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[求助] 我安装了plbot 0.99,可是机器人看起来像在慢跑

发表于 2003-5-27 08:59:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–辽宁–鞍山
// PLBot 0.99 - Configuration File
// http://www.olo.counter-strike.pl
// http://forums.unitedadmins.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=62
// Line with "//" is a comment or inactive command

// Max. number of bots which can follow the player (called by radio)
plb_control 2

// Set number of groups which will be crated by bots
plb_group 0

// Default bot skill if not specifed (Easy = 1; Hard = 4)
plb_skill 2

//Game settings
//mp_autoteambalance 0
//mp_limitteams 0
//mp_timelimit 0
//mp_startmoney 160000

//Bind key to menu
bind "=" plb_menu

//Cvars for Game Settings Menu
//plb_cvar <cvar> <step> <max. value>
plb_cvar plb_autoadd 2 8 //Set max. number of automaticly added bots
plb_cvar plb_pause
plb_cvar plb_group 1 2
plb_cvar plb_control 1 4
plb_cvar plb_skill 1 6
plb_cvar plb_onlywpt
plb_cvar plb_canchat 1 3 //Sets also frequency of chat
plb_cvar mp_autoteambalance
plb_cvar mp_fadetoblack
plb_cvar mp_forcechasecam 1 2
plb_cvar mp_freezetime 1 5
plb_cvar mp_timelimit 15 45

//Set if bots can chat and set frequency of it
plb_canchat 3

// Set how many bots will automaticly join to server
// If number of players is greater then plb_autoadd then
// some bots will leave the server to make free slots for other players
plb_autoadd 4

// Set there delay in seconds before each bot's auto-join
plb_jointime 7.0

// This makes that bots auto-join to server only on waypointed maps (By default is 1)
//plb_onlywpt 1

//Cmds for Custom Commands Menu
//plb_cmd <name of cmd> <server command>
plb_cmd "Restart round" "sv_restartround 1"
plb_cmd " " " " //Blank slot
plb_cmd "Map de_dust" "changelevel de_dust"
plb_cmd "Map de_dust2" "changelevel de_dust2"
plb_cmd "Map de_aztec" "changelevel de_aztec"
plb_cmd "Map de_nuke" "changelevel de_nuke"
plb_cmd " " " " //Blank slot
plb_cmd "Exec server.cfg" "exec server.cfg"

//Set here password for plbot_menu access
//First value is name of setinfo (here it is "plb_pw")
//Second is a password for this setinfo (here it is "root")
//To get access to menu type in console: setinfo "plbot_pw" "root"
//If plb_password is set to "" then all player have access to menu
//plb_password "plb_pw:root"

//Names for bots
plb_name "The Reaper"
plb_name "Dr Death"
plb_name "Thorgal"
plb_name "Thunder"
plb_name "Fireball"
plb_name "Noe"
plb_name "Chicken"
plb_name "Shackal"
plb_name "Killer"
plb_name "Dragon"
plb_name "Zergling"
plb_name "Butcher"
plb_name "Lucky Star"
plb_name "Cruiser"
plb_name "Marshal"
plb_name "Moon Maker"
plb_name "Discover"
plb_name "Zombie"
plb_name "Beavis"
plb_name "Robin"
plb_name "Super Girl"
plb_name "Duck"
plb_name "Dirty Harry"
plb_name "Darkman"
plb_name "Fragenstein"
plb_name "Kill-Rambo"
plb_name "Archon"
plb_name "Ghostman"

//Some chat sequences on fraging
plb_chat "LOL!"
plb_chat "Come get same"
plb_chat "Die!!!"
plb_chat "Don't ask me"
plb_chat "Wazzzzzuuuuuuuupppppppp!!!!!!!!"
plb_chat "Buummm!!!"
plb_chat "Yeah!"
plb_chat "Please don't cry..."
plb_chat "to next time..."

//Here you can specify how many bots have to join to the game
//plb_add <team> <skill>
//Team: Terrorist = 1; CT = 2
//Skill: Easy = 1; Hard = 4
//plb_add 2 2
//plb_add 2 2
//plb_add 2 2
//plb_add 2 2
//plb_add 1 2
//plb_add 1 2
//plb_add 1 2
//plb_add 1 2
发表于 2003-5-27 10:38:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–辽宁–沈阳–和平区
修改或增加(多线路)路点文件,增加 rush 点,提高 BOT 的级别(改成5)


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