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发表于 2003-8-23 19:55:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–福建–龙岩
-===== ][ Yet Another Half-IRC ][ =====-
Current Version: v1.35d

[ English translation by Lispeth (lispeth@badgirlsclan.com) ]
[ Checked by Jon (maasxjon@hotmail.com) ]

1. Introduction
2. Requerements
3. Installation & Configuration
4. Chatting from HL
5. FAQ
6. Language Files
7. Know Problems
8. Version History
-- Final Notes


'Yet Another Half-IRC' is an addon for mIRC 6 which allows interaction with IRC from the game Half Life (and any of its mods). beyond sending text, YAH is a complex application which allows users to select which events should be monitored and in which channels. At the same time it allows the user to see the text during the game. It can be seen in the console or on the screen (by means of the use of buffers), while you are playing and without interfering with actual gameplay.

Also, you can send text to any channel that you're in , or by query. Some new commands have been implemented as well. For example , to show or change into active windows, come into and leave channels, to be away or close mIRC.

To get the maximum use of this applications characteristics, it is recommended that you read the whole Readme file , so that you may avoid any frequent mistakes.


This script has been developed to mIRC 6.x and Half-Life, although it´s possible run it with older versions.

Any operating system which can run the above applications should run YAH.


Yet Another Half-IRC is distributed within a zip file whose contents must be extracted into a folder (called "YAH" for example) inside the mIRC directory (for instance: C:\mIRC\YAH). After this has been done , while your mIRC is opened and you have connected to an IRC server,load the addon by typing the following command into any window (this is only necessary the first time):

/load -rs YAH\yah.mrc

If you have followed the instructions correctly , you will recieve a notice telling you that the script has been successfully loaded , with the name and version of the script that you have just installed.

The first time you load it, the program will ask you to select one of the available languages. Is necessary that you select one of them. If no language is selected , the script will be automatically unloaded. It will then detect that no configuration file is present , and will advise you of it , the aplication setup window will also open automatically. To configure it manually later, you can access the menu simply by typing:


in any window, or using the accesible menus with the secondary mouse button on the channels window , Status and menubar.

On the setup window we have 3 tabs:

- General TAB:

To begin with, you can activate or deactivate the two main YAH functions: Text sending from IRC to Half-Life and sending from the console to IRC (both text and commands). After you have activated it for the first time , you can then select which events are going to be monitored in the channels of the list. So that for example, if you have only enabled the "Text Channel" event, you will only see in HL what people write on the list's channels. You will not however , see nick changes , join and part notices , or when someone queries you. It is also important to bear in mind that to monitor too many events at once could make it difficult to read them all, because of the amount of information you would be recieving at the same

Also, you can configure what to do in case someone calls you on IRC (saying your nick). You can add the channel where you were called from
automatically to the list during the time you will specify on minutes, so that you can type on this channel and answer to the person who had called. You also have the option of automatically changing the active window to the one where you were called, making the task of sending text from the HL console much easier (see section 3).

To finish, it gives you the opportunity of monitoring the active channel, without the necessity of adding it to the list. You can use this characteristic for
instance, to monitor a channel in which you are not used to being in.

- Configuration TAB:

It is very important that you configure the Half-Life path and the Mod in which you are going to use the program in correctly. If this has not been done you will not be able to send text and/or commands to IRC from the console nor use the sending Buffer. For example:


Using the sending Buffer: The use of buffers results in a system much more comfortable to see what is happening on IRC, because the sensation of a window is created (even the screen or the console) dedicated to recieving text. If this option is enabled, the text will be sent to the game the moment it appears on mIRC, mixing with the text of the game. When you activate it, it will send the
text continously only when the designated key is pressed, so you can pay attention to IRC whenever you want. You will see the buffer superimposed on the game's screen, and by hitting another key it will stop. You have the possibility of configuring it to your own liking by indicating the number of lines that the buffer will have and the time (in seconds) that it takes to appear. (Note: To be able to use this characteristic, you should have enabled "HL --> IRC" and the path to HL correctly configured)

As an added function, checky buffer or notice buffer is included, it only has the entries of people who type your nick in any channel (that can be in the list, or not) or in a query. You can access this buffer by using the other key you have assigned , and still have use of the normal buffer. Meanwhile, you can not see both at the same time.

The keys you have assigned to each buffer will be saved along with the rest of the neccessary aliases to make the application run correctly. They will be saved in a file called yahirc.cfg , which will be located in the directory of the game you have configured. Occasionally an entry will be added to the autoexec.cfg file for executing Half-Life automatically.

Finally, in this tab you can configure if you want to see the text you send, very useful to know what really arrived to a specific person/channel. Don´t
forget to have a look at the console commands, you have them listed in this tab. You will find a short description about these commands only by moving your mouse pointer over them.

- About Tab:

I don´t think it needs a description ;) Remember visit the web of yah to find out about any new developments , bugs, suggestions, etc.


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-23 19:56:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩

Well, you have configured the application and you are ready to play. Remember it´s necessary that the section "HL --> IRC" has been enabled and the game path is correct to be able to send text to IRC from Half-Life. If it is left at the default settings , it has not been configured.

Once the game is running, you must know the main rule: Any text or command you send to IRC must start with 'irc' identifier. It´s very important, because if it isn't the script will not recognize it.

We are going to describe 4 sections:

1.- Sending text to a channel:

To send text to a specific channel, (it must be open):

(Note: ']' character is the console prompt)

]irc #my_channel hi, how are you?

Will send "hi, how are you?" to #my_channel

2.- Sending text to a query:

It works very similar as with channels, although the first message must begin with the /query command and immediatly followed by the nick of person who you would like to chat with.

]irc /query Fred I was looking for you

will open a query window to Fred and will type "I was looking for you" in it. (Note: Active window will be changed automatically to the query window only if the conversation was started at that moment).

3.- Sending text to active an window:

We can send text to the active window directly, it can be a channel or a query, just type it. (Note: You can see what the active window is with /awin command)

]irc good morning

will send the text "good morning" to the active window at that moment.

4.- Using commands

We have implemented into the script a few commands to add the funcionality of not having to exit the game to perform basic IRC actions, such as
join/exit a channel, to be away, change nick, active window, etc. To add/del channels from the monitor list is possible from console with /chan command.

You can see a complete list of commands and a short description of what they do in the Configuration Tab of the program. a short description about what they do. You can check this list and the syntax from within the console with the /help command:

]irc /help

will give a possible command list.

]irc /help /awin

It shows specific help of the /awin command. Once we know what it is for and how use it we can test:

]irc /awin #my_channel

This will change mIRC active window to #my_channel channel, and will set the notice telling us that the active channel is now the channel mentioned.


Q: It does not recognize the 'irc' identifier. It tells me "unknown command".

A: Be sure you have configured the game path correctly, for example: "C:\Sierra\Half-Life\cstrike\" (for Counter-Strike game) and check that the yahirc.cfg file in your game directory exists. Also , check to make sure there is a line that reads "exec yahirc.cfg" in your autoexec.cfg(in the same directory). If everything is in order but it still won't recognize it, try to exec the file manually from the console. Just type 'exec yahirc.cfg'

Q: The keys I have configured for the buffers don´t work.

A: The most frequent cause of this error is the "unbind all" command in the configuration of the game, because it will be executed after autoexec.cfg. A solution to this problem is to manually execute the yahirc.cfg file from your console or add "exec yahirc.cfg" to your own configuration file.

Q: Can YAH be wrongly detected as a cheat?

A: No, because it isn´t a "client hook" (as OGC) and it does not interfere with the game. It only puts text onto the screen with the use of totally legit commands.

Q: Is right everytime I send text to IRC, appears the message "Console dumped to ...\condumpxxx.txt"?

A: Yes, It is part of running mechanism. It is one of the few ways to do it without having problems with anticheats.

Q: Why doesn´t buffer mode work in some servers?

A: Verify that the server doesn't have WWCL installed because this plugin blocks the "developer" command, preventing YAH to show the IRC text in the screen.


YAH is not limited to default languages, you can create your own language file so that you will be more comfortable with the program. Adding a new language is easy, just take one of the language files (.lng) included in the script, make a copy, rename it to your_language.lng and with a text editor translate each line by following these instructions:

- Leave the numeration, spaces in each line and the '=' symbol at the beginning of every line.

- In [credits] section write data that you think is necessary, you can leave some blank register if you wish.

- In [gui] section it is very important that you respect length of phrases. If they are too long, they will get cutoff, so use abbreviations if it´s required.

- [console] section must have no incompatible characters with the Half-Life console (characters that can not be shown correctly). For example, characters of some languages (ñ, Ç, ø, etc). The rest of the sections can be translated without this restriction.

There are some parts can NOT be translated, those who have indentifiers and commands. If you doubt someone, you can compare with other language file included with the script. Are indentifiers:

- Indicators of section: [credits], [gui], [console] y [engine]
- Words beginning with '$' , '/' or '%'. For example: "$1", "$nick", "/chan", "%yahname", "$mircdir $+ YAH\"
- Whole arguments of commands, as: "20=WARNING! Use: /chan [add/del] #channel" where "add/del" must not be translated but #channel may. In other words, those arguments representing a parameter, not containing one, must
not be translated.

It is very important that you try to describe the context of each phrase to a correct translation.

If you have created your own language that has not been included in this YAH version and you want to share it with other people, you can send it to us, and we will publish it on web and/or in next program version. To contact us use the e-mail forum.


- Possibly, because of some mIRC's bugs, some situations will show the active window incorrectly.

- The use of Buffer overimpressed on screen can be affected because of buy-scripts or similiar if they use "developer 0" command. If the buffer stops are shown, just type "developer 1" in console or push the recieve buffer key twice.

- This script does not run correctly with external programs used to better prioritize the hl.exe process, for example with WinLauncher XP.

- Use of "Change to active channel" option can cause sometimes mIRC application becomes in active window of desktop, minimizing Half-Life game. We are studing how to solve it.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-23 19:58:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩

--> 05/06/2003 - v1.35d
- Fixed: Fatal error when mIRC was installed in a path with blanks
- Fixed: Somethings were executing lonely, playing or not.

--> 05/01/2003 - v1.35c

- Fixed: Typos in language files
- Fixed: YAH now works with paths that contains spaces
- Fixed: yahtest.log file will be overwritten with each "yah.test" execution
- Fixed: Possible bug deleting an automatically added channel to list
- Fixed: Imposibility to disable HL -> IRC in some cases
- Fixed: Character limit in textbox "Path HL + Mod"
- Removed: Static colours in script
- Added: Posibility to install the script in other directory than YAH\

--> 03/24/2003 - v1.35a

- Fixed: Checking mIRC version is done before anything
- Added: Some modifications for /yah.test command

--> 11/06/2002 - v1.35

- Fixed: Fixed: Now, timers doesn´t stop when mIRC get's disconnected.
- Fixed: Bug while configurating Half-Life path.
- Fixed: /query command improved, it could not run with some scripts.
- Added: Autotest function to help resolving problems.
- Added: Checky buffer timestamp.
- Added: Readme translated into english.
- Second version launched, this time to the entire whole world :)

--> 10/27/2002 - v1.30 Beta

- Fixed: Some minor mistakes in language files
- Fixed: Changed buffer line limits and refresh time limits
- Fixed: Some optimizations and code corrections
- Fixed: Changes in variables will not be efficient until close GUI
- Fixed: Configuration is saved correctly (in memory) when GUI is closed with X.
- Fixed: Some development and code corrections.
- Fixed: Less resources use while playing.
- Fixed: Readme.htm format improved to navegator width.
- Added: Warning of incorrect path in GUI.

--> 10/12/2002 - v1.21 Beta

- Fixed: Plenty of corrections and improvements to Multi-Language system.
- Fixed: Error which caused deconfiguration of Half-Life path
- Fixed: QUIT event was sent although channel wasn´t monitored
- Fixed: Bug in DLL that failed to list the first condump found
- Fixed: Improvement of path verification (compatibility with Counter-Strike Retail) and language files.
- Fixed: Queries doesn´t establish the window as active window automatically.
- Fixed: Error disabling "Use send buffer" option
- Deleted: use of /buffer command from the console, the buffer will be controlled with the default configured key only.
- Added: Menu entries in menu bar, channels windows and Status.

--> 09/26/2002 - v1.15 Beta

- Added: First implementation of Multi-Language system.
- Fixed: Improved Half-Life path check.
- Fixed: Alias and variable names have been restored (yah.*) to avoid possible problems with other scripts.
- Fixed: Every console command is now in english.

--> 09/23/2002 - v1.05 Beta

- Fixed: New VC++ DLL to avoid incompatibility problems with certain configurations.
- Fixed: Bug creating CFG if Buffer mode is not used.
- Added: Check of correct installation and mIRC version.

--> 09/21/2002 - v1.01

- Fixed: Code optimization to avoid errors.
- Fixed: Lately GUI adjusts to final version.
- Fixed: Echos exit is now functioning properly.
- Added: Expulsion message when a KICK occurs.
- First public release ;)

--> 09/19/2002 - v0.99 Beta

- Added: Now, the script must be installed in it's own directory ($mircdir\YAH).
- Added: 'exec yahirc.cfg' to autoexec.cfg is now optional.
- Added: /query command to open a new query window.
- Deleted: /evento command, because it was not very useful.

--> 09/14/2002 - v0.98 Beta

- Fixed: Some minor bugs.
- Added: A DLL substitute $findfile mIRC function, more efficient.
- Deleted: "Not send buffer when required" option, because it is not neccesary.
- Half-Life IRC Client is called now 'Yet Another Half-IRC', because of the appearance of a similar program with the same name (HLirc by Disk2).

--> 08/02/2002 - v0.97 Beta

- Fixed: Error in alias for HL.
- Fixed: Error looking for mIRC icon.
- Fixed: CFG binds were assigned to capital letters.
- Modified: The use of "contimes" command, it caused instability in the system.
- Modified: Buffers have been implemeted in dynamic memory (Hash Tables), they were in files before, detracting the use of CPU of mIRC.

--> 07/04/2002 - v0.95 Beta

- First 'Half-Life IRC Client' beta version launched for beta-testers.
- Fixed excessive length of alias, it caused some crashes of HL.
- Late fixes and bugs corrections to Beta phase.

Final Notes:

This software is freely distributed with the intention of being useful to those who use it. It isn´t bound to be compatible with every configuration or to always run as it could. The authors have put all possible effort to correct any known bugs. We do not accept responsibility for any damages cause from use of this script.

- Yet Another Half-IRC -

Programmed by PiTaGoRaS & CeeC
E-Mail: yah@frekuenzia.com

Greatings to:
- HLSW program (www.hlsw.de), thanks one of it's functions surged the original idea of the project.
- Everybody who colaborated with usduring the beta program phase and showed a big interest to participate :)
- To IRC friends, who we had been with a lot of hours while we were coding, we had a lot of nice moments ;)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-24 00:55:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩




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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-24 00:57:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩

Re: 图示



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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-24 01:02:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩
我现在才知道连IRC for CS都有两种。

2、利用CS hook,挂在CS下。这种IRC很容易被C-D和VSM判为作弊。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-8-24 16:22:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–泉州–晋江市

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