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CS专业版 1.03月底发布 值得期待

发表于 2008-1-12 13:01:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广东–广州
  CSP每周的发展更新:1/10/08 1.03计划月底发布


  这个星期CSP的发展分为三个区域,全部描述在下面。发展虽然有点缓慢,但持续稳定的。我们计划在月底发布1.03。不管怎样,我们认为,为了完全地 适应CS 社区的需要, 我们必须加快进度。因此, 我们当前能提供一个开放编程的位置。如果您感觉您有必需的编制程序和HL2SDK 经验, 请与我们 irc.gamesurge.net 上的 #cspromod 联系

  CSPromod'sdevelopmentthis week was divided into three areas, all of which areoutlined below.Progress is continuing at a steady, albeit somewhatslow, rate and weplan on releasing 1.03 by the end of the month.However, we recognizethat in order to fully meet the demands of the CScommunity, we mustspeed up progress. For this reason, we're currentlyable to offer anopen programming position. If you feel you have thenecessary coding andHL2SDK experience, please contact us in #cspromodon irc.gamesurge.net.

  现在, 更新资料:

  Now, the updates:


  1) "当我击中人,我无法

  1) "I can't tell when I'm hitting people!"

  这是我们发布Beta 1.02 收到最常见的一处反馈,并且我们已经立刻开始着手处理它。目前,当你在CSP中击中很难感觉是由于缺乏几个关键因素,明显地被击中的减速(当命中,你的运动速度降低)和"flinch"动画(当命中,你的第三人模型略扭动)。同样地,我们用这个星期去开始增加那些特征。

  Thiswas the most common piece of feedback we received at the releaseof Beta1.02, and we've immediately begun to address it. Currently,it'sdifficult to tell when you're hitting in CSP due to the lack ofseveralcrucial elements, most notably hit slow-down (your movementspeeddecreasing when hit) and a "flinch" animation (your 3rd-personmodeltweaking slightly when hit). As such, we took this week to beginaddingthose features. We currently have a functional version of thefirst,which we're testing, and we're working on finishing up afunctionalversion of the second.

  另一个特色 我们考虑使用 Quake 3 风格,只要您击中敌人便会发出"beep"声音;


  Anotherfeature we're considering is playing a Quake 3-style "beep"soundwhenever you hit an enemy; but ONLY if that enemy is in yoursight (thiswill prevent people from exploiting the feature whenspamming walls).We'd like community feedback on this idea; please postyour opinion onthis thread. In any case, by 1.03, you'll be able to tell when yourbullets are hitting, and when they aren't.

  2) 明显的故障

  2) Obvious glitches

  我们仍然继续修复存在于游戏中的主要bugs。Bugs 目前在beta 1.03 议程中是:

  We're also continuing to fix the major bugs that still exist in the game. Bugs currently on the agenda for Beta 1.03 are:

  -M4A1 Silencer Glitch

  -Glock Animation Rapid-Fire

  -Buy Zones Disappearing

  -Radar Dots NOT Disappearing When Dead

  -Reserve Ammunition in Dropped Guns NOT Transferring

  -Muzzle Flash Misbehavior

  这些Bugs当中最费时的一个是如何复制它们和确定它们什么时候发生。因此, 如果您有主意能准确地复制他们, 请跟贴回复下面主题。

  Oneof the most time consuming aspects of some of these bugs willbereplicating them and determining when they happen. So, if you haveanidea of how to EXACTLY replicate them, please post on any ofthefollowing threads.

  M4A1 Silencer Glitch Replication

  Glock Animation Rapid-Fire Replication

  Buy Zone Disappearance Replication

  3) 人物 & 枪械模型,、皮肤,、和动画

  3) Player & Gun Models, Skins, and Animations


  我们收到社区大量来信其中大部分人表示对现在的模型反感; 在您长时间的等待中,现在,我们正在准备讨论并解决这一问题。为了尽快实现这个目标,我们在未来数周内将公布与一些有经验的模型、皮肤、动画制作小组合作。因此,您将可以在未来更新模型 :)。

  Wehave begun the process of re-developing all player and weaponmodels,skins, and animations. The goal of this massive initiative isto producemore advanced, high-polygon versions of each aspect's 1.6counterpart.One of the most common complaints we've heard from thecommunity hasbeen your overall dislike for the models; after keepingyou waiting fora long time, we're now ready to address this issue. Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll be teamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animators whosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks. So, there you are; beassured thatyour updated models are on the way :).


  Thanks for your support,

  Alex          Posted on 2008-01-11 01:43:16

  备注: 如有错误遗留请联系。

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