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[AMXX 带源码] 修改武器价格插件

发表于 2010-3-20 08:38:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–江苏–苏州
sk_class_cost- Chanegs the vost for players to change class [its set on $1000]
sv_gravity- Changes the ammount of gravity for everyone on the server
sk_armor_cost- Changes the cost of armor in shop.
sk_gravity_cost- Changes the cost of gravity in shop.
sk_grenadepack_cost- Changes the cost of Grenade Pakc in shop.
sk_health_cost- Changes the cost of health in shop.
sk_dealge_cost- Changes the cost of deagle in shop.
sk_invisble_cost- Changes the cost of invisble in shop.
sk_invis_time- Changes the time of being invisble.
sk_deagle_hit_bonus- Changes damage ammount.

/class- to swhich a class $1000 to do so.
/skme- to see your name, class, and kills .
/shop- to see the shop

100 Armor for $1000
0.3 [300] Gravity for $1500
Greande pack: $5000 [Comes with all 3 grenades]
More Health: $6000 [250 HP]
Super Deagle: $14000
Invisble: $8000 [Makes the palyer be invsible for 10 secs, you can change cvar]

*Scout Big [Has 250 HP]
*Scout Speed [Has 70 HP, gose fast]
*Scout Gravity [has low gravity, 0.2]
*Scout Grenade [Has 3 grenades and low grav]
*Scout Elite [Has armor, good HP]


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