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请朋友帮忙看看我翻译的对不对 DoD Block Exploits (v4.2)

发表于 2009-4-6 12:25:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–湖南–怀化–鹤城区

  1. /////////////////////////////////////////

  2. dod_blockexploits_adminflag "c"
  3. // Sets the admin level used by the plugin
  4. // 管理员权限

  5. /////////////////////////////////////////

  6. // Warning Message   
  7. // 提示警告信息
  8. dod_blockexploits_warnmsg "...Exploits/Cheats/Bugs are not welcome here!"

  9. dod_blockexploits_warnwho "2"
  10. // Who get warned     
  11. // 警告信息谁会看到
  12. // 0 = nobody gets warned
  13. // 都看不到
  14. // 1 = guilty client only
  15. // 有问题的人才能看到
  16. // 2 = guilty client & admins   
  17. // 有问题的玩家和管理员才能看到
  18. // 3 = admins only         
  19. // 只对管理员看到
  20. // 4 = all clients      
  21. // 所有玩家都能看到

  22. /////////////////////////////////////////

  23. // AMXBans  
  24. // AXMX插件 BAN人
  25. dod_blockexploits_amxbans "0"
  26. // Use AMXBans
  27. // BAN人选择      
  28. // 0 = off
  29. // 关闭
  30. // 1 = on
  31. // 开启
  32. // 2 = on, alternate syntax     
  33. // 开启和AMXX相交模式

  34. /////////////////////////////////////////

  35. // Join Message   
  36. // 插件提示信息显示方式
  37. dod_blockexploits_joinmsg "1"
  38. // Join Message Shown To Connecting Players
  39. // 0 = off  
  40. // 关闭
  41. // 1 = console
  42. // 控制台显示
  43. // 2 = chat  
  44. // 服务器右下提示

  45. /////////////////////////////////////////

  46. // Third Person View Block   
  47. // 第三人称视角
  48. dod_blockexploits_thirdperson "1"
  49. // Third Person View Setting
  50. // 0 = Disable Blocking   
  51. // 关闭
  52. // 1 = Enable Blocking   
  53. // 开启

  54. /////////////////////////////////////////

  55. // End Round Kills Block   
  56. // 拿期后杀人
  57. dod_blockexploits_endroundkill "0"
  58. // End Round Kills Setting
  59. // 0 = Disable Blocking     
  60. // 关闭
  61. // 1 = Enable Blocking      
  62. // 开启
  63. // 2 = Enable Blocking For Winning Team Only   
  64. // 胜利方的人可以杀人

  65. /////////////////////////////////////////

  66. // HLSS Block CVARs      
  67. dod_blockexploits_hlss "0"
  68. // HLSS Block Setting
  69. // 0 = Disable Blocking   
  70. // 开启
  71. // 1 = Enable Blocking   
  72. // 关闭

  73. // HLSS Block Message
  74. // 提示信息
  75. //dod_blockexploits_hlss_msg "** PLAYING MUSIC HAS BEEN DISABLED! **"

  76. /////////////////////////////////////////

  77. // Steam ID Pending CVARs  
  78. // STEAM ID 欺骗
  79. dod_blockexploits_idpending "1"
  80. // Steam ID Pending action
  81. // 0 = do nothing        
  82. // 什么都不干
  83. // 1 = show warning msg   
  84. // 提示并警告
  85. // 2 = kick     
  86. // 踢掉

  87. dod_blockexploits_idpending_log "1"
  88. // Log Steam ID Pending detections   
  89. // 是不是记录错误的STEAM ID
  90. // 0 = off         
  91. // 关闭
  92. // 1 = on         
  93. // 开启

  94. /////////////////////////////////////////

  95. // Setinfo Traces CVARs   
  96. // 禁止作弊软件
  97. dod_blockexploits_setinfo "3"
  98. // Setinfo Traces action
  99. // 0 = do nothing        
  100. // 什么都不干
  101. // 1 = show warning msg  
  102. // 给他警告信息
  103. // 2 = kick              
  104. // 踢掉
  105. // 3 = ban               
  106. // BAN掉

  107. dod_blockexploits_setinfo_log "1"
  108. // Log Setinfo Traces detections  
  109. // 日志
  110. // 0 = off     
  111. // 关闭
  112. // 1 = on      
  113. // 开启

  114. dod_blockexploits_setinfo_ban "180"
  115. // Setinfo Traces ban time in minutes (if set to ban)  
  116. // BAN人的时间

  117. /////////////////////////////////////////

  118. // Spectator Killing CVARs     
  119. // 观察者杀人
  120. dod_blockexploits_speckilling "3"
  121. // Spectator Killing action
  122. // 0 = do nothing         
  123. // 什么都不干
  124. // 1 = silently block     
  125. // 静态阻止
  126. // 2 = block with warning msg  
  127. // 阻止并提示信息
  128. // 3 = kick   
  129. // KICK
  130. // 4 = ban   
  131. // BAN掉

  132. dod_blockexploits_speckilling_log "1"
  133. // Log Spectator Killing detections
  134. // 日志
  135. // 0 = off     
  136. // 关闭
  137. // 1 = on      
  138. // 开启

  139. dod_blockexploits_speckilling_ban "60"
  140. // Spectator Killing ban time in minutes (if set to ban)  
  141. // BAN人的时间

  142. /////////////////////////////////////////

  143. // White Player Model CVARs  
  144. // 禁止白人模式
  145. dod_blockexploits_whitemodel "4"
  146. // White Player Model action
  147. // 0 = do nothing         
  148. // 什么都不干
  149. // 1 = silently block     
  150. // 静态阻止
  151. // 2 = block with warning msg  
  152. // 阻止并提示信息
  153. // 3 = kick   
  154. // KICK
  155. // 4 = ban   
  156. // BAN掉

  157. dod_blockexploits_whitemodel_log "1"
  158. // Log White Player Model detections
  159. // 日志
  160. // 0 = off     
  161. // 关闭
  162. // 1 = on      
  163. // 开启

  164. dod_blockexploits_whitemodel_ban "120"
  165. // White Player Model ban time in minutes (if set to ban)
  166. // BAN人的时间

  167. /////////////////////////////////////////

  168. // Non-Deployed MG Reload CVARs   
  169. // 不架机枪换子弹
  170. dod_blockexploits_mgreload "1"
  171. // Non-Deployed MG Reload action
  172. // 0 = do nothing         
  173. // 什么都不干
  174. // 1 = silently block     
  175. // 静态阻止
  176. // 2 = block with warning msg  
  177. // 阻止并提示信息
  178. // 3 = kick   
  179. // KICK
  180. // 4 = ban   
  181. // BAN掉

  182. dod_blockexploits_mgreload_log "1"
  183. // Log Non-Deployed MG Reload detections
  184. // 日志
  185. // 0 = off     
  186. // 关闭
  187. // 1 = on      
  188. // 开启

  189. dod_blockexploits_mgreload_ban "60"
  190. // Non-Deployed MG Reload ban time in minutes (if set to ban)
  191. // BAN人的时间

  192. /////////////////////////////////////////

  193. // Respawn Timer Bypass CVARs     
  194. // 禁止快速复活
  195. dod_blockexploits_respawntimer "0" // Respawn Timer Bypass action
  196. // 0 = do nothing         
  197. // 什么都不干
  198. // 1 = silently block     
  199. // 静态阻止
  200. // 2 = block with warning msg  
  201. // 阻止并提示信息
  202. // 3 = kick   
  203. // KICK
  204. // 4 = ban   
  205. // BAN掉

  206. dod_blockexploits_respawntimer_delay "15"
  207. // Respawn Timer Bypass delay (in seconds)
  208. // This controls the amount of time
  209. // before the client can rejoin a team.
  210. // 15seconds is the default dod spawn time
  211. // but you might want to increase it to
  212. // make it more of a punishment for trying.
  213. // 增加多少秒

  214. dod_blockexploits_respawntimer_log "0"
  215. // Log Respawn Timer Bypass detections
  216. // 日志
  217. // 0 = off     
  218. // 关闭
  219. // 1 = on      
  220. // 开启

  221. dod_blockexploits_respawntimer_ban "10"
  222. // Respawn Timer Bypass ban time in minutes (if set to ban)
  223. // BAN人的时间

  224. /////////////////////////////////////////

  225. // Class Limit Bypass / White Player Model CVARs         
  226. // 强制进观察导致人数不平衡
  227. dod_blockexploits_limitbypass "4"
  228. // Class limit bypass / white model action
  229. // 0 = do nothing
  230. // 什么都不干
  231. // 1 = silently block     
  232. // 静态阻止
  233. // 2 = block with warning msg  
  234. // 阻止并提示信息
  235. // 3 = kick   
  236. // KICK
  237. // 4 = ban   
  238. // BAN掉

  239. dod_blockexploits_limitbypass_log "1"
  240. // Log Class limit bypass / white model detections
  241. // 日志
  242. // 0 = off     
  243. // 关闭
  244. // 1 = on      
  245. // 开启

  246. dod_blockexploits_limitbypass_ban "120"
  247. // Class limit bypass / white model ban time in minutes (if set to ban)
  248. // BAN人的时间

  249. /////////////////////////////////////////

  250. // Voice Chat Name Spoofing         
  251. // 修正按麦讲话不显示名字
  252. dod_blockexploits_micspoof "1"
  253. // Voice Chat Name Spoofing action
  254. // 0 = do nothing
  255. // 什么都不干
  256. // 1 = silently block     
  257. // 静态阻止
  258. // 2 = block with warning msg  
  259. // 阻止并提示信息
  260. // 3 = kick   
  261. // KICK
  262. // 4 = ban   
  263. // BAN掉

  264. dod_blockexploits_micspoof_log "1"
  265. // Log Voice Chat Name Spoofing detections
  266. // 日志
  267. // 0 = off     
  268. // 关闭
  269. // 1 = on      
  270. // 开启

  271. dod_blockexploits_micspoof_ban "60"
  272. // Voice Chat Name Spoofing ban time in minutes (if set to ban)
  273. // BAN人的时间

  274. dod_blockexploits_micspoof_num "2"
  275. // Number of allowed illegal characters
  276. // Anymore then this will trigger the detection
  277. // 多少名字字母
  278. // 2个字母就不显示


  1. ;---------------------------------
  2. ;   DoD Block Exploits INI File
  3. ;           Verson 4.2
  4. ;---------------------------------
  5. ;  DoDplugins.net / AvaMods.com
  6. ;---------------------------------
  9. ;---------------------------------

  10. ;Default 01: Steam ID Pending  
  11. ;STEAM ID 欺骗  NO STEAM服务器建议关闭 STEAM服务器开启
  12. Steam ID Pending

  13. ;Default 02: Spectator Killing   
  14. ;修正观察者错误(观察者观察不到玩家的错误)
  15. Spectator Killing

  16. ;Default 03: White Player Model
  17. ;防止利用BUG选择白人
  18. White Player Model

  19. ;Default 04: Undeployed MG-Reload
  20. ;防止利用机枪BUG(不架机枪就能换子弹)
  21. Undeployed MG-Reload

  22. ;Default 05: Respawn Timer Bypass
  23. ;防止进入观察模式又马上回到场上从而达到快速复活的效果
  24. Respawn Timer Bypass

  25. ;Default 06: Setinfo Trace (EcstaticCheat)   
  26. ;禁止使用该作弊软件
  27. Setinfo Trace (EcstaticCheat)

  28. ;Default 07: Setinfo Trace (TeKilla)
  29. ;禁止使用该作弊软件
  30. Setinfo Trace (TeKilla)

  31. ;Default 08: Setinfo Trace (MicCheat)
  32. ;禁止使用该作弊软件
  33. Setinfo Trace (MicCheat)

  34. ;Default 09: Setinfo Trace (AlphaCheat)
  35. ;禁止使用该作弊软件
  36. Setinfo Trace (AlphaCheat)

  37. ;Default 10: Setinfo Trace (PimP)
  38. ;禁止使用该作弊软件
  39. Setinfo Trace (PimP)

  40. ;Default 11: Setinfo Trace (LCD)
  41. ;禁止使用该作弊软件
  42. Setinfo Trace (LCD)

  43. ;Default 12: Setinfo Trace (Chapman)
  44. ;禁止使用该作弊软件
  45. Setinfo Trace (Chapman)

  46. ;Default 13: Setinfo Trace (_PRJVDC)
  47. ;禁止使用该作弊软件
  48. Setinfo Trace (_PRJVDC)

  49. ;Default 14: Setinfo Trace (EV)
  50. ;禁止使用该作弊软件
  51. Setinfo Trace (EV)

  52. ;Default 15: Class Limit Bypass / White Model
  53. ;禁止选择白人后使用枪械
  54. Class Limit Bypass / White Model

  55. ;Default 16: Voice Chat Name Spoofing
  56. ;修正按麦讲话不显示名字的错误
  57. Voice Chat Name Spoofing

  58. ;---------------------------------
  59. ;       END OF CONFIG FILE
  60. ;---------------------------------
 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-6 12:25:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–湖南–怀化–鹤城区
  1. Contains the following blocks/detection/fixes/etc:

  2. - fullupdate command block
  3. * blocks a command that can be used as an 'exploit' in many plugins
  4. * can also prevent an attempt to flood the server

  5. - pistol zoom block
  6. * blocks the exploit/bug where clients can zoom in with their pistol,
  7. at least most of the time, still happens on a rare occasion

  8. - drop zoom fix (only active if running AMXX 1.8.0+)
  9. * blocks an exploit/bug where clients can zoom in with any weapon,
  10. and also caused the player to be stuck zoomed in.

  11. - spectator duck bug fix
  12. * fix for the bug where sometimes when you die crouched, you have to
  13. press crouch again afterwards to get out of the spectator 'option'
  14. mode and whatnot

  15. - decals thru walls
  16. * theres a client cvar that can be set to allow players to see decals
  17. (as in blood, bullet marks, explosions, etc) thru walls. This will
  18. lock that cvar at the default value.

  19. - dod_falaise crash fix
  20. * fixes a known bug with windows servers where clients are able to
  21. intentionally/accidently crash the server while on the map dod_falaise.

  22. - func_rotating fix
  23. * fixes a bug where func_rotating entities stop rotating after a while

  24. - third-person view fix
  25. * fixes a bug on player connect that allows players to be in
  26. third-person view, which allows you to easily see around corners

  27. - connecting client team fix
  28. * connecting clients should now show as spectators instead
  29. of appearing on a team

  30. - end round kills
  31. * stops players from getting kills after a round ends

  32. - hlss block
  33. * stops the usage of HLSS or other various music players

  34. - steam id pending
  35. * checks a clients steam id when they join, if it returns a value of
  36. STEAM_ID_PENDING, it waits 60 seconds and checks the steam id again,
  37. if the steam id still hasnt been auth'd it triggers this detection

  38. - setinfo cheat traces
  39. * scans a clients setinfo data when they join. Some known cheats
  40. add specific traceable keys to a players setinfo when they run them.
  41. a detection doesnt mean 100% that they are cheating, but the chances
  42. are likely that they are. it also means that they at the very least
  43. used the specific cheat in the past and didnt clean up after it

  44. - spectator killing
  45. * blocks & detects when clients attempt to use the exploit that will
  46. allow them to be a 'spectator' and still kill people.
  47. * this is fixed according to the dod change log from 08.24.05, but you
  48. can still detect when a player attempts to use this exploit

  49. - white player model
  50. * blocks & detects when clients attempt to use the exploit that
  51. makes their player model all white

  52. - undeployed mg reload
  53. * blocks & detects when clients attempt an exploit that will
  54. allow them to reload an MG without having to deploy it first

  55. - respawn timer bypass
  56. * blocks & detects when clients try to bypass the respawn delay

  57. - class limit bypass / white model
  58. * there's a way to use the VGUI class selection menu to gain access
  59. to a class that is full/turned off (mainly axis sniper)
  60. * a player using this exploit also spawns with a white player model

  61. - voice chat name spoofing
  62. * clients can abuse certain characters to hide who they are, or to
  63. spoof their name as someone else on the server while using voice chat.
  64. * this block will stop clients from using voice chat if their name is a
  65. single illegal character, or if it contains more then the cvar value.

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