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WinHL-Booster1.5 说明

发表于 2003-5-25 07:08:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–甘肃–嘉峪关
WinHL-Booster MM Plugin v1.50 beta!
by Jussi Kivilinna <hullu@hullu.cjb.net>


- This version only works on Windows NT/2000/XP, see links at bottom of this file for 95/98/ME version.
- Booster makes server run with higher FPS by making OS timers more accurent. HLDS.EXE tries to sleep 1ms but default minimum sleep time in Windows is usually 10ms. This causes server fps be always under 100fps. This tweak has no effect on listenserver as listenserver doesn't sleep between frames. With default settings WinHL-Booster sets OS minimum sleep time to 3ms allowing server to run higher FPS (333fps when empty). For example when server is running at 100fps with booster server is sleeping 3ms and working 7ms every frame. Without booster server would sleep 10ms and work 7ms causing fps to be around 60 (1000/(10+7) = ~58).
- Booster has TOS Low Delay bit tweak (Type of service) which should make packets go to client smaller latency.
- Booster can monitor CPU usage and automatically manage the sleep timer to balance between FPS and CPU utilization (by Buzz_Kill <buzzkill@100acrebloodbath.com>). This works only on single processor systems at the moment.

1. You need Metamod or Adminmod. (see LINKS)
2. Extract booster_mm.dll to your "c:\halflife\moddir\addons\booster"-folder.
3. Add following two lines to either "c:\halflife\moddir\metamod.ini" or "c:\halflife\moddir\addons\metamod\plugin.ini":

win32 addons/booster/booster_mm.dll

If you reinstall Adminmod you have to add this line again!

Use -tos commandline option on hlds.exe to activate TOS low delay tweak. You have to set following registry setting to allow this tweak to work (only Windows 2000/XP):

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters
  Value name: DisableUserTOSSetting
  Value type: DWORD
  Value data: 0

CVars (you can copy these to server.cfg):
// booster_show_connmsg --
//      2:      Large connmessage
//      1:      small connmessage
//      0:      disabled
booster_show_connmsg 1

// booster_autofps --
//      Automaticly changes value of sys_ticrate to get server run at fps value defined in this cvar.
//      Minimum sys_ticrate that set is 100, maximum 1000.
booster_autofps 100

// booster_minsleepms --
//      Minimum sleep time set to mmsystem. 1.41-1.44 used 1ms which might cause some timer problems
//      with Win2k.
//      1ms makes server to run at max 1000fps
//      2ms  -||-                  max  500fps
//      3ms  -||-                  max  333fps (booster default)
//      4ms  -||-                  max  250fps
//      10ms -||-                  max  100fps (OS default)
//      Default value is 3ms. Value range is 1 to 10.
//      !NOTE! systemwide effect! all timers will get accurency that booster sets!
//      !NOTE! If you run other programs that use multimedia timer tweak values that booster has set
//             might get overridden!
booster_minsleepms 3

// booster_force_systicrate --
//      Less than 50             : Disabled
//      More than or equal to 50 : Forces value of sys_ticrate to value of this cvar
//      !NOTE! Setting more than or equal to 50 overrides booster_autofps feature
booster_force_systicrate 10000

// booster_cpu_enabled --
//      1:      Booster will monitor CPU usage and adjust timers to reduce load when necessary  
//      0:      disabled
booster_cpu_enabled 0

// booster_cpu_spikemax --
//      Number of times booster_cpu_spikelevel needs to be exceeded in order for timers to
//        increase and CPU load to be reduced.      
booster_cpu_spikemax 3

// booster_cpu_spikelevel --
//        Level which CPU utilization needs to exceed (booster_cpu_spikemax times) for timers
//      to increae and CPU load to be reduced.
booster_cpu_spikelevel 75

// booster_cpu_mminc --
//        Amount timer will increment (WinHL-Booster will also decrease the timer every time
//      5 minutes passes without booster_cpu_spikelevel being exceeded.
booster_cpu_mminc 2

* WinHL-Booster can monitor CPU usage and automatically manage the sleep timer to balance between FPS and CPU utilization (by Buzz_Kill <buzzkill@100acrebloodbath.com>)
* Added TOS low delay tweak, "-tos" commandline option for activating TOS tweak

* booster_force_systicrate is set to 10000 by default now
* made filesize bigger (don't ask)

[1.45 beta]
* booster_minsleepms cvar for adjusting sleep timer tweak

* booster_autofps 100 for better ping and better server stability

* Oh .. did I skip 1.43 .. oops I think I did :D

* Name changed back to WinHL-Booster
* sets sys_ticrate to 10000 instead of 1000. Seems to help ping problems that booster causes on some servers.

* removed url from connmessages

* !! Makes server run with higher fps than 100 !!
    - Uses multimedia timer tweaking of Windows
    - Same effect than with flash-ani trick
    - OS wide effect .. only one server running booster -> all servers boosted
* No more Linux binary (sorry .. no mm timer tweak in linux that I know off (You might want to try multimedia timer tweaked kernel(search net))))
* Connection message can be disabled

* Removed all extra stuff that were causing more bad than good
    - Underrun @&$ removed
    - Dynamic sys_ticrate adjusting for fps removed
    - Cleaned connection messages from extra crap removed

* New installation directories in booster_mm.txt (http://www.unitedadmins.com/info_addon_dev_standards.aspx)

* Fixed targetfps system to work under linux
* Tested with DoD3 (works fine with me)

* sys_ticrate/targetfps system is now deactivated on listenservers!
* Setting "booster_targetfps 0" deactivates targetfps system (you can still use underrun mode with this)

* Trying to fix XP problems

* targetfps default value is now 133 ;)
* booster_maxsysticrate, booster_mixsysticrate cvars to
   set maximum and minimum boundaries for target-fps system
* Small connection message is now default
* booster_underrun_scale changed to booster_underrun_finalrate (thanks to !2SX!)

* Booster's day off.. Sauna & Vodka

* sys_ticrate, sv_maxupdaterate are now visible in server info

* targetfps system for better function with

* [bugfix] Fixed (hopefully) current players counting :P

* Shows current map in connection message
* [bugfix] Now underrun even works :D .. fixed current players counting

* [bugfix] rewritten underrun code

* Comes with Linux binary by default (LinHL-Booster)
* Added 'booster_small_connmsg' for those who don't want that big connection message ruin other messages
* Speed tweaks (this was in 1.15 already)
* [bugfix] Underrun works now even if force settings is enabled

* Changed connection message 'made by' to 'plugin-url' so that people stop email-asking me for url ;)

* [bugfix] Removed "meta-interface version mismatch"-warnings

* Jumped over this version (I don't like number 13 :D)

* [bugfix] booster_forcesettings should work right way now.
* [bugfix] booster_underrun should work right way now.
* [bugfix] Current players on server counter function fixed.

* Added 'booster_forcesettings'
* [bugfix] Removed debugging message that I left in 1.10

* Added 'booster_underrun_on', 'booster_underrun_players' and 'booster_underrun_scale' cvars for servers with low bandwidth.

* Shows how many players are present on server to joining player.

* Small code tweaks

* -

* Buzz_Kill <buzzkill@100acrebloodbath.com> for cpu usage monitoring code
* -[SBV]-MeGaHuRtZ, Rage, Mikee and all others for betatesting

Unitedadmins: http://www.unitedadmins.com/
Metamod:      http://www.metamod.org/
Adminmod:     http://www.adminmod.org/

for 95/98/ME:
发表于 2003-5-25 09:31:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–东营

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发表于 2003-5-25 12:19:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广西–柳州

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发表于 2003-5-25 13:42:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–东莞

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