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HLDS release (aka Steam)

发表于 2003-9-10 18:22:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–辽宁–大连
We will be releasing the dedicated server binaries later today.
Tomorrow we will be releasing the client.
In a couple of weeks we will make this update mandatory.

What is it:
This release is converting all users to Steam. When you install the client you will need to have a valid HL or CStrike CD-Key. Dedicated servers will need to create accounts but will NOT need to enter a cd-key. At no point will anyone have to enter credit card details. In the future there will be the option to purchase the "Platinum Pack" via Steam if you don't currently own a copy.

This release consists of: Counter-Strike 1.6, Half-Life, TeamFortress Classic, DMC, Ricochet and Day-of-Defeat 1.0.

What changed:

http://www.steampowered.com/plat ... %20Dedicated%20Serv
er.html http://www.steampowered.com/plat ... cated%20Server.html

http://www.steampowered.com/plat ... 20Fortress%20Classi
c.html http://www.steampowered.com/plat ... Counter-Strike.html

Steam Issues:
Q: Can I use Steam with a modem?
A: Yes, steam will work for modem users.

Q: Is WON going away?
A: Yes, once we have completed the rollover we will slowly remove parts of the WON system as they become obsolete.

Q: Has the net code been changed since the beta?
A: No, apart from small bug fixes.

Q: Will my existing 3rd party programs work (i.e Admin Mod, CDeath, ...).
A: In general yes, all existing 3rd party programs can still work under Steam. The individual authors of each program will need to inform their users of any install directory or configuration changes.

Q: Do I need to alter my firewall setup?
A: Steam requires some extra ports to be opened for outgoing access, read this page for details:

http://www.steampowered.com/inde ... 505,27362300,105091

Q: What happens to my current banlist?
A: Everyone will be getting assigned a new Steam ID and it will not be possible to convert old banlists.

- Alfred (HLDS mailing list)
发表于 2003-9-10 18:33:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–温州

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发表于 2003-9-10 19:18:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩

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发表于 2003-9-10 19:28:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广西–贵港

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