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发表于 2008-12-8 14:50:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–湖南–怀化




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发表于 2008-12-8 22:52:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–杭州–余杭区

回复: 胜利之日DOD魔兽插件问题请教

你可以给他改成999999一个让他们金钱不够无法购买  或者去掉这个道具.

建议还是改价钱 比较简单

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-8 23:29:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–湖南–怀化

回复: 胜利之日DOD魔兽插件问题请教


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-9 00:01:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–湖南–怀化

回复: 胜利之日DOD魔兽插件问题请教


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-9 00:08:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–湖南–怀化

回复: 胜利之日DOD魔兽插件问题请教

* Item Functions
// Item Setup Functions
ITEM_COST[ITEM_ANKH]     = 1500;   // Ankh of Reincarnation
ITEM_COST[ITEM_BOOTS]       = 2500;   // Boots of Speed
ITEM_COST[ITEM_CLAWS]     = 1000;   // Claws of Attack
ITEM_COST[ITEM_CLOAK]     = 800;   // Cloak of Shadows
ITEM_COST[ITEM_MASK]     = 2000;   // Mask of Death
ITEM_COST[ITEM_NECKLACE] = 800;   // Necklace of Immunity
ITEM_COST[ITEM_FROST]     = 2000;   // Orb of Frost
ITEM_COST[ITEM_HEALTH]     = 1000;   // Periapt of Health
ITEM_COST[ITEM_TOME]     = 4000;   // Tome of Experience
ITEM_COST[ITEM_SCROLL]     = 6000;   // Scroll of Respawning
ITEM_COST[ITEM_PROTECTANT] = 1500;   // Mole Protectant
ITEM_COST[ITEM_HELM]     = 3000;   // Helm of Excellence
ITEM_COST[ITEM_AMULET]     = 1500;   // Amulet of the Cat
ITEM_COST[ITEM_SOCK]     = 1500;   // Sock of the Feather
ITEM_COST[ITEM_GLOVES]     = 1750;   // Flaming Gloves of Warmth
ITEM_COST[ITEM_RING]     = 1000;   // Ring of Regeneration + 1
ITEM_COST[ITEM_CHAMELEON] = 4500;   // Chameleon
ITEM_COST[ITEM_MOLE]     = 16000;  // Mole
// Item costs are a little different for DOD
if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )
// Items are chargeable
// Items should be used when bought
// Items CAN be bought when dead
// Items are used when the next round starts...
// We created this to allow for different prices of items at different levels
ITEM_Cost( id, iItem )
// How much should ratio increase per level?
new Float:fInc = ( 1.0 - ITEM_COST_RATIO ) / float( MAX_LEVELS );
// Cost * ratio (ITEM_COST_RATIO to 1.0 dependent on level)
new Float:fRatio = (float( p_data[id][P_LEVEL] ) * fInc) + ITEM_COST_RATIO;
return floatround( float( ITEM_COST[iItem] ) * fRatio );

public ITEM_CanBuy( id, iItem )
// User doesn't have the money
if ( SHARED_GetUserMoney( id ) < ITEM_Cost( id, iItem ) )
  client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS" );
  return false;

// User already owns the item and it's not a chargeable item!
else if ( ITEM_Has( id, iItem ) > ITEM_NONE && !ITEM_CheckFlag( iItem, ITEM_CHARGEABLE ) )
  client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "ALREADY_OWN_THAT_ITEM" );
  return false;

// Make sure these items can be bought if the user is dead
else if ( !is_user_alive( id ) && !ITEM_CheckFlag( iItem, ITEM_BUYWHENDEAD ) )
  client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "NOT_PURCHASE_WHEN_DEAD" );
  return false;

// User has necklace + blink, they don't need a necklace
else if ( iItem == ITEM_NECKLACE && p_data_b[id][PB_WARDENBLINK] )
  client_print( id, print_center, "You are already immune to ultimates through one of your skills!" );
  return false;
// User doesn't need an ankh if they're going to reincarnate
else if ( iItem == ITEM_ANKH && SM_GetSkillLevel( id, SKILL_REINCARNATION ) == 3 && !p_data[id][P_CHANGERACE] )
  client_print( id, print_center, "You will already reincarnate your weapons through one of your skills!" );
  return false;

// User has purchased the maximum allowed rings
else if ( g_iTotalRings[id] >= 5 && iItem == ITEM_RING )
  client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "NOT_PURCHASE_MORE_THAN_FIVE_RINGS" );
  return false;
// User has purchased gloves when they're disabled on this map
else if ( iItem == ITEM_GLOVES && g_bGlovesDisabled )
  client_print( id, print_chat, "Gloves are disabled on this map!" );
  return false;
// User is already going to reincarnate weapons because they bought an ankh earlier (probably lost it when died)
else if ( ( iItem == ITEM_ANKH && g_bPlayerBoughtAnkh[id] ) || ( iItem == ITEM_MOLE && g_bPlayerBoughtMole[id] ))
  client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "ALREADY_OWN_THAT_ITEM" );
  return false;
return true;
public ITEM_Buy( id, iItem )

// If the user can buy this item...
if ( ITEM_CanBuy( id, iItem ) )
  // User's items are full
  if ( ITEM_GetSlot( id ) == ITEM_SLOT_FULL && !ITEM_CheckFlag( iItem, ITEM_USEONBUY ) )
   // We only care about items being full if this item isn't a use on buy
   if ( !ITEM_CheckFlag( iItem, ITEM_USEONBUY ) )
    new bool:bShowReplaceMenu = false;
    // One time use...
    if ( !ITEM_CheckFlag( iItem, ITEM_CHARGEABLE ) )
     //client_print( id, print_chat, "[DEBUG] Item is not chargeable" );
     bShowReplaceMenu = true;
    // We also need to replace it if the item is chargeable but they don't own that item
    if ( ITEM_Has( id, iItem ) == ITEM_NONE && ITEM_CheckFlag( iItem, ITEM_CHARGEABLE ) )
     //client_print( id, print_chat, "[DEBUG] Doesn't have item and new item is chargeable" );
     bShowReplaceMenu = true;
    if ( bShowReplaceMenu )
     g_iFutureItem[id] = iItem;
     MENU_ReplaceItem( id );

  // We're clear!
  // Remove user's money
  new iNewMoney = SHARED_GetUserMoney( id ) - ITEM_Cost( id, iItem );
  SHARED_SetUserMoney( id, iNewMoney );
  ITEM_GiveItem( id, iItem );
// Item Buy Functions
bool:ITEM_MenuCanBuyCheck( id )
if ( !get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_buy_dead ) && !is_user_alive( id ) )
  client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "NOT_BUY_ITEMS_WHEN_DEAD" );
  return false;

else if ( g_MOD == GAME_CSTRIKE || g_MOD == GAME_CZERO )
  if ( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_buy_time ) && !g_buyTime )
   client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "SECONDS_HAVE_PASSED_CANT_BUY", ( get_cvar_float( "mp_buytime" ) * 60.0 ) );
   return false;
  else if ( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_buy_zone ) && !cs_get_user_buyzone( id ) && is_user_alive( id ) )
   client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "MUST_BE_IN_BUYZONE" );
   return false;

return true;
// Item Preset Function
ITEM_GiveItem( id, iItem )
// This item we should use instantly
if ( ITEM_CheckFlag( iItem, ITEM_USEONBUY ) )
  if ( iItem == ITEM_TOME )
   ITEM_Tome( id );
// They are just adding some charges
  // Actually set our item variable
  if ( is_user_alive( id ) )
   ITEM_Equip( id, iItem );
  // Display message to the user regarding the item they just purchased
  ITEM_DisplayMessage( id, iItem );
  // Give bonuses
  ITEM_GiveBonuses( id, iItem );
  // Play purchase sound
  emit_sound( id, CHAN_STATIC, g_szSounds[SOUND_PICKUPITEM], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
WC3_ShowBar( id );
ITEM_DisplayMessage( id, iItem )
// Display a message regarding the item they just purchased
switch ( iItem )
  case ITEM_ANKH:
   (g_MOD == GAME_DOD)        ? client_print( id, print_chat,"%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "DOD_INFO_SHOPMENU_1" ) : 0;
   (g_MOD == GAME_CSTRIKE || g_MOD == GAME_CZERO) ? client_print( id, print_chat,"%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU_1" ) : 0;
  case ITEM_BOOTS:
   if ( g_MOD == GAME_CSTRIKE || g_MOD == GAME_CZERO )
    client_print( id, print_chat,"%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU_2", ( ( get_pcvar_float( CVAR_wc3_boots ) ) * 100.00 ) );
   else if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )
    client_print( id, print_chat,"%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "DOD_INFO_SHOPMENU_2" );
  case ITEM_CLAWS:
   client_print( id, print_chat,"%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU_3", get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_claw ) );
  case ITEM_CLOAK:
   new Float:fInvis = 100.0 * ( float( get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_cloak ) ) / 255.0 );
   client_print(id, print_chat,"%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU_4", fInvis );
  case ITEM_MASK:
   new Float:fMask = ( 100.0 * get_pcvar_float( CVAR_wc3_mask ) );
   client_print(id, print_chat,"%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU_5", fMask );
   client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU_6", NECKLACE_CHARGES );
  case ITEM_FROST:
   new Float:fFrost = 100.0 * ( get_pcvar_float( CVAR_wc3_frost ) / 260.0 );
   client_print(id, print_chat,"%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU_7", fFrost );
   client_print(id, print_chat,"%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU_8", get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_health ) );
   if ( is_user_alive( id ) )
    client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU2_1" );
    client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU2_1_DEAD" );
   client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU2_2" );
  case ITEM_HELM:
   client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU2_3", HELM_CHARGES );
   client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU2_4" );
  case ITEM_SOCK:
   client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU2_5" );
   client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU2_6" );
  case ITEM_RING:
   client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU2_7" );
   client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU2_8" );
  case ITEM_MOLE:
   client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU2_9" );
// Give the user bonuses for their items (except charges)
ITEM_GiveAllBonuses( id )
// Loop through all item slots
for ( new i = ITEM_SLOT_ONE; i <= ITEM_SLOT_TWO; i++ )
  // Do we have a valid item here?
  if ( g_iShopMenuItems[id] != ITEM_NONE )
   // Don't want to give the user more charges for free do we?
   //  And we don't want to give the bonuses if this is a next round use item (i.e. if we do then mole for infinity - that doesn't seem nice)
   if ( !ITEM_CheckFlag( g_iShopMenuItems[id], ITEM_CHARGEABLE ) && !ITEM_CheckFlag( g_iShopMenuItems[id], ITEM_NEXTROUNDUSE ) )
    ITEM_GiveBonuses( id, g_iShopMenuItems[id] );
// Give our players their bonus!
ITEM_GiveBonuses( id, iItem )

// Display a message regarding the item they just purchased
switch ( iItem )
  case ITEM_ANKH:
   g_bPlayerBoughtAnkh[id] = true;
  case ITEM_BOOTS:
   SHARED_SetSpeed( id );
  case ITEM_CLOAK:
   SHARED_INVIS_Set( id );
   g_iNecklaceCharges[id] += NECKLACE_CHARGES;
   new iHealth = get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_health );
   iHealth += get_user_health( id );
   set_user_health( id, iHealth );
   if ( !is_user_alive( id ) )
    ITEM_Scroll( id );
  case ITEM_HELM:
   g_iHelmCharges[id] += HELM_CHARGES;
  case ITEM_SOCK:
   SHARED_SetGravity( id );
   ITEM_Gloves( id );
  case ITEM_RING:
   g_iTotalRings[id] += RING_INCREMENT;
   if ( !task_exists( TASK_ITEM_RING + id ) )
    _ITEM_Ring( id );
   SHARED_ChangeSkin( id, SKIN_SWITCH );
  case ITEM_MOLE:
   g_bPlayerBoughtMole[id] = true;
// Item Equip Function
ITEM_Equip( id, iItem )
new iItemSlot = ITEM_GetSlot( id );
// Items are not full
if ( iItemSlot != ITEM_SLOT_FULL )
  new iOldItem = g_iShopMenuItems[id][iItemSlot];
  if ( iItem == iOldItem || ITEM_Has( id, iItem ) > ITEM_NONE )
   // Might hit this if we added charges - we want to update the user's HUD
   WC3_ShowBar( id );
  // Remove the user's old item if necessary
  else if ( g_iShopMenuItems[id][iItemSlot] > ITEM_NONE )
   ITEM_Remove( id, iItemSlot );
  // Set their new item
  g_iShopMenuItems[id][iItemSlot] = iItem;
WC3_ShowBar( id );
// Item Remove Functions
ITEM_RemoveID( id, iItem )
new iItemSlot = ITEM_Has( id, iItem );
if ( iItemSlot > ITEM_NONE )
  ITEM_Remove( id, iItemSlot );
ITEM_Remove( id, iItemSlot, bResetAnkhMole = true )
new iItem = g_iShopMenuItems[id][iItemSlot];
g_iShopMenuItems[id][iItemSlot] = ITEM_NONE;
switch( iItem )
  case ITEM_ANKH:
   if ( bResetAnkhMole )
    g_bPlayerBoughtAnkh[id] = false;
  case ITEM_BOOTS:
   SHARED_SetSpeed( id );
  case ITEM_CLOAK:
   SHARED_INVIS_Set( id );
   g_iNecklaceCharges[id] = 0;
   new iNewHealth = get_user_health( id ) - get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_health );
   // Lets not kill the user, give them 1 health
   iNewHealth = ( ( iNewHealth <= 0 ) ? 1 : iNewHealth );
   set_user_health( id, iNewHealth );
  case ITEM_HELM:
   g_iHelmCharges[id] = 0;
  case ITEM_SOCK:
   SHARED_SetGravity( id );
   if ( task_exists( TASK_ITEM_GLOVES + id ) )
    remove_task( TASK_ITEM_GLOVES + id );
  case ITEM_RING:
   if ( task_exists( TASK_ITEM_RING + id ) )
    remove_task( TASK_ITEM_RING + id );
   // Set the number of rings to 0
   g_iTotalRings[id] = 0;
   SHARED_ChangeSkin( id, SKIN_RESET );
  case ITEM_MOLE:
   if ( bResetAnkhMole )
    g_bPlayerBoughtMole[id] = false;
WC3_ShowBar( id );
ITEM_RemoveCharge( id, iItem )
if ( ITEM_Has( id, iItem ) > ITEM_NONE )
  switch ( iItem )
    g_iNecklaceCharges[id] -= CHARGE_DISPOSE;
    if ( g_iNecklaceCharges[id] <= 0 )
     ITEM_RemoveID( id, iItem );
   case ITEM_HELM:
    g_iHelmCharges[id] -= CHARGE_DISPOSE;
    if ( g_iHelmCharges[id] <= 0 )
     ITEM_RemoveID( id, iItem );
   case ITEM_RING:
    g_iTotalRings[id] -= CHARGE_DISPOSE;
    if ( g_iTotalRings[id] <= 0 )
     ITEM_RemoveID( id, iItem );
WC3_ShowBar( id );

// Item Get Functions
ITEM_GetSlot( id )
if ( g_iShopMenuItems[id][ITEM_SLOT_ONE] > ITEM_NONE && g_iShopMenuItems[id][ITEM_SLOT_TWO] > ITEM_NONE )
  return ITEM_SLOT_FULL;
else if ( g_iShopMenuItems[id][ITEM_SLOT_ONE] > ITEM_NONE )
  return ITEM_SLOT_TWO;
ITEM_Has( id, iItem )
if ( g_iShopMenuItems[id][ITEM_SLOT_ONE] == iItem )
  return ITEM_SLOT_ONE;
else if ( g_iShopMenuItems[id][ITEM_SLOT_TWO] == iItem )
  return ITEM_SLOT_TWO;
return ITEM_NONE;
// Item Death Function
ITEM_UserDied( id )
// The user just died, remove all items
if ( g_iShopMenuItems[id][ITEM_SLOT_ONE] > ITEM_NONE )
  ITEM_Remove( id, ITEM_SLOT_ONE, false );
if ( g_iShopMenuItems[id][ITEM_SLOT_TWO] > ITEM_NONE )
  ITEM_Remove( id, ITEM_SLOT_TWO, false );
// Item Specific Functions
ITEM_Offensive( iAttacker, iVictim, iWeapon, iDamage, iHitPlace )
// Claws of Attack
if ( ITEM_Has( iAttacker, ITEM_CLAWS ) > ITEM_NONE )
  WC3_Damage( iVictim, iAttacker, get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_claw ), iWeapon, iHitPlace );
  SHARED_Glow( iAttacker, (2 * get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_claw ) ), 0, 0, 0 );
  Create_ScreenFade( iVictim, (1<<10), (1<<10), (1<<12), 255, 0, 0, g_GlowLevel[iVictim][0] );
// Mask of Death
if ( ITEM_Has( iAttacker, ITEM_MASK ) > ITEM_NONE )
  new iHealth = get_user_health( iAttacker );
  new iBonusHealth = floatround( float( iDamage ) * get_pcvar_float( CVAR_wc3_mask ) );
  new iVampiricBonus = SM_GetSkillLevel( iAttacker, SKILL_VAMPIRICAURA );
  // Then the user already gets a bonus, lets lower the total amount the user is going to get
  if ( iVampiricBonus )
   iBonusHealth /= iVampiricBonus;
  // User needs to be set to max health
  if ( iHealth + iBonusHealth > get_user_maxhealth( iAttacker ) )
   set_user_health( iAttacker, get_user_maxhealth( iAttacker ) );
  // Give them bonus
   set_user_health( iAttacker, iHealth + iBonusHealth );
  SHARED_Glow( iAttacker, 0, iBonusHealth, 0, 0 );
  Create_ScreenFade( iAttacker, (1<<10), (1<<10), (1<<12), 0, 255, 0, g_GlowLevel[iAttacker][1] );
// Orb of Frost
if ( ITEM_Has( iAttacker, ITEM_FROST ) > ITEM_NONE )
  // Only slow them if they aren't slowed/stunned already
  if ( !SHARED_IsPlayerSlowed( iVictim ) )
   p_data_b[iVictim][PB_SLOWED] = true;
   SHARED_SetSpeed( iVictim );
   set_task( 1.0, "SHARED_ResetMaxSpeed", TASK_RESETSPEED + iVictim );
   SHARED_Glow( iAttacker, 0, 0, 0, 100 );
   Create_ScreenFade( iVictim, (1<<10), (1<<10), (1<<12), 255, 255, 255, g_GlowLevel[iVictim][3] );
ITEM_Tome( id )
new iXp = get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_tome ) + XP_GivenByLevel( p_data[id][P_LEVEL] );
if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )
  iXp *= 2;
new iBonusXP = XP_Give( id, iXp );
if ( iBonusXP != 0 )
  client_print( id, print_chat, "%s %L", g_MODclient, id, "INFO_SHOPMENU_9", iBonusXP );
emit_sound( id, CHAN_STATIC, "warcraft3/Tomes.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
ITEM_Gloves( id )
if ( !WC3_Check() )
if ( !SHARED_HasGrenade( id ) )
  g_iGloveTimer[id] = 0;
  _ITEM_Glove_Give( id );
ITEM_Glove_Begin( id )
// Then lets start a timer to give them a grenade!
g_iGloveTimer[id] = get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_glove_timer );
WC3_StatusText( id, TXT_TIMER, "%d second(s) until your next grenade", g_iGloveTimer[id] );
set_task( 1.0, "_ITEM_Glove_Give", TASK_ITEM_GLOVES + id );
public _ITEM_Glove_Give( id )
if ( !WC3_Check() )
if ( id >= TASK_ITEM_GLOVES )
if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] || !is_user_alive( id ) )
// Only need to save once! - this is b/c I'm not sure when the loss of a grenade is updated - and I wanted SHARED_HasGrenade to work @ all times!
if ( g_iGloveTimer[id] == get_pcvar_num( CVAR_wc3_glove_timer ) - 1 )
  SHARED_SaveWeapons( id );
// If somehow they already got a grenade - stop this!
if ( cs_get_user_bpammo( id, CSW_HEGRENADE ) > 0 )
  g_iGloveTimer[id] = 0;
if ( g_iGloveTimer[id] > 0 )
  WC3_StatusText( id, TXT_TIMER, "%d second(s) until your next grenade", g_iGloveTimer[id] );
  set_task( 1.0, "_ITEM_Glove_Give", TASK_ITEM_GLOVES + id );
// Counter-Strike or Condition Zero grenade
  give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
// Day of Defeat
else if ( g_MOD == GAME_DOD )
  if ( get_user_team( id ) == ALLIES )
   give_item( id, "weapon_handgrenade" );
   give_item( id, "weapon_stickgrenade" );
// Display a message to the user
WC3_StatusText( id, TXT_TIMER, "%L", id, "ENJOY_A_GRENADE" )
ITEM_BuyRings( id )
new iItemSlot = ITEM_GetSlot( id );
// Items are full
if ( iItemSlot == ITEM_SLOT_FULL && ITEM_Has( id, ITEM_RING ) == ITEM_NONE )
  g_iFutureItem[id] = -3;
  MENU_ReplaceItem( id );
new iMoney;
new iAdditionalRings = 0;

while ( g_iTotalRings[id] + iAdditionalRings < 5 )
  iMoney = SHARED_GetUserMoney( id );
  if ( iMoney < ITEM_Cost( id, ITEM_RING ) )
  new iNewMoney = iMoney - ITEM_Cost( id, ITEM_RING );
  SHARED_SetUserMoney( id, iNewMoney, 1 );
// Then we need to give them some rings!
if ( iAdditionalRings > 0 )
  // Subtract 1 b/c ITEM_GiveItem will add one
  g_iTotalRings[id] += ( ( iAdditionalRings * RING_INCREMENT ) - ( RING_INCREMENT ) );
  ITEM_GiveItem( id, ITEM_RING );
public _ITEM_Ring( id )
if ( !WC3_Check() )
if ( id >= TASK_ITEM_RING )
if ( !p_data_b[id][PB_ISCONNECTED] || ITEM_Has( id, ITEM_RING ) == ITEM_NONE )
new iBonusHealth = g_iTotalRings[id];
while ( iBonusHealth > 0 )
  new iHealth =  get_user_health( id ) + 1;
  if ( iHealth <= get_user_maxhealth( id ) )
   set_user_health( id, iHealth );
set_task( 2.0, "_ITEM_Ring", TASK_ITEM_RING + id );
ITEM_Scroll( id )
// Make sure the user isn't about to respawn when we do these checks
if ( !p_data[id][P_RESPAWNBY] )
  set_task( SPAWN_DELAY, "_SHARED_Spawn", TASK_SPAWN + id );
ITEM_CheckFlag( iItemID, iFlag )
if ( g_iFlag[iItemID] & iFlag )
  return true;
return false;
// Format the item for WC3_ShowBar
ITEM_Format( id, iItem, szItemString[], iLen )
new szItemName[32];
LANG_GetItemName( iItem, id, szItemName, 31, true );
// Special options
if ( iItem == ITEM_NECKLACE )
  formatex( szItemString, iLen, "%s[%d]", szItemName, g_iNecklaceCharges[id] );
else if ( iItem == ITEM_HELM )
  formatex( szItemString, iLen, "%s[%d]", szItemName, g_iHelmCharges[id] );
else if ( iItem == ITEM_RING )
  formatex( szItemString, iLen, "%s[%d]", szItemName, g_iTotalRings[id] );

// All other cases
  copy( szItemString, iLen, szItemName );

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-9 00:11:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–湖南–怀化

回复: 胜利之日DOD魔兽插件问题请教

ITEM_COST[ITEM_GLOVES] = 1750; // Flaming Gloves of Warmth

使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-12-9 05:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–杭州–余杭区

回复: 胜利之日DOD魔兽插件问题请教

跟你提醒 下..  要保存为UTF-8无BOM 格式的

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-9 20:30:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–湖南–怀化

回复: 胜利之日DOD魔兽插件问题请教


使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-1-14 18:15:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–上海–上海

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-22 20:04:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广西–柳州

使用道具 举报

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