAGroup <ID> "Admin Group"\n    SetILevel <ID> <Immunity Level ID>\n    SetALevel <ID> <Admin Level ID>\n    SetIFlag <ID> "Immunity flags" (+ to add, - to remove)\n    SetAFlag <ID> "Admin flags" (+ to add, - to remove)\n\n    RemoveClient <Name> (Removes client for this server)\n    RemoveSteam <ID> "Steam ID"\n    RemoveIP <ID> "IP Address"\n    RemoveNick <ID> "Player Nickname"\n    RemoveIGroup <ID> "Immunity Group"\n    RemoveAGroup <ID> "Admin Group"\n\nDatabase sub commands :->\n    Upload (Used to create and upload clients to a database)\n    Download (Used to download the clients from the database to the server and write clients.txt))\n    ServerID (Used to upload just the database.txt information to the database)

02223;;ma_clientgroup <sub command> <param 1> <param 2>
02224;;Note that if a parameter has spaces then it must be enclosed in quotes\nFor adding flags, using "+#" will add all flags, "-#" will remove all flags\n\nSub Commands :->\n    Status agroup (Shows all admin groups and their flags)\n    Status igroup (Shows all immunity groups and their flags)\n    Status alevel (Shows all admin levels and their flags)\n    Status ilevel (Shows all immunity levels and their flags)\n\n    addagroup "Admin Group Name" "Flags (+ to add, - to remove)" (Add/Update Admin group)\n    addigroup "Immunity Group Name" "Flags (+ to add, - to remove)" (Add/Update immunity group)\n    addalevel <Admin Level ID (must be number)> "Flags (+ to add, - to remove)" (Add/Update Admin Level)\n    addilevel <Immunity Level ID (must be number)> "Flags (+ to add, - to remove)" (Add/Update Immunity Level)\n\n    removeagroup "Admin Group Name"\n    removeigroup "Immunity Group Name"\n    removealevel <Admin Level ID (must be number)>\n    removeilevel <Immunity Level ID (must be number)>

02226;;Restricts all the weapons. CSS Only

02228;;Shows up to the last 20 maps played in sequence

// Voting translations
02500;;Player leaving server triggered vote kick
02501;;Player leaving server triggered vote ban
02502;;Vote has started, type 'vote' to make your choice
02503;;Extend Map
02504;;started a map vote
02505;;No system vote to cancel!
02506;;cancelled current vote
02507;;Cannot run as system vote is already in progress!
02508;;You must have one or more maps!
02509;;started a random map vote
02510;%i%i;Extend %1p minutes, %2p rounds
02511;%i;Extend %1p minutes
02512;%i;Extend %1p rounds
02513;;Server does not support a timelimit, win limit or max rounds!
02514;;This server has an infinite time limit, win limit and max rounds limit!
02515;;started an extend map vote
02516;%s;Map [%1p] is invalid!
02517;;You are not authorised to start a question vote
02518;;started a RCon vote
02519;%i;Results are in, %1p votes cast"
02520;%i;%1p options share equal highest votes, picking random choice...
02521;;accepted vote
02522;;refused vote
02523;%s;Option '%1p' has won the vote
02524;%s;Next map will still be %1p
02525;%s;Map will change to %1p in 5 seconds
02526;%s;Map will change to %1p at the end of the round
02527;%s;The next map will be %1p
02528;;Command will not be executed
02529;;Executing RCon command voted for
02530;;Map will not be extended
02531;%i;Map extended by %1p minutes
02532;%i;Map extended by %1p rounds (win limit)
02533;%i;Map extended by %1p rounds (max rounds)
02534;; (Team Swap)
02535;;Voting not allowed at this time!
02536;;You have already voted!
02537;;You are too late to join this vote!
02538;%s;You voted for %1p
02539;%s;Player %1p voted
02540;%s;Voted for %1p
02541;%s%s;%1p voted %2p
02542;%i;\nVotes required for map change is %1p\n\n
02543;;ID  Map Name            Votes\n
02544;;Extend Map
02545;;\nTo vote for a map, type votemap <id> or votemap <map name>\n
02546;;e.g votemap 3, votemap de_dust2\n\n
02547;%s;%1p is an invalid map to vote for, type 'votemap' to see the maps available
02548;;Voting started, type votemap in console or say 'votemap' in game for options
02551;%s%i%s;Player %1p voted to extend map, %2p more %3p required
02552;%s%s%i%s;Player %1p voted for %2p, %3p more %4p required
02555;%i%s;Voting not allowed for %1p %2p
02556;%i%s;Voting not allowed again for another %1p %2p
02557;;Your rockthevote command has already been registered, you can not nominate a map
02558;%i%s;Rock the Vote is not allowed for %1p %2p
02559;%i%s;Rock the Vote is not allowed again for another %1p %2p
02560;;Nominations are not allowed on this server for rock the vote
02561;;Map has already been decided, rock the vote not available
02562;;No more 'rockthevote' commands are allowed on this map
02563;;Press Esc to nominate a map
02564;;Rock The Vote\nChoose a map to nominate then type 'rockthevote' or 'rtv' in game to commit your nomination
02565;%s;%1p is an invalid map to vote for, type 'nominate' to see the maps available
02566;%s%s;Player %1p nominated map %2p for rock the vote
02567;%s%i;Player %1p has started rock the vote, type 'rockthevote' or 'rtv' to join in, %2p required
02568;;Type 'nominate' to bring up a nomination menu for your favourite map
02569;%s%i;Player %1p has entered rock the vote, %2p votes required to trigger map vote
02570;;Rock the vote will start after the current system vote has ended
02571;;You can not vote kick when admin is on the server
02572;;Voting yourself is not a good idea!
02573;%s%s%i%s;Player %1p voted to kick %2p, %3p %4p required
02574;%s;Player %1p has been kicked by user vote
02575;;You can not vote kick when admin is on the server
02576;%s%s%i%s;Player %1p voted to ban %2p, %3p %4p required
02577;%s;Player %1p has been banned by user vote
02578;;started a question vote
02579;;You are not authorised to start a RCon vote

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-8 18:09:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安

回复: 帮汉化下chinese.cfg文件

:burn: 这个还真的有点长。。。。。。。。。。。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-11 02:43:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–番禺区

回复: 帮汉化下chinese.cfg文件


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-2-25 15:47:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–青海–西宁

回复: 帮汉化下chinese.cfg文件

Post by tandylee


使用道具 举报

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