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2009年12月27日更新 Anti CSDoS v3.3

发表于 2009-12-28 09:01:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–湖北–武汉
本帖最后由 jackemoney 于 2009-12-28 09:31 编辑

Anti CSDoS v3.3
Provide your Half-Life Dedicated server with protection against the CSDoS and Born to be pig exploit.

Latest version comes with a new skin, posibility to autostart AntiCSDos at Windows startup, option to autopatch servers, etc.

If you want AntiCSDoS to continuously check / patch your servers (if they are not patched, or if the server crashed and was restarted by a 3rd party software), check the "Autocheck & Autopatch all HLDS processes every 3 minutes" checkbox. If a new HLDS process appears (a new PID), it will patch it automatically (it checks every 3 minutes)

If your executable name is other than "hlds.exe", check the "Full process list" checkbox to see all running processes. ATTENTION: You cannot check both "Full process List" and "Autocheck & Autopatch all HLDS processes every 3 minutes" checkboxes! The "Autocheck & Autopatch..." option is for "hlds.exe" executable names ONLY !

v3.3 supports 5000 HLDS processes

Size (archived) 920.19 KB
Version 3.3
Updated 12/27/2009
Language English
Filename AntiCSDoS.zip
Comments 203
Downloads 49582

Anti CSDoS by Shocker - History
>>  http://ShockingSoft.com  <<

- Added "Toggle select" button to select/unselect all processes at once
- "Currently patched processes" label now displays number of patched processes and doesn't display duplicates anymore
- Fixed HLDS process limit, now supports 5000 HLDS processes

- Fixed false "Born to be pig" exploit detection
- Some versions of HLDS were vulnerable to some attacks not covered by previous versions of AntiCSDoS, fixed.

- Fixed heuristic attack detection, false attack alarms were occuring before

- New skin
- Added "Autostart on Windows startup" option
- Added "Autopatch all HLDS processes on start" option
- Added "Autocheck & Autopatch all HLDS processes every 3 minutes". This will ensure that even if your server crashed unexpectedly and/or it's restarted by a 3rd party application, AntiCSDoS whill check and Patch if new HLDS processes detected.
- Added posibility to list ALL processes, not only HLDS.exe named processes
- Fixed compatibility issues with Windows 98/Me
- Resizable main window

- Added protection against all possible versions of the "Born to be pig" exploit

- Added posibility to set a custom message when attacker is attempting to crash server
- Added protection against "Born to be pig" exploit

- Added posibility to patch multiple HLDS servers

- See attacker's IP
- Fixed a bug that crashed the app

- Added ability to minimize application to tray
- Fixed protection problem when using HL Booster
- Fixed error mislocating "patch.dll"

- Public release




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发表于 2009-12-28 09:40:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–河南–洛阳
- Added "Toggle select" button to select/unselect all processes at once
- "Currently patched processes" label now displays number of patched processes and doesn't display duplicates anymore
- Fixed HLDS process limit, now supports 5000 HLDS processes

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-28 11:42:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山西–晋城
楼主很可爱,官网都发了,>>  http://ShockingSoft.com  <<  ,你整个阅读权限1 :lol

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-28 12:53:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–湖北–武汉

使用道具 举报

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