M4 with M203
This plugin supply a sort of special weapon: M4A1 with M203 grenade launcher.
The M203 can launch 2 type of grenades: He-grenade & Gas-grenade.
He-grenade can hurt players spang with blast damage & Gas-grenade hurt player who touch the "gas".
Modul & Require:
SW_SpawnMode 0|1|2 //define superweapon spawn mode,
//"0" means superweapon never spawn, (admin still can give it to any player by admin command)
//"1" means auto, superweapon will auto spawn in general maps(DE|CS|AS|ES)
//"2" means superweapon will auto spawn in all type of maps
SW_MaxAmount_TE 3 //max amount of terrorists can holded m4 with m203
SW_MaxAmount_CT 3 //max amount of cts can holded m4 with m203
SW_GrenadeTK 0|1 //40mm hegrenade team kill,"0" is secundum server's rule, "1" is TK in any case
SW_GrenadeRT 3.0 //grenade reload time
SW_HeGrenadeMD 100 //40mm he grenade max damage
SW_HeGrenadeDR 400 //40mm he grenade damage radius
SW_HeGrenadeMC 3 //40mm he grenade's max amount can been carried
SW_HeGrenadePR 500 //40mm he grenade's price
SW_GasGrenadeMD 100 //40mm gas grenade max damage
SW_GasGrenadeDR 100 //40mm gas grenade damage radius
SW_GasGrenadeMC 1 //40mm gas grenade's max amount can been carried
SW_GasGrenadePR 500 //40mm gas grenade's price
1.Admin command(ADMIN_IMMUNITY): give or strip player's superweapon
amx_sw_m4 <#id | name> <give | strip>
{<#playerindex|name(can be partial)> <g(means give M4A1/W M203)|s(means strip target's superweapon if he has>}
2.Admin command(ADMIN_IMMUNITY): change superweapon mode
amx_sw_set <0 | 1 | 2>
"0" means stop SW mode(also strip all sw)
"1" means start it by CVAR(SW_SpawnMode)'s setting
"2" means start anywise
3.Player command: open superweapon menu
When player's Current weapon is "superweapon", press "spray key" will openning menu of grenade setting,
menu include:
(1).Switch current grenade type to he-grenade
(2).Switch current grenade type to gas-grenade
(3).Setting|Offload muffler
(4).Buy he-grenade
(5).Buy gas-grenade
4.Fire grenade:
press "+attack2" key to launch grenade
About the superweapon spawn:
Generally(can change by CVAR or Admin), superweapons will spawn after 1th round, stochastic
locality in map, with specifically amount(by CVAR setting).
code and more:
VEN & more...
model maker:
Ankalar, CJ, TinSoldier, S7ok3, Dirtball, Pr0d!gy, Ritual, Rob O, Jennifer!!, SureShot, Nightshade, Sas.stu, -X-, Vunsata & more...
Sorry for my bad English!
Attached Thumbnails
Attached Files model&other.rar (1.94 MB, 770 views) Get Plugin or Get Source (M4withM203.sma - 147 views - 63.6 KB) |