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[AMXX 带源码] 地图里灯光设置

发表于 2010-3-20 08:22:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–江苏–苏州
amx_echo_roomtype <0 - 28> <Echo type> <Def: 3>  

- Notes -

It's not perfect. Not even close to perfect. In my opinion, you cant get a perfect echo without placing env_sounds or defining echo zones manually, and to do it automatically, it would take up too much resources. There is a serious bug. If player is in a "echo zone" and leaves it'll still have echo joining other servers. To fix it you have to type "room_type 0" in console. The bad thing with amxx is that you cant catch the disconnect event and execute client commands before user disconnects. I don't care if this gets unapproved, as it probably will, because it messes up client settings. I just wanted to give a try at to make this. Maybe someone will use it though.
It worked perfect in cs_militia sewers, my gf_hellschamber map for GF and de_dust2 tunnels. There were some small bugs in de_dust though.


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