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[下载] 1.6服务器端

匿名  发表于 2003-9-11 15:51:54 |阅读模式 来自 Invalid
Dedicated Installer links released
Posted By Milenko :Sep 10, 2003, 21:13
»  »

The dedicated server has been released for CS 1.6
Official: ftp://hlserver:hlserver@ftp.valvesoftware.com/
匿名  发表于 2003-9-11 15:54:51 来自 Invalid
Half-Life Dedicated Server (Steam) Update Tool (Windows)

HldsUpdateTool is an application that will update an existing Half-Life Dedicated Server installation to the latest version or will download the latest version (from scratch) if an existing version is not found. To save time/bandwidth downloading files, it's better to install HldsUpdateTool into the root folder of an existing Half-Life Dedicated Server installation.


1) Creating an Account

Get your Steam account username and password from an existing Steam account or use the Steam tool to create a new account. Your dedicated server should have its own username and password (separate from any client accounts you might have). Only create an account if you do not have an existing account (for your dedicated server) in Steam. The username field MUST be a valid email address.

To create an account:

        a) Open a DOS prompt.

        b) Change to the directory where the HLDS Update Tool is installed.

        c) Run the HLDS Update Tool with "-create":

                >HldsUpdateTool.exe -create <username> <password> <question> <answer>

                >HldsUpdateTool.exe -create email@here.com comPlexPass "Your hint" "answer"

        d) If the account is created successfully, you'll see the following output:

                Checking bootstrapper version ...
                Creating Account
                Account Created successfully

        e) Be sure to record your username, password, question, and answer for future reference.

2) Getting the latest version of the Dedicated Server

To download the latest version of the dedicated server to your machine:

        a) Open a DOS prompt.

        b) Change to the directory where the HLDS Update Tool is installed.

        c) Run the HLDS Update Tool with "-update":

                >HldsUpdateTool.exe -update <game> <installdir> <username> [<password> [Y]]

                <game>                "cstrike", "dmc", "dod", "ricochet", "tfc", or "valve"

                <installdir>         is the path where you want the files installed
                                        e.g. . (for the current directory) or c:\hlserver

                <username>                Steam account username

                <password>                Steam account password

                [Y]                        (optional) means save your password so you don't have to use it later

                >HldsUpdateTool.exe -update cstrike . email@here.com comPlexPass Y


                >HldsUpdateTool.exe -update cstrike c:\hlserver email@here.com comPlexPass Y

        d) Steam remembers the options you use, so when you need to update next time you only need to run:

                >HldsUpdateTool.exe -update <game>

        e) You can also install multiple copies of the server by specifying a different <installdir>.

3) Updating your Dedicated Server

If your dedicated server becomes out-of-date you will see the following message in your server console and in the server log:

        "Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update."

To update, stop your dedicated server and run the update commands described in Section 2 (above).

About Steam
Steam is a broadband business platform for direct software delivery and content management. At its core, Steam is a distributed file system and shared set of technology components that can be implemented into any software application.

Valve respects the privacy of its users. The details of our privacy policy can be viewed at:


1) Q: No one is connecting to my server/I get errors when I try to connect to my server.

   A: Run the HLDS Update Tool with the "-update" command to make sure you have the most recent version.

2) Q: When I first run the HldsUpdateTool I see a message about "Could not create file: Permission denied".  What's wrong?

   A: The HldsUpdateTool has the ability to auto-update itself, but to do this it must be able to overwrite itself. Make sure the Windows user you're logged-in as has permission to overwrite the "HldsUpdateTool" executable.

3) Q: Where can I get help?

   A: Join the Steampowered forums or one of the Valve Server Admin Mailing lists:


匿名  发表于 2003-9-11 16:14:18 来自 Invalid


发表于 2003-9-11 17:13:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–甘肃–金昌

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发表于 2003-9-11 17:19:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–温州

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匿名  发表于 2003-9-11 18:12:14 来自 Invalid

奇怪,下载的说明还是Counter-Strike 1.5 Manual

发表于 2003-9-11 19:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–温州

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匿名  发表于 2003-9-11 19:47:22 来自 Invalid
310 MB (325,642,697 字节)

发表于 2003-9-11 20:24:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩

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